04/16/08 11:33:20 (16 years ago)

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  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.html

    r255 r346  
    1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 
    2 <html> 
    3 <head> 
    4 <meta name="generator" content= 
    5 "HTML Tidy for Mac OS X (vers 1st December 2004), see www.w3.org"> 
    6 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content= 
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    8 <title>Mini Guide for Basic Commands in the XXX Program</title> 
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    10 <link href="saxo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 
    11 <meta content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.71.1" name="generator"> 
    12 <meta name="keywords" content="IDL, SAXO, xxx"> 
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    16 <div class="article" lang="en"> 
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    18 <div> 
    19 <div> 
    20 <h2 class="title"><a name="N10002" id="N10002"></a> Mini Guide for 
    21 Basic Commands in the XXX Program</h2> 
    22 </div> 
    23 <div> 
    24 <div class="authorgroup"> 
    25 <div class="author"> 
    26 <h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">S&eacute;bastien</span> 
    27 <span class="surname">Masson</span> <code class= 
    28 "email">&lt;<a href="mailto:Sebastien.Masson_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr"> 
    29 Sebastien.Masson_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr</a>&gt;</code></h3> 
    30 </div> 
    31 <div class="author"> 
    32 <h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Albert</span> 
    33 <span class="surname">Fisher</span></h3> 
    34 </div> 
    35 <div class="author"> 
    36 <h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Fran&ccedil;oise</span> 
    37 <span class="surname">Pinsard</span> <code class= 
    38 "email">&lt;<a href= 
    39 "mailto:Francoise.Pinsard_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr">Francoise.Pinsard_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr</a>&gt;</code></h3> 
    40 </div> 
    41 <div class="author"> 
    42 <h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Steve</span> 
    43 <span class="surname">Navarro</span></h3> 
    44 </div> 
    45 </div> 
    46 </div> 
    47 <div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id: 
    48 mini_notice.xml 235 2007-03-21 17:18:18Z pinsard $<br> 
    49 <br></span></div> 
    50 <div> 
    51 <div class="revhistory"> 
    52 <table summary="Revision history" width="100%" border="1"> 
    53 <tr> 
    54 <th colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"><b>Revision 
    55 History</b></th> 
    56 </tr> 
    57 <tr> 
    58 <td align="left">Revision 0.0</td> 
    59 <td align="left">May 29, 2000</td> 
    60 </tr> 
    61 <tr> 
    62 <td colspan="2" align="left">French release by S&eacute;bastien 
    63 Masson</td> 
    64 </tr> 
    65 <tr> 
    66 <td align="left">Revision 0.1</td> 
    67 <td align="left">July, 2002</td> 
    68 </tr> 
    69 <tr> 
    70 <td colspan="2" align="left">Translation by Albert Fisher</td> 
    71 </tr> 
    72 <tr> 
    73 <td align="left">Revision 0.2</td> 
    74 <td align="left">July 20, 2006</td> 
    75 </tr> 
    76 <tr> 
    77 <td colspan="2" align="left">HTML to XML/Docbook migration by 
    78 Fran&ccedil;oise Pinsard</td> 
    79 </tr> 
    80 <tr> 
    81 <td align="left">Revision 1.0</td> 
    82 <td align="left">August, 2006</td> 
    83 </tr> 
    84 <tr> 
    85 <td colspan="2" align="left">Major update by Steve Navarro</td> 
    86 </tr> 
    87 <tr> 
    88 <td align="left">Revision 1.1</td> 
    89 <td align="left">September, 2006</td> 
    90 </tr> 
    91 <tr> 
    92 <td colspan="2" align="left">Review by S&eacute;bastien Masson</td> 
    93 </tr> 
    94 </table> 
    95 </div> 
    96 </div> 
    97 </div> 
    98 <hr></div> 
    99 <div class="toc"> 
    100 <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p> 
    101 <dl> 
    102 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#launchxxx">1. Launching 
    103 XXX</a></span></dt> 
    104 <dd> 
    105 <dl> 
    106 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_1">1.1. <code class= 
    107 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    108 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    109 "command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    110 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_2">1.2. <code class= 
    111 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    112 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    113 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    114 "parameter"><code>/separate</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    115 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_3">1.3. <code class= 
    116 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    117 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    118 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore 
    119 = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    120 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_4">1.4. <code class= 
    121 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    122 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    123 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    124 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    125 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_5">1.5. <code class= 
    126 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    127 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    128 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    129 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    130 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    131 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
    132 &hellip;</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    133 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_6">1.6. <code class= 
    134 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    135 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    136 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    137 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    138 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    139 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_7">1.7. <code class= 
    140 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    141 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    142 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    143 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    144 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class= 
    145 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    146 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
    147 &hellip;</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    148 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_8">1.8. <code class= 
    149 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    150 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    151 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    152 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    153 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class= 
    154 "parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
    155 &hellip;'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt> 
    156 </dl> 
    157 </dd> 
    158 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#wigdets">2. Description of XXX 
    159 window</a></span></dt> 
    160 <dd> 
    161 <dl> 
    162 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#plottypetxt">2.1. Plot type 
    163 list</a></span></dt> 
    164 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#menutxt">2.2. The menu bar made 
    165 up of 3 sub-menus</a></span></dt> 
    166 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#oktxt">2.3. OK 
    167 button</a></span></dt> 
    168 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#pagelayouttxt">2.4. Page 
    169 Layout</a></span></dt> 
    170 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#variableslisttxt">2.5. List of 
    171 variables</a></span></dt> 
    172 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#fileslisttxt">2.6. List of open 
    173 files</a></span></dt> 
    174 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#commandtexttxt">2.7. <span class= 
    175 "guimenuitem">Command text</span></a></span></dt> 
    176 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#calendartxt">2.8. 
