Simulations PMIP IPSL
Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project
Persons in charge: Masa Kageyama, Pascale Braconnot , Myriam Khodri
Persons doing the runs: Pascale (midHolocene, lig127k), Myriam Khodri (past1000), Masa (lgm), Ning Tan (midPliocene-eoi400), Jean-Yves Peterschmitt
All simulations but past1000 are equilibrium runs: the simulations will be run to stable state, the last 100 to few hundred years will be processed and sent to ESGF. Past1000: a single 1150 years (850-2000), after a short stabilisation run with 850 conditions ( a few hundred years). All PMIP4-CMIP6 simulations are Tier 1.
Planned timing of the simulations: past1000, midHolocene, lig127k can be started as soon as model version is frozen, lgm and midPliocene-eoi400 require more time for their set up but should start asap. The aim is to get our first results out for the PMIP conference at the end of September. See for more details
Sous-imputation TGCC : pmicmip6
Avec IPSLCM6.1
Page du modèle : IPSLCM6/IPSL-CM6A-LR
Simulations :
Tier 1 : past1000 | midHolocene | lgm | lig127k | midPliocene-eoi400
Other : piControl
Num | Priorité | Nom | Dépendances | Personne | Description | Restart | Forcages | Page d'information Hermes pour retrouver les infos : mise en place, sorties sur curie, etc ... |
Num | Priorité | Nom | Dépendances | Personne | Description | Restart | Forcages | Page d'information Hermes pour retrouver les infos : mise en place, sorties sur curie, etc ... |
1 | H | CM61H6K00 | piControl | Pascale | midHolocene spinup - même état initial que 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2 | CM61-LR-pi-03 18691231 | comme piControl sauf R_ecc, R_peri, R_incl et GHG | |
2 | H | CM61LIG127K00 | piControl | Pascale | lig127k spinup - même état initial que 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, CM61H6K00 | CM61-LR-pi-03 18691231 | comme piControl sauf R_ecc, R_peri, R_incl et GHG |