
svn basic commands

svn help

 $ svn help

Help on a specific command (for example add):

 $ svn help add 

Download saxo

To download saxo in the directory ~/saxo execute (with the appropriate login)

 $ svn checkout svn+ssh:// ~/saxo

Update saxo

To update everything, go to the directory where you installed saxo (for example ~/saxo) and execute

 $ svn update

You can also specify saxo when calling svn update, for example:

 $ svn update ~/saxo

Or you can specify one or several files you want to update

 $ svn update ~/saxo/SRC/clim*

Compare your version with the reference deposit

To compare your version with the reference deposit as it was at the time you download (or updated) saxo, execute:

 $ svn status

To compare your version with the latest version of the reference deposit, execute:

 $ svn status -u

Add a new file

Add a new file to saxo :

 $ svn add file_name

If file_name is not in the working space (here ~/saxo), you must copy it. For example :

 $ cp -p another_directory ~/saxo/

For example, directly

 $ touch aaa create a {{{aaa}}} file
 $ ls -l aaa

-rw-r--r-- 1 smasson lodyc 0 Oct 29 09:59 aaa

 $ svn status check your deposit, {{{aaa}}} file is signaled as unknown

?      aaa

 $ svn add aaa add {{{aaa}}} file to the svn deposit

A         aaa

 $ svn status check that {{{aaa}}} has beed add to the deposit

A      aaa

Create a directory file

 $ svn mkdir directory_name

For example:

 $ svn mkdir AAA create the directory and add it to the svn deposit in one unique command

A         AAA


 $ mkdir AAA create the directory
 $ svn status check your deposit, {{{AAA}}} is signaled as unknown

?      AAA

 $ svn add AAA add it to the svn deposit

A         AAA

Delete an existing file

 $ svn rm --force aaa works for file or directory

Add automatic version number in a file

Edit you file and add somewhere:


Next execute the following svn command:

 $ svn propset svn:keywords Id YOUR_FILE_NAME

Next time you download/update you file, $Id$ will be automatically replaced by the version tag.

Commit your changes

Commit all your changes with one command

 $ svn commit --username YOUR_LOGIN --message "A SHORT DESCRIPTION" ~/saxo

or commit your change on one specific file (for example ~/saxo/SRC/aaa)

 $ svn commit --username YOUR_LOGIN --message "A SHORT DESCRIPTION" ~/saxo/SRC/aaa

More info on your version

 $ svn info ~/saxo
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 11/18/09 12:33:41