
All about preindustrial runs

Name of the simulation: piC.map4.ipsl, meaning "preindustrial run, with adjustment of emissions of 4 TgN2O/yr, with natural emissions from IPSL models".

UPDATE: This simulation seems to be wrong due to some boundaries conditions in lmdz.card.

Set in lmdz.card:

  • configType = annual (rather than preind)
  • files CO2.txt, N2O.txt, CFC11.txt, CFC12.txt and CH4.txt present so it reads values on them (and not fixed to preindustrial values)
  • solaire parameter fixed to 0.0 (no right defaut value in config.def_*)

Set in orchidee.card:

  • file CO2.txt so lmdz reads concentration value on it (rather than fixed preindustrial value)


Initial State

Which files are used? and where do they come from?


  • /ccc/store/cont003/gen2201/laurentk/sflx_outputs_N2O/ natural land and ocean emissions, from Orchidee and Nemo/Pisces? models, transformed with IncaFlx?.
  • /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen2201/laurentk/sflx_outputs_N2O/BBG/ biomass burning emissions, from CEDS inventory, transformed with IncaFlx?.
  • /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen2201/laurentk/sflx_outputs_N2O/ANT/ anthropogenic emissions, reconstructed with CEDS inventory, transformed with IncaFlx?.
  • /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen2201/laurentk/OXIDANTS/ oxidant from a CMIP6 simulation, transformed with Boucher's script.


  • From Orchidee v3 model.
  • Named fN2O
  • mean of the 20 first years of the file.
  • Output of IncaFlx? on obelix.


  • From Nemo/Pisces? v3.6
  • spin-up named spinup.piscesOFFLINE
  • mean of the 60 last years, ended in 1834 while run starts in 1660.
  • Output of IncaFlx? on obelix.

Comparison to CNRM file (named Only 12 values each (one per month)

N2Oflx (TgN2O/yr) CNRM IPSL
jan 3.76 3.78
ave 3.76 4.00


  • reconstructed from CMIP6 simulation and script of O. Boucher


  • Overrule yes
  • taken from fbbg.321ppb, year 1900 (it's a simulation which has run 50 years).
  • rescaling made with NCO commands to rescale from 320.4 to 263.718 ppb. This value corresponds to the average atmospheric concentration of the run fbbg.321ppb, year 1900 and the target value of preindustrial era (273ppb at the surface, then 273*0.966 for the average concentration).


  • Inputs emissions (values from sflx_lmdz_* different than emin2o from Output/MO/*
jan 18.577
fev 17.423
mar 15.654
avr 14.965
mai 17.723
juin 23.431
juil 28.111
aout 27.421
sept 22.785
oct 18.707
nov 17.392
dec 18.007
mean 20.016
emin2o 19.964

after emissions adjustment (in TgN2O/yr):

daily monthly
15,867 15,867 via mois par mois
15,8467 just mean
  • Box model

emissions cibles (TgN2O/yr) : 15,87

concentration cible (ppb) : 273,02

Only ocean

Last modified 9 days ago Last modified on 02/13/25 14:20:18

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