
Short Description of CMIP5 Experiments

Table 3 : Baseline simulations for model evaluation and for understanding historical and paleoclimates.

Exp 3.1

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
pre-industrial control (1800-) piControl 3.1 core > 500 Coupled atmosphere/ocean pre-industrial control run. Prescribed atmospheric concentrations of (i) all well-mixed gases (including CO2) (ii) some short-lived (reactive) species. Prescribed non-evolving emissions or concentrations of (i) natural aerosols or their precursors (ii) some short-lived (reactive) species. Unperturbed land use.

Exp 3.2

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
historical (1850-2005) historical 3.2 core 156 simulation of recent past (1850-2005) Impose changing conditions (consistent with observations), which may include: (i) atmospheric composition (including CO2), due to both anthropogenic and volcanic influences (ii) solar forcing (iii) emissions or concentrations of short-lived species and natural and anthropogenic aerosols or their precursors (iv) land use

Exp 3.3

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
AMIP (1979-2009) amip 3.3 core > 30 AMIP (1979- at least 2008) Impose SSTs & sea ice (from observations), but with other conditions (including CO2 concentrations and aerosols) as in expt. 3.2. See expt. 6.5 for further recommendations from CFMIP.

Exp 3.4

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
mid-Holocene midHolocene 3.4 tier 1 > 100 impose Mid-Holocene conditions, consistent with PMIP

Exp 3.5

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
last glacial minimum lgm 3.5 tier 1 > 100 impose last glacial maximum conditions, consistent with PMIP

Exp 3.6

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
last millenium past1000 3.6 tier 2 1000 impose forcing for 850-1850, consistent with PMIP

Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations.

Exp 4.1

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) rcp45 4.1core 95 RCP4.5 (2006-2100)

Exp 4.2

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) rcp85 4.2core 95 RCP8.5 (2006-2100)

Exp 4.3

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) rcp26 4.3tier 1 95 RCP2.6 (2006-2100)

Exp 4.4

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Nb of year Short description
RCP 6.0 (2006-2100) rcp69 4.4tier 1 95 RCP6.0 (2006-2100)

Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only

Exp 5.1

Exp Nb Short Name Experiment Short description Nb of year Tier
5.1 esmControl ESM pre-industrial control as in experiment 3.1, but emissions-forced (with atmospheric CO2 determined by model) 250 core

Exp 5.2

Exp Nb Short Name Experiment Short description Nb of year Tier
5.2 esmHistorical ESM historical as in experiment 3.2, but emissions-forced (with atmospheric CO2 determined by model) 156 core

Exp 5.3

Exp Nb Short Name Experiment Short description Nb of year Tier
5.3 esmrcp85 ESM RCP8.5 as in experiment 4.2, but emissions-forced (with atmospheric CO2 determined by model) 95 core

Exp 5.4-1

Exp Nb Short Name Experiment Short description Nb of year Tier
5.4-1 esmFixClim1 ESM fixed climate 1 radiation code "sees" control CO2, but carbon cycle sees 1%/yr rise 140 1

Exp 5.4-2

Exp Nb Short Name Experiment Short description Nb of year Tier
5.4-2 esmFixClim2 ESM fixed climate 2 radiation code "sees" control CO2, but carbon cycle sees historical followed by RCP4.5 rise in CO2 251 1

Exp 5.5-1

Exp Nb Short Name Experiment Short description Nb of year Tier
5.5-1 esmFdbk1 ESM feedback 1 carbon cycle "sees" control CO2, but radiation sees 1%/yr rise 140 2

Exp 5.5-2

Exp Nb Short Name Experiment Short description Nb of year Tier
5.5-2 esmFdbk2 ESM feedback 2 carbon cycle "sees" control CO2, but radiation sees historical followed by RCP4.5 rise in CO2 251 2
Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on 01/10/12 11:12:35