Working Documents
- (2022/04/20) 2 different notebooks are useful : Data_viewer and Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn
- Data_viewer: To easily see a dataset. Interactive mode in order to change different variable at different time.
- Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn: The 3 datasets (transcom, bouwman, piscidee=Pisces+orchidee) are loaded. Difference are computed (with Bouwman as a reference). Plots are made per month with same scale. Then, a seasonal analysis is done, calculating means/min/max of each dataset per month/year/season.
- (2022/05/23) compare three inventories by total emissions and repatition.
- Budget_inventories: Using the output of Incasflx with the three inventories, different sums/computations/plots given percentages and charts per land and ocean, plots per latitude bands, per hemisphere of these emissions...
- (2022/06/15) notebooks to construct charts from CEDS emissions --supplementary data mainly--
- CEDS_charts_supllementary_data_N2O and Charts_N2O_CEDS : Notebooks to reconstruct charts in the article of McDuffie? 'A global anthropogenic emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants' (same notebooks exist with NH3 charts). It uses the emissions of N2O distributed per category (Agriculture, Energy, Industrial, Transportation, Residential, Commercial, Other, Solvents production and application, Waste, International Shipping)
- (2022/08/04) 2 notebooks created: in relation with CEDS emissions.
- work_on_data_to_complete_sectors_with_unknows_categories : Notebook in order to better understand repartition of subcategories that are not in CEDS emissions files and grouped in sectors.
- Transform_2000nc_from1970_to1999_via_CEDScsv : To reconstruct geographical emissions from 1970 to 1999 from 2000's emissions and with a ratio computed thanks to csv's data. Need to use obelix' script home/users/klaurent/CEDS_transform/ after this notebook (delete _FillValue mainly).
- (2022/09/21) Notebooks with inventories by country (CEDS and EDGAR csv files).
- work_on_data_by_sector_country.ipynb: uses CEDS emissions organized by countries and sectors.
- work_on_minx_data.ipynb: uses Minx emissions (EDGAR) organized by countries. No NC file created, only csv. See StepBeforeTransform? to transform data in nc file.
- Comparison_EDGAR_CEDS.ipynb: easily, comparison of the two inventories. Sees some weird emissions per country.
- work_on_data_by_sector_country-repartitionEDGAR.ipynb: same as the one with an equivalent name but using repartition of EDGAR inventory for regions.
- Transform_country_csv_to_nc_1970_2019.ipynb: same as the one with an equivalent name but with computation of a regional and sectorial factor.
- StepBeforeTransform_create_data_df_ncfile_for_edgar_repartition.ipynb: using EDGAR regional repartition, create regional mask and emissions dataframe in order to transform them into ncfile. (roughly same as work_on_dataXXX)
- (2022/10/18) Notebooks to reconstruct emissions from 1850 to 1970
- create_proxy_n2o_via_nmvoc.ipynb: using NMVOC data, reconstruction of a csv files with emissions per country from 1850 to 1969. Also, reconstruction without RCO sector (in order to begin more around 0 Tg/Yr? in 1850).
- Transform_proxy.ipynb
- (2022/12/13) Reconstructions of anthropogenic emissions
- Proxy_RegLin_reconstruction_preindustriel.ipynb: With NMVOC emissions from pre industrial, analyses evolution and correlation between NMVOC and N2O. (not very useful except to have dataframe for the next step)
- compare_ant_emissions.ipynb: Different methods are used to reconstruct nc files for N2O emissions. This notebook served to visualisation of global emissions.
- check_coeff_reconstruction_proxy.ipynb: with different method of reconstruction, result are different, this notebook explore coefficient used to reduce emissions for pre industrial period and after (coeff only per region and coeff per region and sector).
- (2023/03/29) Box and pulse models
- box_emissions_model.ipynb: little box model to compute concentration with given emissions and inverted model. Different test are used (change lifetime, change beginning, change emissions profiles, add synthetics emissions from 1750,...)
- box_emissions_model-ComparisonsNMIP2.ipynb: box model and inverted model used with NMIP2 emissions. Comparison with NMIP emissions.
- box_emissions_DifferentModels.ipynb: Pulse and box models with same experiments as the first one + variable lifetime
- (2023/06/02) Comparison with HEMCO datasets
- Proxy_reconstruction_with_soilEmissions.ipynb: using NMVOC emissions from pre industrial, reconstruction of N2O anthropogenic emissions with soil Emissions subcategory.
- compare_ceds_hemco_emissions.ipynb: Comparison of datasets (hemco and mine). Different styles of plot (linear, sectorial, stacked, horizontal bars,...)
- (2025/02/13) updates !
- explore_pi250ppb_vs_pi340ppb.ipynb: Comparison between two long runs (moved on surface5); usual diagnostics, profiles, ratios and some tests...
