
Version 53 (modified by acosce, 8 years ago) (diff)


IPSL Training courses

Training courses in modipsl and libIGCM

The platform group at IPSL climate Center gives 2 different one-day training courses in how to use the IPSL models and the tools necessary. Both courses are given in English. In general the morning is dedicated to lecture and the afternoon to hands on exercises. The courses are given at Maison de la Simulation or at IDRIS in a classroom equipped by computers used during the hands on sessions. See below the description, presentation and exercises of the latest training courses. This material is updated before each new course.

1- Basic training course to learn how to use modipsl and libIGCM. This course is for beginners and for people who want to refresh their memory.
Download the presentation here : Training_Course1_201611.pdf.
See here details for the program : program_for_basic_training_session.pdf

2- Advanced training course : the second course is for users with some experience with modipsl/libIGCM. This course is also recommended for everybody that followed the Basic training course. You'll learn about post-treatment, see how to best follow a simulation, repair errors, verify and redo post-treatment, and more.
Download the presentation here : Training_Course2_201611.pdf.
See here details for the program : program_for_advanced_training_session.pdf

-- Hands on exercises : The exercises are done at temporary training account at ada IDRIS but most of the exercises can also be done at TGCC(curie) or LSCE(obelix). Download the hands on exercises here : Training_exercises_nov2016.pdf. See the answers to questions here: Answers_training_execises_oct2015.pdf

Inscription in advance to the courses are needed. This is necessary to have entrance access at IDRIS or at "Maison de la simulation" where the courses are given. For inscription you need to indicate your login at TGCC/IDRIS or LSCE(obelix), your nationality and who is your employer.

How to get to IDRIS
See details here

How to go to Maison de la Simulation
If you're used to go to LSCE, continue with the bus or navette CEA one stop later and walk for 5-10 minutes. See details here

Next training session

The training course in running environment of IPSL models will be given 22th and 23th of November 2016 at IDRIS in Orsay (91). The full 2-day course or parts can be attained.

Day 1- 22th of November, 9:15-17:30 : Basic training session to learn how to use modipsl and libIGCM. This day is for beginners and for people who want to refresh their memory. The session contains lecture and hands on session.

Day 2- 23th of November, 9:15-17:30 : Advanced training session : for users with some experience with modipsl/libIGCM. You'll see how to best follow a simulation, repair errors, verify and redo post-treatment, and more... This training is recommended for those running cmip simulation, and it's open and recommanded to people who have done the "basic training" and have already a little experience with these tools.

Additional information :

  • The course will be held at IDRIS in Orsay. See here how to go there
  • The course will be held in English
  • The hands on sessions will be done on the IDRIS training computers. (login/passwd will be provided during the training)
  • Please send by email your inscription before 10th of November to Anne Cozic with following information :
    • which days you want to follow (the first, the second, or both)
    • your nationality
    • your expectation about the course (specific questions,...)
  • Bring your ID card or passport both course days to enter the IDRIS building. To be allowed to the enter the building you must make the inscription in advance.

Older training sessions

  • 20'th and 21'th of October 2015 : basic and advanced
  • 4'th and 5'th of November 2014 : basic and advanced
  • 21'th and 22'nd of May 2014 : basic and advanced courses 1 and 2
  • 5'th and 14'th of November 2013 : basic and advanced courses 1 and 2
  • 17'th and 18'th of April 2013 : basic course 1
  • October 2012 : basic course 1


Have you just started your PhD and do you easily get lost in front of a terminal? Would you like to learn core tools and become more productive in your research?

In a daily-based climate science work, there exists a wide range of tools used to simplify scientific work. They are well known by the community, but might be not at all for a beginning PhD student. At the same time, supervisors do not usually have time to introduce them to their students ...

The `IPSL Boot camp' pretends to amend this issue. The course will provide a first approach to a bunch of well known and useful tools such as: NetCDF tools (nco, cdo, ncdump...), Python, Ferret, Unix commands, Bash and Shell scripts, Vi and Emacs, Version control (Svn) ... to any one who has never known about them.

A small group of IPSL researchers and engineers will provide a first touch to anyone within the IPSL who might require it. Short tutorials, practical exercises and live coding are the main ingredients of this very first introductory sessions of core tools that can simplify your research work.

Last training session 24 of March 2016

Attachments (24)