Working on Ada
Table of contents
1. IDRIS users' manual
- See: for ada : computing server
- See: for adapp : pre-post-treatment
- See: for ergon : file server
2. Commands to manage jobs on ada
- The job's time limit is measured in real time, for example 1 hour on 32 procs accounts for 32 hours. Be careful not to have too much time on 1 processor.
- llsubmit --> submit a job
- llcancel --> cancel a job
- llq -u login --> indicates all jobs in the queue or running for the login login
- Trick: parameterize the llq display to see the job names
llq -u $(whoami) -f %jn %id %st %c %dq %h -W
- Post-mortem : idrjar , idrjar -l -j #jobid#, to obtain detailed information: memory, real time, efficiency,...
- Example of idrjar output :
ada > idrjar |----------------------------------------------| |--- IDRIS/CNRS. Version du 18 mars 2015 ---| |----------------------------------------------| Sorties concernant l'identifiant rpslxxx pour la période du ==> 01 juin 2013 au 19 juin 2013 Owner Job Name JobId Queue tEse tCpu #T (%) S ------- ----------- --------------- ----- ---- ------ --- ------- - rpslxxx ADA337 ada338.290170.0 c32t2 133 1232 32 28.95 C rpslxxx ADA337 ada338.290333.0 c32t2 5425 165141 32 95.13 C rpslxxx PACKDEBUG ada338.290610.0 t2 11 2 1 18.18 C rpslxxx ADA337 ada338.290438.0 c32t2 5471 166878 32 95.32 C rpslxxx PACKRESTART ada338.290611.0 t2 182 25 1 13.74 C rpslxxx REBUILDWRK ada338.290612.0 t2 1577 503 1 31.90 C rpslxxx PACKOUTPUT ada338.290730.0 t2 114 43 1 37.72 C
3. Example of a job to start an executable in MPI
Here is an example of a simple job to start an executable orchidee_ol (or gcm.e commented). The input files and the executable must be in the directory before starting the executable.
#!/bin/ksh # ###################### # ## ADA IDRIS ## # ###################### # Query's name # @ job_name = test # Job type # @ job_type = parallel # Standard output file # @ output = Script_Output_test.$(jobid) # Error output file (the same) # @ error = Script_Output_test.$(jobid) # Number of requested processes # @ total_tasks = 8 # max. CPU time per MPI process hh:mm:ss # @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00 # Number of task OpenMP/pthreads per MPI process ### @ parallel_threads = 4 # End of header # @ queue poe ./orchidee_ol #poe ./gcm.e
4. Information on Ergon files from Adapp
Ergon files are visible from Adapp. Use $ARCHIVE to reach Ergon files on Adapp. $ARCHIVE is /arch/home/rech/lab/plabxxx on Adapp. All Unix command are available on Adapp to provides information on Ergon files.
5. Job Header for MPI - MPI/OMP with libIGCM
5.1. Forced model
5.1.1. MPI
To launch a job on XXX MPI tasks, you need to use libIGCM/ins_job script. Check your header. It should be :
#!/bin/ksh # ###################### # ## ADA IDRIS ## # ###################### # Job name # @ job_name = MyJob # Job type # @ job_type = parallel # Standard output file name # @ output = Script_Output_MyJob.000001 # Error output file name # @ error = Script_Output_MyJob.000001 # Total number of tasks # @ total_tasks = XXX # @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=XXX" # Maximum CPU time per task hh:mm:ss # @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00 # End of the header options # @ queue
5.1.2. hybrid MPI-OMP
Hybrid version are only available with _v6 configurations
To launch a job on XXX MPI tasks and YYY threads OMP on each task
- first you need to modify your config.card
ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, XXXMPI, YYYOMP)
- second you need to use libIGCM/ins_job script. Check your header. It should be :
#!/bin/ksh # ###################### # ## ADA IDRIS ## # ###################### # Job name # @ job_name = MyJob # Job type # @ job_type = parallel # Standard output file name # @ output = Script_Output_MyJob.000001 # Error output file name # @ error = Script_Output_MyJob.000001 # Total number of tasks # @ total_tasks = XXX # @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=XXX*YYY" # Maximum CPU time per task hh:mm:ss # @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00 # Specific option for OpenMP parallelization: Number of OpenMP threads per MPI task # @ parallel_threads = YYY # End of the header options # @ queue
5.2. Coupled model
5.2.1. MPI
To launch a job on XXX (32) MPI tasks. 5 for NEMO, 1 for oasis and 26 MPI tasks for LMDZ by default for IPSLCM5A, you need to use libIGCM/ins_job script. Check your header. It should be :
#!/bin/ksh # ###################### # ## ADA IDRIS ## # ###################### # Job name # @ job_name = MyCoupledJob # Job type # @ job_type = parallel # Standard output file name # @ output = Script_Output_MyCoupledJob.000001 # Error output file name # @ error = Script_Output_MyCoupledJob.000001 # Total number of tasks # @ total_tasks = 32 # @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=32" # Maximum CPU time per task hh:mm:ss # @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00 # End of the header options # @ queue
5.2.2. hybrid MPI-OMP