- compare_cedsNEW_hemco_emissions.ipynb: Take new files from HEMCO inventory for anthropogenic emissions. Final images ok.
- boxmodel_EasyToUse.ipynb: Gives emissions and obtain concentrations. Some computation made comparing surface concentration and atmospheric concentration; plot of acccumalted emissions, convergence of concentration + inverse model.
- 2025-emissions_nmip2_piscesIPSL.ipynb: Notebook with "new" emissions from IPSL models. Accumulated emissions plot and not accumalted one.
Soon erased:
- parallel, box_emissions_nmip2_begin_with_slope.ipynb, diag_lft,
Emissions files:
- Bouwman : 360x180, created in 1999, Flux of agr waste burning, biofuel, biomass burning, deforestation, excreta, fossil fuel, industry, ocean, aquatic, soil
- Transcom : 360x180, created in 2015, total flux of N2O from OCN, PISCES and EDGAR, ACTUAL PERIOD
- Pisces PiControl? (, 362x294 (irregular grid), created in 2018, pre-industrial total flux of N2O for ocean.
- Orchidee (, 720x360, created in 2022, total flux of N2O for land surfaces, from 1850 to 2020.
- Pisces Historical (, 362x294 (irregular grid), actual period total flux of N2O for ocean.
- CEDS emissions from McDuffie/Hoesly?
- EDGAR emissions from Minx
- New orchidee file (, called NMIP2), 720x360, created in 2022, total flux of N2O for land surfaces, from 1850 to 2020
+ on Irene:
- on workdir:
- scripts_nco/prepare_N2OLOSS.job: will compute N2O total loss, N2O photolyse loss, N2O o1d loss and N2O burden. This file creates some nc file on scratch directory (in Loss_files) and some txt file in place.
- scripts_nco/complete_diag_sequentiel.job: same as prepare_N2OLOSS.job but with outputs of phtrate and o1d values.
- scripts_nco/prepare_complete_diag.job: same as previous one but with parallel call.
- scripts_nco/prepare_oldpht_complete_diag.job: same as previous one but with old value for phtrate (independent of time).
- scripts/nco/prepare_N2OLOSS_with_AIRMASS.job: Compute diagnostics with airmass value; outputs are losstot, burden and lifetime.
- scripts_nco/prepare_N2OLOSS_woAIRMASS.job: Compute diagnostics with inv and vmr data; outputs are losstot, burden and lifetime.
- scripts_nco/tropo_N2OLOSS.job: same as previous one but with computation only on troposphere.
- on workdir: scripts_ferret: some scripts to draw more or less beautiful pictures. (no more use because of use of python files)
- on workdir: (python scripts) - if needed, file scripts_prather/launch_python_script.job to launch job instead of interactive run -
- scripts_prather/
- scripts_prather/
- scripts_prather/
- scripts_prather/
- on store/sflx_outputs_N2O:
- just change header with value and input/output names to create sflx_lmdz_MAP_reduce{value}_*.nc
- path to simulation directory (on work-gen2201-cont003):
- with Orchidee_Quest: ESM2025/modipsl/config/LMDZORINCA_v6
- with Orchidee_3: ESM2025/modipsl_v6.3/config/LMDZORINCA_v6 (now tar on store/sauvegardes/modipsl_v6.3_last_before_erase.tar), then modipsl_photos (tar on store/sauvegardes/modipsl_photos.tar) then modipsl_fluxBBG
- with Maureen's Code: extract_Maureen/modipsl/config/LMDZORINCA_v6, now tar on store/sauvegardes/Maureen_version.tar
+ on Ciclad/Spirit?:
- bash script to create sflx_lmdz_ANT for irene (source code in ANT/McDuffie). The creation is made on datadir.
- Different repositories to construct sflx files:
- BBG: biomass burning
- ANT: anthropogenic emissions. Divided into 3 repositories:
- McDuffie?: initial repositories
- 1750-2014: Read emissions files divided according to years.
+ on Obelix:
- CEDS_transform/ and final step on nc files while transforming excel data into nc files.
- Interpol_With_rmp.ipynb: Notebook of O. Marti that transform eORCA1 grid into regular one (144x142 here).
- Ciclad_N2O_values.ipynb: Notebook to quickly see evolution of BBG and ANT emissions, needs a grep command on Ciclad and file transfer to Obelix.
- script corresponding to the notebook Transform_country_csv_to_nc_1970_2019.ipynb for preindustrial period.
- Different repositories to construct sflx files:
- NAT: initial repository
- NAT_land_ocean: dispatch natural emissions from continental or oceanic or miscelleanous emisions (misc especially for so2 and volcanoes).
- NAT_loop: no more 12 time values but read multi year.
- NATnobio: multi year and oceanic natural emissions
- NAT_loop_land_oce: Read multi year with dispatch of natural emissions.
Last modified 9 days ago
Last modified on 02/13/25 16:48:26