06/12/06 10:29:56 (18 years ago)

start to modify headers of Interpolation *.pro files for better idldoc output

1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/VECTEUR/velovect.html

    r89 r101  
    107107            VELOVECT<span class="result">, <a href="#_VELOVECT_param_U">U</a>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_param_V">V</a>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_param_X">X</a>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_param_Y">Y</a></span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword_Missing">Missing</a>=<span class="result">Missing</span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword_Length">Length</a>=<span class="result">Length</span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword_Dots">Dots</a>=<span class="result">Dots</span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword_Color">Color</a>=<span class="result">Color</span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword_CLIP">CLIP</a>=<span class="result">CLIP</span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword_NOCLIP">NOCLIP</a>=<span class="result">NOCLIP</span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword_OVERPLOT">OVERPLOT</a>=<span class="result">OVERPLOT</span>, <a href="#_VELOVECT_keyword__EXTRA">_EXTRA</a>=<span class="result">_EXTRA</span></p> 
    109           <div class="comments"></div> 
     109          <div class="comments">  
     110 NAME: 
     111        VELOVECT 
     113 PURPOSE: 
     114        Produce a two-dimensional velocity field plot. 
     116        A directed arrow is drawn at each point showing the direction and  
     117        magnitude of the field. 
     119 CATEGORY: 
     120        Plotting, two-dimensional. 
     123        VELOVECT, U, V [, X, Y] 
     125 INPUTS: 
     126        U:      The X component of the two-dimensional field.   
     127                U must be a two-dimensional array. 
     129        V:      The Y component of the two dimensional field.  Y must have 
     130                the same dimensions as X.  The vector at point [i,j] has a  
     131                magnitude of: 
     133                        (U[i,j]^2 + V[i,j]^2)^0.5 
     135                and a direction of: 
     137                        ATAN2(V[i,j],U[i,j]). 
     140        X:      Optional abcissae values.  X must be a vector with a length  
     141                equal to the first dimension of U and V. 
     143        Y:      Optional ordinate values.  Y must be a vector with a length 
     144                equal to the first dimension of U and V. 
     147        COLOR:  The color index used for the plot. 
     149        DOTS:   Set this keyword to 1 to place a dot at each missing point.  
     150                Set this keyword to 0 or omit it to draw nothing for missing 
     151                points.  Has effect only if MISSING is specified. 
     153        LENGTH: Length factor.  The default of 1.0 makes the longest (U,V) 
     154                vector the length of a cell. 
     156       MISSING: Missing data value.  Vectors with a LENGTH greater 
     157                than MISSING are ignored. 
     159       OVERPLOT: Set this keyword to make VELOVECT "overplot".  That is, the 
     160               current graphics screen is not erased, no axes are drawn, and 
     161               the previously established scaling remains in effect. 
     164        Note:   All other keywords are passed directly to the PLOT procedure 
     165                and may be used to set option such as TITLE, POSITION,  
     166                NOERASE, etc. 
     167 OUTPUTS: 
     168        None. 
     170 COMMON BLOCKS: 
     171        None. 
     173 SIDE EFFECTS: 
     174        Plotting on the selected device is performed.  System 
     175        variables concerning plotting are changed. 
     178        None. 
     180 PROCEDURE: 
     181        Straightforward.  Unrecognized keywords are passed to the PLOT 
     182        procedure.   
     185        DMS, RSI, Oct., 1983. 
     186        For Sun, DMS, RSI, April, 1989. 
     187        Added TITLE, Oct, 1990. 
     188        Added POSITION, NOERASE, COLOR, Feb 91, RES. 
     189        August, 1993.  Vince Patrick, Adv. Visualization Lab, U. of Maryland, 
     190                fixed errors in math. 
     191        August, 1993. DMS, Added _EXTRA keyword inheritance. 
     192        January, 1994, KDB. Fixed integer math which produced 0 and caused 
     193                            divide by zero errors. 
     194        December, 1994, MWR. Added _EXTRA inheritance for PLOTS and OPLOT. 
     195        June, 1995, MWR. Removed _EXTRA inheritance for PLOTS and changed 
     196                         OPLOT to PLOTS. 
     197       September, 1996, GGS. Changed denominator of x_step and y_step vars.  
     198       February, 1998, DLD.  Add support for CLIP and NO_CLIP keywords. 
     199       June, 1998, DLD.  Add support for OVERPLOT keyword.</div> 
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