Hybrid version are only available with _v6 configurations
To launch a job on XXX (47) MPI tasks and YYY (8) threads OMP for LMDZ, ZZZ (180) MPI tasks for NEMO and SSS (1) XIOS servers :
- first you need to modify your config.card. On ada, this is working for IPSLCM6 and _v6 configurations :
ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, 47MPI, 8OMP) SRF= ("" ,"" ) SBG= ("" ,"" ) OCE= (opa, opa.xx , 180MPI) ICE= ("" ,"" ) MBG= ("" ,"" ) CPL= ("", "" ) IOS= (xios_server.exe, xios.x, 1MPI)
- second you need to use libIGCM/ins_job -m Intel script. Check your header. It should be :
#!/bin/ksh # ###################### # ## ADA IDRIS ## # ###################### # Job name # @ job_name = MyCoupledJob # Standard output file name # @ output = Script_Output_MyCoupledJob.000001 # Error output file name # @ error = Script_Output_MyCoupledJob.000001 # Job type # @ job_type = mpich # Total number of tasks # @ node = 18 # Specific option for OpenMP parallelization: Number of OpenMP threads per MPI task # Memory : as_limit=3.5gb max per process per core. With 4 threads per process use max as_limit=14gb # Maximum CPU time per task hh:mm:ss # @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00 # @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=228" ; wall_clock_limit=$(wall_clock_limit) # End of the header options # @ queue
Note : an authorization is required. Please ask
Note : Intel environment 2016.2 is forced by libIGCM since libIGCM v2.8 during execution
Note : this is working with all compiler.
6. Specificities libIGCM on Ada
At IDRIS and for Ada, output files are 'packed' using libIGCM_v2, i.e. they are grouped by periods (in general 1 year) using the command tar or ncrcat for NetCDF output files.
This option implies that files must be temporarily stored on the $WORKDIR space, which means that a large storage is needed (at least 20 To).
The diagram below details all jobs including pack_debug, pack_restart and pack_output as well as the directories those jobs are using. Note that the files are temporarily stored in the $WORKDIR/IGCM_OUT directories before being grouped and sent on Ergon in the IGCM_OUT directories.
You will obtain annual output files with 12 monthly values in the Output/MO directory if you put PeriodLength=1M and PackFrequency=1Y in config.card. This is the default grouping period of most configurations but you can of course change it.
What you must remember:
- The tool RunChecker.job is meant to help you monitoring your simulations. It offers a synthetic view of the different post processing jobs' status.
- The tool clean_latestPackperiod.job is meant to help you clean until the last successfully computed pack period.
- If you detect anomalies and must rerun part of the simulation, you will have to make new complete pack periods (e.g. filling a gap by running 1 month of simulation is out of the question).
- The restart files are stored and grouped on Ergon in the directory IGCM_OUT/.../RESTART
- The different output text-files are stored and grouped on Ergon in the directory IGCM_OUT/.../DEBUG
- The listings for pack-jobs outputs stay on Ada in the directory $WORKDIR/IGCM_OUT/.../Out
- If you put the SpaceName=TESTparameter in config.card the pack jobs will not be started and your simulation will be stored in the WORKDIR/IGCM_OUT directory. This can be very useful for short tests.
To learn more about this Section, you can read the documentation on Simulation and post-processing and on Monitor, debug and relaunching.
Finally, in case of panic, visit us or send your questions to the list platform-users.
7. Specificities for Adapp
- Adapp is dedicated to pre and post-treatment.
- Note that Ergon files are visible in read only mode through $ARCHIVE.
- you can use idrls to know the status of a file stored on ergon. See idrls -?. m means migrated on tape only, - means on disk.
cd $ARCHIVE idrls IGCM/RESTART/IPSLCM6/DEVT/piControl/O1T03V14/*/Restart/* M ACCESS L USER GROUP SIZE MOD_DATE ACC_DATE EXP_DATE FILE_NAME = ========== = ======== ===== ============ ========== ========== ========== ========= - -rwxrwxr-x 1 rpslxxx psl 218188352 09.06.2015 22.01.2016 22.01.2017 IGCM/RESTART/IPSLCM6/DEVT/piControl/O1T03V14/ICE/Restart/ m -rwxrwxr-x 1 rpslxxx psl 1411362796 09.06.2015 22.01.2016 22.01.2017 IGCM/RESTART/IPSLCM6/DEVT/piControl/O1T03V14/OCE/Restart/
- you can use idrls to know the status of a file stored on ergon. See idrls -?. m means migrated on tape only, - means on disk.
- Use largely Adapp for analyses and interactive work
- Adapp is free of charge
7.1. IDRIS users' manual for adapp
- See: for adapp : pre-post-treatment
7.2. Header for adapp job
A post-treatment jobs includes these header lines :
# @ job_type = serial # @ requirements = (Feature == "prepost")
Attachments (3)
- libIGCM_options.jpg (108.6 KB) - added by trac 11 years ago.
- libIGCM_pack.jpg (81.2 KB) - added by mafoipsl 9 years ago.
- IDRIS-pack.ppt (185.0 KB) - added by mafoipsl 9 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip