06/09/06 17:18:59 (18 years ago)

start to modify headers of Obsolete *.pro files for better idldoc output

12 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/fsfzpt.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>fsfzpt(<span class="result"><a href="#_fsfzpt_param_pfs">pfs</a>, <a href="#_fsfzpt_param_pfp">pfp</a></span>)</p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 Ice freezing point 
     111 ================== 
     112  fsfzpt: freezing point of seawater in degrees celsius 
     113       units : salinity        pfs       (ipss-78) 
     114               pressure        pfp      decibars 
     115               temperature     fszfpt   degrees celsius 
     116               freezing pt 
     117        reference : unesco tech. papers in the marine science no 28 1978 
     118               eigth report jpots 
     119               annex 6 freezing point of seawater F.J.Millero pp.29-35 
     120        checkvalue: fsfzpt=-2.588567 deg.c,for s=40.0,p=500 decibars</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/remplit.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>remplit(<span class="result"><a href="#_remplit_param_zinput">zinput</a></span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword_NAN">NAN</a>=<span class="result">NAN</span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword_NITER">NITER</a>=<span class="result">NITER</span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword_BASIQUE">BASIQUE</a>=<span class="result">BASIQUE</span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword_mask">mask</a>=<span class="result">mask</span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword_FILLXDIR">FILLXDIR</a>=<span class="result">FILLXDIR</span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword_FILLYDIR">FILLYDIR</a>=<span class="result">FILLYDIR</span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword_FILLVAL">FILLVAL</a>=<span class="result">FILLVAL</span>, <a href="#_remplit_keyword__extra">_extra</a>=<span class="result">_extra</span>)</p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     111; Extrapole zinout[jpi,jpj] sur les continents en utilisant les 4 
     112; plus proches voisins masques oceaniquement et construit un nouveau 
     113   masque 
     114; contenant l'ancien masque oceanique PLUSles points extrapoles. 
     115; Reitere le processus niter fois. 
     116; C'est pas clair, essayez ! 
     120    /Nan: to fill the point which have the value 
     121    !values.f_nan. Whitout this keyword, these point are not filling 
     122    and stays at !values.f_nan. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/rhon.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>rhon(<span class="result"><a href="#_rhon_param_sn">sn</a>, <a href="#_rhon_param_tn">tn</a></span>, <a href="#_rhon_keyword_INSITU">INSITU</a>=<span class="result">INSITU</span>, <a href="#_rhon_keyword_SIGMA_N">SIGMA_N</a>=<span class="result">SIGMA_N</span>)</p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     111; Calcul de la fonction d'etat (issue de eos.F) 
     113; Creation : 1997 / G. Roullet 
     114; adaptation pour les tableaux z,zt,xyz,xyzt 
     115; par seb. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/COULEURS/palit.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            palit<span class="result">, <a href="#_palit_param_coef">coef</a>, <a href="#_palit_param_red">red</a>, <a href="#_palit_param_green">green</a>, <a href="#_palit_param_blue">blue</a></span></p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110  Eclaircit la palette courante en jouant sur la luminosite 
     112          coef = regle l'attenuation des couleurs 
     113          par defaut divise par 2 la luminosite 
     115  coef = 0.1 pour la QMS papier de l'IPSL convient tres bien</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/binary.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>binary(<span class="result"><a href="#_binary_param_number">number</a></span>)</p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 Name: 
     111   binary 
     112 Purpose: 
     113   Returns the binary representation of a number of any numerical type. 
     114 Argument: 
     115   number   scalar or array of numbers (any numerical type) 
     116 Returns: 
     117   Byte array with binary representation of numbers. 
     118 Examples: 
     119   Binary representation of 11b: 
     120     IDL> print, binary(11b) 
     121     0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 
     122   Binary representation of pi (x86: Little-endian IEEE representation): 
     123     IDL> print, format='(z9.8,5x,4(1x,8i1))', long(!pi,0), binary(!pi) 
     124      40490fdb      01000000 01001001 00001111 11011011 (x86 Linux) 
     125      0fdb4149      00001111 11011011 01000001 01001001 (Alpha OpenVMS) 
     126     IDL> print, format='(8(1x,8i0))', binary(!dpi) 
     127      01000000 00001001 00100001 11111011 01010100 01000100 00101101 00011000 
     128   Some first tests before type double was added: 
     129     print, format='(2a6,4x,2z9.8,4x,8z3.2)', $ 
     130       !version.arch, !version.os, long(!dpi,0,2), byte(!dpi,0,8) 
     131       x86 linux     54442d18 400921fb     18 2d 44 54 fb 21 09 40 
     132     sparc sunos     400921fb 54442d18     40 09 21 fb 54 44 2d 18 
     133     alpha   vms     0fda4149 68c0a221     49 41 da 0f 21 a2 c0 68 
     134     (Beginning with IDL 5.1, Alpha VMS uses IEEE representation as well.) 
     135 Modification history: 
     136    19 Dec 1997  Originally a news posting by David Fanning. 
     137                       (Re: bits from bytes) 
     138    20 Dec 1997  "Complete" rewrite: eliminate loops. 
     139    22 Dec 1997  Bit shift instead of exponentiation, return byte 
     140      array, handle input arrays. 
     141      Think about double and complex types. 
     142    22 Sep 1998  Complete rewrite: reduce every numerical type to 
     143      single bytes. Check that big and little endian machines 
     144      return exactly the same results (if IEEE). 
     145    7 May 2003     Added newish data types, unsigned and long64.  BT</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/bar_plot.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            bar_plot<span class="result">, <a href="#_bar_plot_param_values">values</a></span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_baselines">baselines</a>=<span class="result">baselines</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_colors">colors</a>=<span class="result">colors</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_barnames">barnames</a>=<span class="result">barnames</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_title">title</a>=<span class="result">title</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_xtitle">xtitle</a>=<span class="result">xtitle</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_ytitle">ytitle</a>=<span class="result">ytitle</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_baserange">baserange</a>=<span class="result">baserange</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_barwidth">barwidth</a>=<span class="result">barwidth</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_barspace">barspace</a>=<span class="result">barspace</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_baroffset">baroffset</a>=<span class="result">baroffset</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_outline">outline</a>=<span class="result">outline</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_overplot">overplot</a>=<span class="result">overplot</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_background">background</a>=<span class="result">background</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword_rotate">rotate</a>=<span class="result">rotate</span>, <a href="#_bar_plot_keyword__EXTRA">_EXTRA</a>=<span class="result">_EXTRA</span></p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 PURPOSE: 
     111        Create a bar graph, or overplot on an existing one. 
     113 CATEGORY: 
     114        Graphics. 
     117        BAR_PLOT, Values 
     119 INPUTS: 
     120        Values: A vector containing the values to be represented by the bars. 
     121                Each element in VALUES corresponds to a single bar in the 
     122                output. 
     125   BASELINES:   A vector, the same size as VALUES, that contains the 
     126                base value associated with each bar.  If not specified, 
     127                a base value of zero is used for all bars. 
     129      COLORS:   A vector, the same size as VALUES, containing the color index 
     130                to be used for each bar.  If not specified, the colors are 
     131                selected based on spacing the color indices as widely as 
     132                possible within the available colors (specified by D.N_COLORS). 
     134    BARNAMES:   A string array, containing one string label per bar. 
     135                If the bars are vertical, the labels are placed beneath 
     136                them.  If horizontal (rotated) bars are specified, the labels 
     137                are placed to the left of the bars. 
     139        TITLE:  A string containing the main title to for the bar plot. 
     141        XTITLE: A string containing the title for the X axis. 
     143        YTITLE: A string containing the title for the Y axis. 
     145   BASERANGE:   A floating-point scalar in the range 0.0 to 1.0, that 
     146                determines the fraction of the total available plotting area 
     147                (in the direction perpendicular to the bars) to be used. 
     148                If not specified, the full available area is used. 
     150    BARWIDTH:   A floating-point value that specifies the width of the bars 
     151                in units of "nominal bar width".  The nominal bar width is 
     152                computed so that all the bars (and the space between them, 
     153                set by default to 20% of the width of the bars) will fill the 
     154                available space (optionally controlled with the BASERANGE 
     155                keyword). 
     157    BARSPACE:   A scalar that specifies, in units of "nominal bar width", 
     158                the spacing between bars.  For example, if BARSPACE is 1.0, 
     159                then all bars will have one bar-width of space between them. 
     160                If not specified, the bars are spaced apart by 20% of the bar 
     161                width. 
     163   BAROFFSET:   A scalar that specifies the offset to be applied to the 
     164                first bar, in units of "nominal bar width".  This keyword 
     165                allows, for example, different groups of bars to be overplotted 
     166                on the same graph.  If not specified, the default offset is 
     167                equal to BARSPACE. 
     169     OUTLINE:   If set, this keyword specifies that an outline should be 
     170                drawn around each bar. 
     172    OVERPLOT:   If set, this keyword specifies that the bar plot should be 
     173                overplotted on an existing graph. 
     175  BACKGROUND:   A scalar that specifies the color index to be used for 
     176                the background color.  By default, the normal IDL background 
     177                color is used. 
     179        ROTATE: If set, this keyword indicates that horizontal rather than 
     180                vertical bars should be drawn.  The bases of horizontal bars 
     181                are on the left, "Y" axis and the bars extend to the right. 
     183 OUTPUTS: 
     184        A bar plot is created, or an existing one is overplotted. 
     186 EXAMPLE: 
     187        By using the overplotting capability, it is relatively easy to create 
     188        stacked bar charts, or different groups of bars on the same graph. 
     190        For example, if ARRAY is a two-dimensional array of 5 columns and 8 
     191        rows, it is natural to make a plot with 5 bars, each of which is a 
     192        "stacked" composite of 8 sections.  First, create a 2D COLORS array, 
     193        equal in size to ARRAY, that has identical color index values across 
     194        each row to ensure that the same item is represented by the same color 
     195        in all bars. 
     197        With ARRAYS and COLORS defined, the following code fragment 
     198        illustrates the creation of stacked bars (note that the number of rows 
     199        and columns is arbitrary): 
     201        !Y.RANGE = [0,ymax] ; Scale range to accommodate the total bar lengths. 
     202        BASE = INTARR(NROWS) 
     203        FOR I = 0, NROWS-1 DO BEGIN 
     204           BAR_PLOT, ARRAY(*,I), COLORS=COLORS(*,I), BASELINES=BASE, $ 
     205                     BARWIDTH=0.75, BARSPACE=0.25, OVER=(I GT 0) 
     206           BASE = BASE + ARRAY(*,I) 
     207        ENDFOR 
     209        To plot each row of ARRAY as a clustered group of bars within the same 
     210        graph, use the BASERANGE keyword to restrict the available plotting 
     211        region for each set of bars.  The sample code fragment below 
     212        illustrates this method: 
     214        FOR I = 0, NROWS-1 DO $ 
     215           BAR_PLOT, ARRAY(*,I), COLORS=COLORVECT, BARWIDTH=0.8,BARSPACE=0.2, $ 
     216             BAROFFSET=I*((1.0+BARSPACE)*NCOLS), OVER=(I GT 0), BASERANGE=0.19 
     218        where NCOLS is the number of columns in ARRAY, and COLORVECT is a 
     219        vector containing the color indices to be used for each group of 
     220        bars.  (In this example, each group uses the same set of colors, but 
     221        this could easily be changed.) 
     224        August 1990, T.J. Armitage, RSI, initial programming.  Replacement 
     225        for PLOTBAR and OPLOTBAR routines written by William Thompson. 
     227        September 1990, Steve Richards, RSI, changed defaults to improve the 
     228        appearance of the bar plots in the default mode. Included 
     229        spacing the bars slightly.</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/LABEL/label_date.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>LABEL_DATE(<span class="result"><a href="#_LABEL_DATE_param_axis">axis</a>, <a href="#_LABEL_DATE_param_index">index</a>, <a href="#_LABEL_DATE_param_x">x</a></span>, <a href="#_LABEL_DATE_keyword_DATE_FORMAT">DATE_FORMAT</a>=<span class="result">DATE_FORMAT</span>, <a href="#_LABEL_DATE_keyword_MONTHS">MONTHS</a>=<span class="result">MONTHS</span>, <a href="#_LABEL_DATE_keyword_OFFSET">OFFSET</a>=<span class="result">OFFSET</span>, <a href="#_LABEL_DATE_keyword__EXTRA">_EXTRA</a>=<span class="result">_EXTRA</span>)</p> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 NAME: 
     111        LABEL_DATE 
     113 PURPOSE: 
     114        This function labels axes with dates and times. 
     116 CATEGORY: 
     117        Plotting. 
     120        To set up: 
     121                dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='string') 
     122        To use: 
     123                PLOT, x, y, XTICKFORMAT='LABEL_DATE' 
     125 INPUTS: 
     126        No explicit user defined inputs. When called from the plotting 
     127        routines, the input parameters are (Axis, Index, Value) 
     130        DATE_FORMAT: a format string which may contain the following: 
     131                       %M for month (3 character abbr) 
     132                       %N for month (2 digit abbr) 
     133                       %D for day of month, 
     134                       %Y for 4 digit year. 
     135                       %Z for last two digits of year. 
     136             For time: 
     137                       %H for Hours, 2 digits. 
     138                       %I for mInutes, 2 digits. 
     139                       %S for Seconds, 2 digits. 
     140                       %% is %. 
     141                     Other characters are passed directly thru. 
     142                     For example, '%M %D, %Y' prints DEC 11, 1993 
     143                       '%M %2Y' yields DEC 93 
     144                       '%D-%M' yields 11-DEC 
     145                       '%D/%N/%Y' yields 11/12/1993 
     146                       '%M!C%Y' yields DEC on the top line, 1993 on 
     147                       the bottom (!C is the new line graphic command). 
     149        MONTHS:      The names of the months, a twelve element string array. 
     150                     If omitted, use Jan, Feb, ..., Dec. 
     152        OFFSET:      An optional starting offset of the plot. 
     153                Unfortunately, single precision floating point is not accurate 
     154                enough to properly represent Julian times.  This offset, which 
     155                may be double precision, contains an offset that is added to 
     156                all x values, before conversion to Julian date and time. 
     158 OUTPUTS: 
     159        The date string to be plotted. 
     161 COMMON BLOCKS: 
     162        LABEL_DATE_COM. 
     165        Only one date axis may be simultaneously active. 
     167 PROCEDURE: 
     168        Straightforward. 
     170       For an alternative way to label a plot axis with dates, refer to 
     171       the C() format code accepted within format strings (applicable via 
     172       the [XYZ]TICKFORMAT keywords).  This new format code was  
     173       introduced in IDL 5.2. 
     175 EXAMPLE: 
     176        For example, to plot from Jan 1, 1993, to July 12, 1994: 
     177          Start_date = julday(1, 1, 1993) 
     178          End_date = julday(7, 12, 1994) 
     179          Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%N/%D')  ;Simple mm/dd 
     180          x = findgen(end_date+1 - start_date) + start_date ;Time axis 
     181          PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 
     182          (Plot with X axis style set to exact.) 
     184 Example with times: 
     185        For example, to plot from 3PM, Jan 1, 1993, to 5AM, Jan 3, 
     186        1993: 
     187        Start_date = Julday(1,1,1993)   ;Also starting offset 
     188        Start_time = (3+12)/24.         ;Starting_time less offset 
     189        End_time = (Julday(1,3,1993) - Start_date) + 5./24. ;Ending 
     190        ;date/time - offset, note that the order of operations is 
     191               ; important to avoid loss of precision. 
     192        Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%D %M!C%H:%I', $ 
     193                offset=Start_date)       ;MMM NN <new line> HH:MM format 
     194        x = findgen(20) * (End_time - Start_time) / 19 + start_time ;Time axis 
     195        PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 
     198        DMS, RSI.       April, 1993.    Written. 
     199        DMS, RSI.       March, 1997.    Added Time format.</div> 
     204            <h3>Parameters</h3> 
     207            <h4 id="_LABEL_DATE_param_axis">axis&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
     216            </h4> 
    109218          <div class="comments"></div> 
    114             <h3>Parameters</h3> 
    117             <h4 id="_LABEL_DATE_param_axis">axis&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
     220            <h4 id="_LABEL_DATE_param_index">index&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
    128231          <div class="comments"></div> 
    130             <h4 id="_LABEL_DATE_param_index">index&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
     233            <h4 id="_LABEL_DATE_param_x">x&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
    141244          <div class="comments"></div> 
    143             <h4 id="_LABEL_DATE_param_x">x&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
    152             </h4> 
    154           <div class="comments"></div> 
     320          <h3>Other attributes</h3> 
     326          <h4>Common blocks used</h4><div class="value">label_date_com</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/plotsym.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>plotsym(<a href="#_plotsym_keyword_circle">circle</a>=<span class="result">circle</span>, <a href="#_plotsym_keyword_triangle">triangle</a>=<span class="result">triangle</span>, <a href="#_plotsym_keyword_diamond">diamond</a>=<span class="result">diamond</span>, <a href="#_plotsym_keyword_angle">angle</a>=<span class="result">angle</span>, <a href="#_plotsym_keyword_box">box</a>=<span class="result">box</span>, <a href="#_plotsym_keyword_line">line</a>=<span class="result">line</span>, <a href="#_plotsym_keyword_scale">scale</a>=<span class="result">scale</span>, <a href="#_plotsym_keyword__extra">_extra</a>=<span class="result">_extra</span>)</p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 NAME: 
     111  plotsym 
     112 PURPOSE: 
     113  function to make plotting symbols much easier. 
     114 Usage: 
     115   plot,x,y,psym=plotsym(/circle,scale=2,/fill) 
     117 CATEGORY: 
     118   Graphics. 
     120 Keywords: 
     121  circle =  circle symbol 
     122  triangle = triangle symbol 
     123  diamond = diamond symbold 
     124  box = box symbol 
     125  line = line symbol 
     126  scale = scales the symbol 
     127  angle = angle the symbol should be rotated 
     128  _extra = extra keywords for usersym.  These are thick, color and fill 
     130 Written by: 
     131 Ronn Kling 
     132 Ronn Kling Consulting 
     133 7038 Westmoreland Dr. 
     134 Warrenton, VA 20187</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/STRING/lenstr.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>lenstr(<span class="result"><a href="#_lenstr_param_str">str</a></span>)</p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 ROUTINE:         lenstr 
     111 USEAGE:          result=lenstr(str) 
     113 input: 
     114  str             a single string or string array. 
     116 output: 
     117  result          length of the string(s) in normalized units 
     118                  the number of elements of RESULT matches the number of  
     119                  elements of STRING.  
     121 procedure: 
     122                  This function returns the physical length of the 
     123                  string on the output device, not the number of 
     124                  characters.  This is done by first switching to 'X' 
     125                  and writing the string(s) with XYOUTS in graphics 
     126                  mode 5, which disables display to the screen but 
     127                  does not interfere with operation of XYOUTS.  The 
     128                  WIDTH keyword parameter of XYOUTS is used to 
     129                  retrieve the physical length of the string(s). 
     131  author:  Paul Ricchiazzi                            7apr93 
     132           Institute for Computational Earth System Science 
     133           University of California, Santa Barbara</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/STRING/string2struct.html

    r89 r97  
    106106          <dt><p><a href="#_string2struct"><span class="result">result = </span>string2struct(<span class="result">strVal</span>)</a></p><dt> 
    107           <dd></dd>      
     107          <dd>  NAME:        stringToStructure   PURPOSE:        Takes an input string set up as keywords and returns an anonymous structure.</dd>       
    109109        </dl> 
    179179            <span class="result">result = </span>string2struct(<span class="result"><a href="#_string2struct_param_strVal">strVal</a></span>)</p> 
    181           <div class="comments"></div> 
     181          <div class="comments"> 
     182 NAME: 
     183       stringToStructure 
     185 PURPOSE: 
     186       Takes an input string set up as keywords and returns an anonymous structure. 
     187               This is particularly useful for taking keywords entered by a user in a text 
     188               field and passing then to other routines. 
     190 CATEGORY: 
     191       Utility 
     194       extra=stringToStructure('xrange=[0,10],linestyle=2') 
     195       plot,findgen(100),_extra=extra 
     197 INPUTS: 
     198       String set up as keywords. Keywords require a little special treatment. Such as 
     199       plot,findgen(100),_extra=stringToStructure('title="testing"') 
     203       None 
     205 OUTPUTS: 
     206       This function returns the string as an anonymous structure. If an 
     207       error was found then this function returns a structure with a null field. 
     209 COMMON BLOCKS: 
     210       None. 
     212 EXAMPLE: 
     213       The code below creates a widget that uses this routine. 
     214       pro tPlot,event 
     215       widget_control,event.top,get_uvalue=field 
     216       widget_control,field,get_value=strVal 
     217       extra = stringToStructure(strVal) 
     218       plot,findgen(100),_extra=extra 
     219       wshow 
     220       return 
     221       end 
     223       pro testWid 
     224       ;enter any keyword to plot and see how it works 
     225       base = widget_base(/col) 
     226       field = cw_field(base,title='test',value='ax=0',/string) 
     227       void = widget_button(base,value='plot',event_pro='tPlot') 
     228       widget_control,base,/realize,set_uvalue=field 
     229       xmanager,'testWid',base,/no_block 
     230       return 
     231       end 
     234       Written by: 
     235       RLK, Ronn Kling Consulting.</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/where_tag.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            <span class="result">result = </span>where_Tag(<span class="result"><a href="#_where_Tag_param_Struct">Struct</a>, <a href="#_where_Tag_param_Nfound">Nfound</a></span>, <a href="#_where_Tag_keyword_TAG_NAME">TAG_NAME</a>=<span class="result">TAG_NAME</span>, <a href="#_where_Tag_keyword_TAG_NUMBER">TAG_NUMBER</a>=<span class="result">TAG_NUMBER</span>, <a href="#_where_Tag_keyword_ISELECT">ISELECT</a>=<span class="result">ISELECT</span>, <a href="#_where_Tag_keyword_NOPRINT">NOPRINT</a>=<span class="result">NOPRINT</span>, <a href="#_where_Tag_keyword_RANGE">RANGE</a>=<span class="result">RANGE</span>, <a href="#_where_Tag_keyword_VALUES">VALUES</a>=<span class="result">VALUES</span>)</p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 NAME: 
     111       WHERE_TAG 
     112 PURPOSE: 
     113       Like WHERE but works on structure tag names 
     114 EXPLANATION: 
     115       Obtain subscripts of elements in structure array for which 
     116       a particular Tag has values in a range or matching specified values. 
     117       Like the WHERE function but for use with structures 
     118 CATEGORY: 
     119                       Structures 
     121        w = where_tag( struct, [ Nfound,  TAG_NAME=, TAG_NUMBER = , RANGE =,  
     122                               VALUES =, RANGE =, ISELECT =, /NOPRINT ] 
     124 INPUTS: 
     125       Struct = structure array to search. 
     128       User *must* specify (1) TAG_NAME or TAG_NUMBER to search, and (2) 
     129               the VALUES or RANGE to search on 
     131       TAG_NAME = Scalar string specifying Tag Name 
     132       TAG_NUMBER = otherwise give the Tag Number, 
     133       RANGE = [min,max] range to search for in Struct, 
     134       VALUES = one or array of numbers to match for in Struct, 
     135       ISELECT= specifies indices to select only part of structure array, 
     136               (use it to recycle subscripts from previous searches). 
     137       /NOPRINT = suppress informational messages about nothing found. 
     139 OUTPUTS: 
     140       Nfound = # of occurences found. 
     142 RESULT: 
     143       Function returns subscripts (indices) to desired elements. 
     145 EXAMPLES: 
     146       Suppose STR is a structure with tags CAT_NO:indgen(10), and  
     147               NAME:strarr(10).   Find the indices where STR.CAT_NO is 
     148               between 3 and 5. 
     150       IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NAME = 'CAT_NO', VALUE = [3,4,5] )  ;or 
     151       IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NUM = 0, RANGE = [3,5])  
     153 PROCEDURE: 
     154       Get tag number and apply the WHERE function appropriately. 
     157       written 1990 Frank Varosi STX @ NASA/GSFC 
     158       Stop printing "Tag <xxx> not found" with /NOPRINT, CD Pike 8-Jun-93</div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/UTILITAIRE/text_box.html

    r89 r97  
    107107            text_box<span class="result">, <a href="#_text_box_param_text">text</a></span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword_pos">pos</a>=<span class="result">pos</span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword_fg_color">fg_color</a>=<span class="result">fg_color</span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword_bg_color">bg_color</a>=<span class="result">bg_color</span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword_center">center</a>=<span class="result">center</span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword_right">right</a>=<span class="result">right</span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword_box">box</a>=<span class="result">box</span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword_vert_space">vert_space</a>=<span class="result">vert_space</span>, <a href="#_text_box_keyword__EXTRA">_EXTRA</a>=<span class="result">_EXTRA</span></p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments"> 
     110 Name        : text_box 
     112 Purpose     : Writes a text message within a box in a graphics window. 
     114 Description:  This procedure writes a short text message within a box-shaped 
     115               area in a graphics window.  The message may be split at word 
     116               boundaries into several lines, and the character size and 
     117               orientation may be adjusted for the text to fit within the box. 
     119 Useage:       text_box,text,pos=pos,color=color,$ 
     120                    justify=justify,vert_space=vert_space 
     122 Inputs       
     123 TEXT          ASCII text string containing the message. 
     125 keywords 
     126  pos          4 element vector specifying the box position and size 
     127               pos(0),pos(1) specify the lower left corner coordinate 
     128               pos(2),pos(3) specify the upper right corner coordinate 
     129               data window normalized coordinates are use 
     131   fg_color    color of box and legend titles (default=0) 
     133   bg_color    background color. Setting BG_COLOR erases the area  
     134               covered by the text box (filling it with color BG_COLOR) 
     135               prior to writing the text.  If both BG_COLOR and !p.color 
     136               are zero then the background color is reset to 255 to 
     137               gaurantee a readability. 
     139  right        if set, right justify text 
     140  center       if set, center the text 
     142  vert_space   vertical spacing of lines in units of character height  
     143               (default = 1.5) 
     146  author:  Paul Ricchiazzi                            7Jul93 
     147           Institute for Computational Earth System Science 
     148           University of California, Santa Barbara</div> 
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