    177 Calendar</a></span></dt> 
    178 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#domdeftxt">2.9. Define the 
    179 domain</a></span></dt> 
    180 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#specificationstxt">2.10. Specify 
    181 your plot</a></span></dt> 
    182 </dl> 
    183 </dd> 
    184 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#mouseactions">3. Mouse 
    185 Actions</a></span></dt> 
    186 <dd> 
    187 <dl> 
    188 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#mouse">3.1. In the graphics 
    189 window on a horizontal plot</a></span></dt> 
    190 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#multipleplots">3.2. Create 
    191 multiple plots on the same sheet and make them 
    192 interact</a></span></dt> 
    193 </dl> 
    194 </dd> 
    195 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#crash">4. What should I do when 
    196 it breakdown</a></span></dt> 
    197 </dl> 
    198 </div> 
    199 <div class="sect1" lang="en"> 
    200 <div class="titlepage"> 
    201 <div> 
    202 <div> 
    203 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="launchxxx" id= 
    204 "launchxxx"></a>1.&nbsp;Launching XXX</h2> 
    205 </div> 
    206 </div> 
    207 </div> 
    208 <p>There is several ways to launch XXX which we will detail in the 
    209 next sections:</p> 
    210 <pre class="screen"> 
    211     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    212 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    213 "command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong> 
    214     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    215 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    216 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    217 "parameter"><code>/separate</code></em></code></strong> 
    218     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    219 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    220 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    221 "parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong> 
    222     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    223 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    224 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    225 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em></code></strong> 
    226     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    227 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    228 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    229 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    230 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    231 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = &hellip;</code></em></code></strong> 
    232     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    233 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    234 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    235 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    236 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em></code></strong> 
    237     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    238 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    239 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    240 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    241 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class= 
    242 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    243 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = &hellip;</code></em></code></strong> 
    244     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    245 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    246 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    247 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    248 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class= 
    249 "parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, &hellip;'</code></em></code></strong> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
     2<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> 
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     4  <head> 
     5    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
     6    <title>Mini Guide for Basic Commands in the XXX Program</title> 
     7    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> 
     8    <link rel="stylesheet" href="saxo.css" type="text/css" /> 
     9    <link rev="made" href="mailto:saxo-dev_at_forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr" /> 
     10    <meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.71.1" /> 
     11    <meta name="keywords" content="IDL, SAXO, xxx" /> 
     12  </head> 
     13  <body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"> 
     14    <div class="article" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="mini_notice" id="mini_notice"></a> Mini Guide for Basic Commands in the XXX Program </h2></div><div><div class="authorgroup"> 
     15      <div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Sébastien</span> <span class="surname">Masson</span> <code class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:Sebastien.Masson_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr">Sebastien.Masson_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr</a>&gt;</code></h3></div> 
     16      <div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Albert</span> <span class="surname">Fisher</span> </h3></div> 
     17      <div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Françoise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span> <code class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:Francoise.Pinsard_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr">Francoise.Pinsard_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr</a>&gt;</code></h3></div> 
     18      <div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Steve</span> <span class="surname">Navarro</span> </h3></div> 
     19    </div></div><div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id$<br /><br /></span></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr> 
     20      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 29, 2000</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">French release by Sébastien Masson</td></tr> 
     21      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">July, 2002</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">Translation by Albert Fisher</td></tr> 
     22      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">July 20, 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">HTML to XML/Docbook migration by Françoise Pinsard</td></tr> 
     23      <tr><td align="left">Revision 1.0</td><td align="left">August, 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">Major update by Steve Navarro</td></tr> 
     24      <tr><td align="left">Revision 1.1</td><td align="left">September, 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">Review by Sébastien Masson</td></tr> 
     25      <tr><td align="left">Revision 1.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     27     </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#launchxxx">1. Launching XXX</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_1">1.1. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_2">1.2. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>/separate</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_3">1.3. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_4">1.4. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_5">1.5. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_6">1.6. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_7">1.7. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_8">1.8. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
'</code></em></code></strong></a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#wigdets">2. Description of XXX window</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#plottypetxt">2.1. Plot type list</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#menutxt">2.2. The menu bar made up of 3 sub-menus</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#oktxt">2.3. OK button</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#pagelayouttxt">2.4. Page Layout</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#variableslisttxt">2.5. List of variables</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#fileslisttxt">2.6. List of open files</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#commandtexttxt">2.7. <span class="guimenuitem">Command text</span></a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#calendartxt">2.8. Calendar</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#domdeftxt">2.9. Define the domain</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#specificationstxt">2.10. Specify your plot</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#mouseactions">3. Mouse Actions</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#mouse">3.1. In the graphics window on a horizontal plot</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#multipleplots">3.2. Create multiple plots on the same sheet and make them interact</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#crash">4. What should I do when it breakdown</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    251 </pre> 
    252 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    253 <div class="titlepage"> 
    254 <div> 
    255 <div> 
    256 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_1" id="launch_xxx_1"></a>1.1. 
    257 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    258 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    259 "command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong></h3> 
    260 </div> 
    261 </div> 
    262 </div> 
    263 <p>A window will open with 3 parts to consider.</p> 
    264 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0101" id="fig_xxx_0101"></a> 
    265 <p class="title"><b>Figure 1. Window xxx 1</b></p> 
    266 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    267 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N100FD" src= 
    268 "figpng/xxx_0101.png" alt="Window xxx 1"><map name="N100FD" id= 
    269 "N100FD"> 
    270 <area shape="rect" coords="27,298,504,249"> 
    271 <area shape="rect" coords="81,242,450,183"> 
    272 <area shape="rect" coords="3,175,538,36"></map> 
    273 <div class="calloutlist"> 
    274 <table summary="Callout list" border="0"> 
    275 <tr> 
    276 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="1" 
    277 src="images/callouts/1.png"></td> 
    278 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     33<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="launchxxx" id="launchxxx"></a>1. Launching XXX</h2></div></div></div> 
     36There is several ways to launch XXX which we will detail in the next sections: 
     37  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     38    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong> 
     39    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>/separate</code></em></code></strong> 
     40    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong> 
     41    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em></code></strong> 
     42    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
     43    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em></code></strong> 
     44    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
     45    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
     46  </pre><p> 
     49<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_1" id="launch_xxx_1"></a>1.1. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
     50  <p> 
     51    A window will open with 3 parts to consider. 
     52</p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0101" id="fig_xxx_0101"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 1. Window xxx 1</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     54<div class="mediaobject"><img border="0" usemap="id2572796" src="figpng/xxx_0101.png" alt="Window xxx 1" /><map name="id2572796" id="id2572796"><area shape="rect" coords="27,298,504,249" /><area shape="rect" coords="81,242,450,183" /><area shape="rect" coords="3,175,538,36" /></map><div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    27955<p>Data file name</p> 
    280 </td> 
    281 </tr> 
    282 <tr> 
    283 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="2" 
    284 src="images/callouts/2.png"></td> 
    285 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     56</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    28657<p>Grid initialization method</p> 
    287 </td> 
    288 </tr> 
    289 <tr> 
    290 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="3" 
    291 src="images/callouts/3.png"></td> 
    292 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     58</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/3.png" alt="3" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    29359<p>Grid initialization parameters</p> 
    294 </td> 
    295 </tr> 
    296 </table> 
    297 </div> 
    298 </div> 
    299 </div> 
    300 </div> 
    301 <br class="figure-break"> 
    302 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    303 <div class="titlepage"> 
    304 <div> 
    305 <div> 
    306 <h4 class="title"><a name="datafiletxt" id="datafiletxt"></a>1.1.1. 
    307 Data file name</h4> 
    308 </div> 
    309 </div> 
    310 </div> 
    311 <p>The name of the data file. It can be typed directly in the 
    312 window provided, or selected with the help of the <span class= 
    313 "guibutton">browse</span> button.</p> 
    314 </div> 
    315 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    316 <div class="titlepage"> 
    317 <div> 
    318 <div> 
    319 <h4 class="title"><a name="initmethodtxt" id= 
    320 "initmethodtxt"></a>1.1.2. Grid initialization method</h4> 
    321 </div> 
    322 </div> 
    323 </div> 
    324 <p>For visualising grilled data, you need to <a href= 
    325 "./firststeps.html#load_grid" target="_top">define the grid</a> on 
    326 which are located the data. By default, "automatic grid 
    327 construction with initncdf.pro" is checked. This means that the 
    328 grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the 
    329 data file (through the IDL prodecure <span><strong class= 
    330 "command">initncdf</strong></span>) without needing any other 
    331 auxillary file. If you checked "grid construction with other IDL 
    332 batch or procedure", this means that you don't want to use the 
    333 default <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> 
    334 procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL 
    335 procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called 
    336 by using @, see IDL documentation).</p> 
    337 </div> 
    338 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    339 <div class="titlepage"> 
    340 <div> 
    341 <div> 
    342 <h4 class="title"><a name="initprogramtxt" id= 
    343 "initprogramtxt"></a>1.1.3. Grid initialization parameters</h4> 
    344 </div> 
    345 </div> 
    346 </div> 
    347 <p>This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and 
    348 the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid. 
    349 By default the name of the procedure is <span><strong class= 
    350 "command">initncdf</strong></span>, its argument will be 
    351 automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you 
    352 checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you 
    353 have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its 
    354 suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL 
    355 batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword.</p> 
    356 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0102" id="fig_xxx_0102"></a> 
    357 <p class="title"><b>Figure 2. Window xxx 1</b></p> 
    358 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    359 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N10148" src= 
    360 "figpng/xxx_0102.png" alt="Window xxx 1"><map name="N10148" id= 
    361 "N10148"></map></div> 
    362 </div> 
    363 </div> 
    364 <br class="figure-break"> 
    365 <p>Once these two lines have been completed, click on <span class= 
    366 "guibutton">let's go</span>.</p> 
    367 <p>For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare 
    368 the result with "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" 
    369 checked. Cf <a href="#fig_xxx_0404" title= 
    370 "Figure&nbsp;18.&nbsp;temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask"> 
    371 Figure 18, &ldquo;temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters 
    372 without proper land/sea mask&rdquo;</a></p> 
    373 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0103" id="fig_xxx_0103"></a> 
    374 <p class="title"><b>Figure 3. Oceania at 125 meters of depth with 
    375 proper grid initialization</b></p> 
    376 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0103.png" alt= 
    377 "Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization"></div> 
    378 </div> 
    379 <br class="figure-break"></div> 
    380 </div> 
    381 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    382 <div class="titlepage"> 
    383 <div> 
    384 <div> 
    385 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_2" id="launch_xxx_2"></a>1.2. 
    386 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    387 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    388 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    389 "parameter"><code>/separate</code></em></code></strong></h3> 
    390 </div> 
    391 </div> 
    392 </div> 
    393 <p>This is the same as the simple <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title= 
    394 "1.1.&nbsp;idl&gt; xxx"><code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> 
    395 <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    396 "command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong></a> except that once 
    397 the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and 
    398 plotting window) instead of one.</p> 
    399 </div> 
    400 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    401 <div class="titlepage"> 
    402 <div> 
    403 <div> 
    404 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_3" id="launch_xxx_3"></a>1.3. 
    405 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    406 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    407 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore 
    408 = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></h3> 
    409 </div> 
    410 </div> 
    411 </div> 
    412 <p>In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as 
    413 it was when the file "file.dat" was created. see <a href= 
    414 "#restore">+++++++</a></p> 
    415 </div> 
    416 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    417 <div class="titlepage"> 
    418 <div> 
    419 <div> 
    420 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_4" id="launch_xxx_4"></a>1.4. 
    421 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    422 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    423 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    424 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em></code></strong></h3> 
    425 </div> 
    426 </div> 
    427 </div> 
    428 <p>In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 
    429 'file.nc' and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure 
    430 <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. For 
    431 example:</p> 
    432 <pre class="screen"> 
    433     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    434 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    435 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    436 "parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</code></em></code></strong> 
    438 </pre></div> 
    439 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    440 <div class="titlepage"> 
    441 <div> 
    442 <div> 
    443 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_5" id="launch_xxx_5"></a>1.5. 
    444 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    445 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    446 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    447 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    448 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    449 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
    450 &hellip;</code></em></code></strong></h3> 
    451 </div> 
    452 </div> 
    453 </div> 
    454 <p>In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 
    455 'file.nc', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure 
    456 <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> and use the 
    457 keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class= 
    458 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    459 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = &hellip;</code></em></code></strong> in 
    460 the call of <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. 
    461 For example:</p> 
    462 <pre class="screen"> 
    463     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    464 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    465 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    466 "parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>useasmask = 'votemper'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>missing_value = 31.0720</code></em></code></strong> 
    468 </pre></div> 
    469 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    470 <div class="titlepage"> 
    471 <div> 
    472 <div> 
    473 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_6" id="launch_xxx_6"></a>1.6. 
    474 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    475 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    476 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    477 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    478 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em></code></strong></h3> 
    479 </div> 
    480 </div> 
    481 </div> 
    482 <p>In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 
    483 'file.nc' and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or 
    484 batch file <span><strong class= 
    485 "command">initgrid</strong></span></p> 
    486 <pre class="screen"> 
    487     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    488 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    489 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    490 "parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA2.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'tst_initorca2'</code></em></code></strong> 
    492 </pre></div> 
    493 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    494 <div class="titlepage"> 
    495 <div> 
    496 <div> 
    497 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_7" id="launch_xxx_7"></a>1.7. 
    498 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    499 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    500 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    501 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    502 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class= 
    503 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    504 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
    505 &hellip;</code></em></code></strong></h3> 
    506 </div> 
    507 </div> 
    508 </div> 
    509 <p>In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 
    510 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure 
    511 <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the 
    512 keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class= 
    513 "parameter"><code>keywd1 = &hellip;</code></em>, <em class= 
    514 "parameter"><code>keywd2 = &hellip;</code></em></code></strong> in 
    515 the call of <span><strong class= 
    516 "command">initgrid</strong></span>.</p> 
    517 </div> 
    518 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    519 <div class="titlepage"> 
    520 <div> 
    521 <div> 
    522 <h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_8" id="launch_xxx_8"></a>1.8. 
    523 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    524 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    525 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    526 "parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class= 
    527 "parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class= 
    528 "parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
    529 &hellip;'</code></em></code></strong></h3> 
    530 </div> 
    531 </div> 
    532 </div> 
    533 <p>In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 
    534 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure 
    535 <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the 
    536 string <strong class="userinput"><code><em class= 
    537 "parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
    538 &hellip;'</code></em></code></strong> to specify the input 
    539 arguments in the call of <span><strong class= 
    540 "command">initgrid</strong></span>.</p> 
    541 </div> 
    542 </div> 
    543 <div class="sect1" lang="en"> 
    544 <div class="titlepage"> 
    545 <div> 
    546 <div> 
    547 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="wigdets" id= 
    548 "wigdets"></a>2.&nbsp;Description of XXX window</h2> 
    549 </div> 
    550 </div> 
    551 </div> 
    552 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0201" id="fig_xxx_0201"></a> 
    553 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;4.&nbsp;Window xxx 2</b></p> 
    554 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    555 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N1029B" src= 
    556 "figpng/xxx_0201.png" alt="Window xxx 2"><map name="N1029B" id= 
    557 "N1029B"> 
    558 <area shape="rect" coords="4,346,122,331"> 
    559 <area shape="rect" coords="136,346,409,330"> 
    560 <area shape="rect" coords="6,326,55,311"> 
    561 <area shape="rect" coords="88,326,243,311"> 
    562 <area shape="rect" coords="263,326,407,311"> 
    563 <area shape="rect" coords="2,306,433,293"> 
    564 <area shape="rect" coords="2,288,436,269"> 
    565 <area shape="rect" coords="2,263,267,237"> 
    566 <area shape="rect" coords="20,230,388,105"> 
    567 <area shape="rect" coords="1,98,434,29"></map> 
    568 <div class="calloutlist"> 
    569 <table summary="Callout list" border="0"> 
    570 <tr> 
    571 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="1" 
    572 src="images/callouts/1.png"></td> 
    573 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     61</div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     62  </p> 
     64<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="datafiletxt" id="datafiletxt"></a>1.1.1. Data file name</h4></div></div></div> 
     65  <p> 
     66    The name of the data file. It can be typed directly in the window provided, or selected with the help of the <span class="guibutton">browse</span> button. 
     67  </p> 
     69<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="initmethodtxt" id="initmethodtxt"></a>1.1.2. Grid initialization method</h4></div></div></div> 
     70  <p> 
     71    For visualising grilled data, you need to <a href="./firststeps.html#load_grid" target="_top">define the grid</a> on which are located the data. By default, "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", this means that you don't want to use the default <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
     72  </p> 
     74<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="initprogramtxt" id="initprogramtxt"></a>1.1.3. Grid initialization parameters</h4></div></div></div> 
     75  <p> 
     76    This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid. 
     77By default the name of the procedure is <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
     78    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0102" id="fig_xxx_0102"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 2. Window xxx 1</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     80      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0102.png" alt="Window xxx 1" /></div> 
     81    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     82  </p> 
     83  <p> 
     84    Once these two lines have been completed, click on <span class="guibutton">let's go</span>. 
     85  </p> 
     86  <p>For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" checked. Cf <a href="#fig_xxx_0404" title="Figure 18. temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask">Figure 18, “temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask”</a> 
     87  </p> 
     89  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0103" id="fig_xxx_0103"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 3. Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     91<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0103.png" alt="Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization" /></div> 
     92  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     97<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_2" id="launch_xxx_2"></a>1.2. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>/separate</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
     99This is the same as the simple <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title="1.1. idl&gt; xxx"><code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong></a> except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
     103<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_3" id="launch_xxx_3"></a>1.3. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
     105In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file "file.dat" was created. see <a href="#restore">+++++++</a> 
     109<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_4" id="launch_xxx_4"></a>1.4. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
     111In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. For example: 
     112  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     113    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</code></em></code></strong> 
     114  </pre><p> 
     118<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_5" id="launch_xxx_5"></a>1.5. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
     120In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> and use the keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong> in the call of <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. For example: 
     121  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     122    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>useasmask = 'votemper'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>missing_value = 31.0720</code></em></code></strong> 
     123  </pre><p> 
     127<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_6" id="launch_xxx_6"></a>1.6. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
     129In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> 
     130  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     131    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA2.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'tst_initorca2'</code></em></code></strong> 
     132  </pre><p> 
     136<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_7" id="launch_xxx_7"></a>1.7. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
     138In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong> in the call of <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span>. 
     142<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_8" id="launch_xxx_8"></a>1.8. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
     144In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the string <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
'</code></em></code></strong> to specify the input arguments in the call of <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span>. 
     150<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="wigdets" id="wigdets"></a>2. Description of XXX window</h2></div></div></div> 
     154</p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0201" id="fig_xxx_0201"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 4. Window xxx 2</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     156<div class="mediaobject"><img border="0" usemap="id2573385" src="figpng/xxx_0201.png" alt="Window xxx 2" /><map name="id2573385" id="id2573385"><area shape="rect" coords="4,346,122,331" /><area shape="rect" coords="136,346,409,330" /><area shape="rect" coords="6,326,55,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="88,326,243,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="263,326,407,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,306,433,293" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,288,436,269" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,263,267,237" /><area shape="rect" coords="20,230,388,105" /><area shape="rect" coords="1,98,434,29" /></map><div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    574157<p>Plot type</p> 
    575 </td> 
    576 </tr> 
    577 <tr> 
    578 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="2" 
    579 src="images/callouts/2.png"></td> 
    580 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     158</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    582 </td> 
    583 </tr> 
    584 <tr> 
    585 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="3" 
    586 src="images/callouts/3.png"></td> 
    587 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     160</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/3.png" alt="3" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    589 </td> 
    590 </tr> 
    591 <tr> 
    592 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="4" 
    593 src="images/callouts/4.png"></td> 
    594 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     162</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/4.png" alt="4" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    595163<p>Page layout</p> 
    596 </td> 
    597 </tr> 
    598 <tr> 
    599 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="5" 
    600 src="images/callouts/5.png"></td> 
    601 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     164</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/5.png" alt="5" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    602165<p>Variables list</p> 
    603 </td> 
    604 </tr> 
    605 <tr> 
    606 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="6" 
    607 src="images/callouts/6.png"></td> 
    608 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     166</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/6.png" alt="6" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    609167<p>Files list</p> 
    610 </td> 
    611 </tr> 
    612 <tr> 
    613 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="7" 
    614 src="images/callouts/7.png"></td> 
    615 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     168</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/7.png" alt="7" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    616169<p>Command text</p> 
    617 </td> 
    618 </tr> 
    619 <tr> 
    620 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="8" 
    621 src="images/callouts/8.png"></td> 
    622 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     170</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/8.png" alt="8" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    624 </td> 
    625 </tr> 
    626 <tr> 
    627 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="9" 
    628 src="images/callouts/9.png"></td> 
    629 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     172</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/9.png" alt="9" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    631 </td> 
    632 </tr> 
    633 <tr> 
    634 <td align="left" valign="top" width="5%"><img border="0" alt="10" 
    635 src="images/callouts/10.png"></td> 
    636 <td align="left" valign="top"> 
     174</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/10.png" alt="10" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    638 </td> 
    639 </tr> 
    640 </table> 
    641 </div> 
    642 </div> 
    643 </div> 
    644 </div> 
    645 <br class="figure-break"> 
    646 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    647 <div class="titlepage"> 
    648 <div> 
    649 <div> 
    650 <h3 class="title"><a name="plottypetxt" id= 
    651 "plottypetxt"></a>2.1.&nbsp;Plot type list</h3> 
    652 </div> 
    653 </div> 
    654 </div> 
     177</div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     180<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="plottypetxt" id="plottypetxt"></a>2.1. Plot type list</h3></div></div></div> 
    655181<p>Allows specification of the type of plot desired.</p> 
    656 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0202" id="fig_xxx_0202"></a> 
    657 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;5.&nbsp;Different plot types 
    658 available</b></p> 
    659 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0202.png" alt= 
    660 "Different plot types available"></div> 
    661 </div> 
    662 <br class="figure-break"> 
    663 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    664 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    665 <p>If the type <code class="constant">plt</code> is selected, the 
    666 selection of plot type is made by mouse. Cf <a href="#mouse" title= 
    667 "3.1.&nbsp;In the graphics window on a horizontal plot">Section&nbsp;3.1, 
    668 &ldquo;In the graphics window on a horizontal plot&rdquo;</a></p> 
    669 </div> 
    670 </div> 
    671 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    672 <div class="titlepage"> 
    673 <div> 
    674 <div> 
    675 <h3 class="title"><a name="menutxt" id="menutxt"></a>2.2.&nbsp;The 
    676 menu bar made up of 3 sub-menus</h3> 
    677 </div> 
    678 </div> 
    679 </div> 
    680 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    681 <div class="titlepage"> 
    682 <div> 
    683 <div> 
    684 <h4 class="title"><a name="filesubmenu" id= 
    685 "filesubmenu"></a>2.2.1.&nbsp;<span class="guibutton">File</span> 
    686 sub-menu</h4> 
    687 </div> 
    688 </div> 
    689 </div> 
    690 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0203" id="fig_xxx_0203"></a> 
    691 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;6.&nbsp;The File menu</b></p> 
    692 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0203.png" alt= 
    693 "The File menu"></div> 
    694 </div> 
    695 <br class="figure-break"> 
    696 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    697 <ul type="disc"> 
    698 <li> 
    699 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Open:</span> to open a new file. Same 
    700 procedure as during the <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title= 
    701 "1.1.&nbsp;idl&gt; xxx">launch of XXX</a>. The new file can be on a 
    702 different grid, with different variables, with a different time 
    703 base &hellip;</p> 
    704 </li> 
    705 <li> 
    706 <p><span class="guisubmenu">New XXX:</span> to open a second XXX 
    707 window identical to the first one.</p> 
    708 </li> 
    709 <li> 
    710 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Quit:</span> to close the XXX 
    711 window.</p> 
    712 </li> 
    713 </ul> 
    714 </div> 
    715 </div> 
    716 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    717 <div class="titlepage"> 
    718 <div> 
    719 <div> 
    720 <h4 class="title"><a name="saveassubmenu" id= 
    721 "saveassubmenu"></a>2.2.2.&nbsp;<span class="guibutton">Save 
    722 As</span> sub-menu</h4> 
    723 </div> 
    724 </div> 
    725 </div> 
    726 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0204" id="fig_xxx_0204"></a> 
    727 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;7.&nbsp;The Save As menu</b></p> 
    728 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0204.png" alt= 
    729 "The Save As menu"></div> 
    730 </div> 
    731 <br class="figure-break"> 
    732 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    733 <ul type="disc"> 
    734 <li> 
    735 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Postscript:</span> to save the plotting 
    736 window in Postscript format</p> 
    737 </li> 
    738 <li> 
    739 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Animated gif:</span> to create an 
    740 animation of the plotting window.</p> 
    741 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    742 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    743 <p>The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the 
    744 plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time 
    745 base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and 
    746 vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an 
    747 X-terminal), are possible.</p> 
    748 </div> 
    749 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    750 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    751 <p>The creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video 
    752 memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program &hellip;</p> 
    753 </div> 
    754 </li> 
    755 <li> 
    756 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Gif:</span> to save a gif of the 
    757 plotting window.</p> 
    758 </li> 
    759 <li> 
    760 <p><span class="guisubmenu">IDL procedure:</span> to save the 
    761 command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that 
    762 can be re-executed later. For example if I save the commands in 
    763 <code class="filename">xxx_figure.pro</code> file, when ever I 
    764 want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type:</p> 
    765 <pre class="screen"> 
    766 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    767 "userinput"><code>@init</code></strong> 
    768 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    769 "userinput"><code>xxx_figure</code></strong> 
    770 </pre> 
     183    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0202" id="fig_xxx_0202"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 5. Different plot types available</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     185<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0202.png" alt="Different plot types available" /></div> 
     186    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     188<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
     190If the type <code class="constant">plt</code> is selected, the selection of plot type 
     191is made by mouse. Cf <a href="#mouse" title="3.1. In the graphics window on a horizontal plot">Section 3.1, “In the graphics window on a horizontal plot”</a></p> 
     195<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="menutxt" id="menutxt"></a>2.2. The menu bar made up of 3 sub-menus</h3></div></div></div> 
     196<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="filesubmenu" id="filesubmenu"></a>2.2.1. <span class="guibutton">File</span> sub-menu</h4></div></div></div> 
     198    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0203" id="fig_xxx_0203"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 6. The File menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     200<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0203.png" alt="The File menu" /></div> 
     201    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     204</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Open:</span> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title="1.1. idl&gt; xxx">launch of XXX</a>. 
     205The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base 
     206</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">New XXX:</span> to open a second XXX window xml:identical to the first one.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Quit:</span> to close the XXX window.</p></li></ul></div><p> 
     209<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="saveassubmenu" id="saveassubmenu"></a>2.2.2. <span class="guibutton">Save As</span> sub-menu</h4></div></div></div> 
     211    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0204" id="fig_xxx_0204"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 7. The Save As menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     213<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0204.png" alt="The Save As menu" /></div> 
     214    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     217</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Postscript:</span> to save the plotting window in Postscript format</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Animated gif:</span> to create an animation of the plotting window. 
     218</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), are possible.</p></div><p> 
     219</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>The creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program 
     220</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Gif:</span> to save a gif of the plotting window.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">IDL procedure:</span> to save the command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that can be re-executed later. For example if I save the commands in <code class="filename">xxx_figure.pro</code> file, when ever I want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type: 
     221  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     222<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>@init</code></strong> 
     223<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>xxx_figure</code></strong> 
    771225and I'll obtain the saved figure. 
    772 <pre class="screen"> 
    773 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    774 "userinput"><code>xxx_figure,/post</code></strong> 
    775 </pre> 
     226  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     227<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>xxx_figure,/post</code></strong> 
    777 <pre class="screen"> 
    778 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    779 "userinput"><code>@ps</code></strong> 
    780 </pre> 
    781 will then create a Postscript file of the figure.</li> 
    782 <li> 
    783 <p><a name="restore" id="restore"></a><span class= 
    784 "guisubmenu">RESTORE kwd of xxx:</span> to save the xxx widget (all 
    785 buttons and parameters stored in memory &hellip;) in a binary file 
    786 in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with <a href= 
    787 "#launch_xxx_3" title= 
    788 "1.3.&nbsp;idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat'"><code class= 
    789 "prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    790 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    791 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore 
    792 = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></a> and get exactly the 
    793 same configuration.</p> 
    794 </li> 
    795 <li> 
    796 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Print to prompt:</span> lists in the 
    797 IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful 
    798 primarily for debugging&hellip;</p> 
    799 </li> 
    800 </ul> 
    801 </div> 
    802 </div> 
    803 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    804 <div class="titlepage"> 
    805 <div> 
    806 <div> 
    807 <h4 class="title"><a name="flagsubmenu" id= 
    808 "flagsubmenu"></a>2.2.3.&nbsp;<span class="guisubmenu">Flag 
    809 options</span> sub-menu</h4> 
    810 </div> 
    811 </div> 
    812 </div> 
    813 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0205" id="fig_xxx_0205"></a> 
    814 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;8.&nbsp;The Flag Option 
    815 menu</b></p> 
    816 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0205.png" alt= 
    817 "The Flag Option menu"></div> 
    818 </div> 
    819 <br class="figure-break"> 
    820 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    821 <ul type="disc"> 
    822 <li> 
    823 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Portrait/Landscape:</span> changes the 
    824 configuration of the plot.</p> 
    825 </li> 
    826 <li> 
    827 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Overlay:</span> to plot contours of a 
    828 different field on top the one represented as color-filled 
    829 contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this 
    830 work!</p> 
    831 </li> 
    832 <li> 
    833 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Vecteur:</span> to plot a vector field 
    834 on top of contours. Only works on horizontal plots (<code class= 
    835 "filename">plt.pro</code>). As for Overlay, a relaunch of the 
    836 entire plot is necessary.</p> 
    837 </li> 
    838 <li> 
    839 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Longitude / x index:</span> switches 
    840 longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes 
    841 following i.</p> 
    842 </li> 
    843 <li> 
    844 <p><span class="guisubmenu">Latitude / y index:</span> switches 
    845 latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes 
    846 following j.</p> 
    847 </li> 
    848 </ul> 
    849 </div> 
    850 <div class="caution" style= 
    851 "margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    852 <h3 class="title">Caution</h3> 
    853 <p>Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is 
    854 re-clicked.</p> 
    855 </div> 
    856 </div> 
    857 </div> 
    858 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    859 <div class="titlepage"> 
    860 <div> 
    861 <div> 
    862 <h3 class="title"><a name="oktxt" id="oktxt"></a>2.3.&nbsp;OK 
    863 button</h3> 
    864 </div> 
    865 </div> 
    866 </div> 
    867 <p>Click on this <span class="guibutton">OK</span> button is 
    868 required to make a new plot appear</p> 
    869 </div> 
    870 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    871 <div class="titlepage"> 
    872 <div> 
    873 <div> 
    874 <h3 class="title"><a name="pagelayouttxt" id= 
    875 "pagelayouttxt"></a>2.4.&nbsp;Page Layout</h3> 
    876 </div> 
    877 </div> 
    878 </div> 
    879 <p>Specify the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of 
    880 paper.</p> 
    881 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0206" id="fig_xxx_0206"></a> 
    882 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Number of Column</b></p> 
    883 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0206.png" alt= 
    884 "Number of Column"></div> 
    885 </div> 
    886 <br class="figure-break"> 
    887 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0206a" id="fig_xxx_0206a"></a> 
    888 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;10.&nbsp;Example: For 2 columns and 
    889 2 rows</b></p> 
    890 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0206a.png" alt= 
    891 "Example: For 2 columns and 2 rows"></div> 
    892 </div> 
    893 <br class="figure-break"></div> 
    894 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    895 <div class="titlepage"> 
    896 <div> 
    897 <div> 
    898 <h3 class="title"><a name="variableslisttxt" id= 
    899 "variableslisttxt"></a>2.5.&nbsp;List of variables</h3> 
    900 </div> 
    901 </div> 
    902 </div> 
     230  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     231<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>@ps</code></strong> 
     233will then create a Postscript file of the figure. 
     234</p></li><li><p><a name="restore" id="restore"></a><span class="guisubmenu">RESTORE kwd of xxx:</span> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory 
) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with <a href="#launch_xxx_3" title="1.3. idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat'"><code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></a> and get exactly the same configuration.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Print to prompt:</span> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging
     237<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="flagsubmenu" id="flagsubmenu"></a>2.2.3. <span class="guisubmenu">Flag options</span> sub-menu</h4></div></div></div> 
     239    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0205" id="fig_xxx_0205"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 8. The Flag Option menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     241<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0205.png" alt="The Flag Option menu" /></div> 
     242    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     245</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Portrait/Landscape:</span> changes the configuration of the plot.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Overlay:</span> to plot contours of a different field on top the 
     246one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work!</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Vecteur:</span> to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
     247works on horizontal plots (<code class="filename">plt.pro</code>). 
     248As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Longitude / x index:</span> switches longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following i.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Latitude / y index:</span> switches latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following j.</p></li></ul></div><p> 
     250<div class="caution" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Caution</h3><p>Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is re-clicked.</p></div> 
     254<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="oktxt" id="oktxt"></a>2.3. OK button</h3></div></div></div> 
     255<p>Click on this <span class="guibutton">OK</span> button is required to make a new plot appear</p> 
     258<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="pagelayouttxt" id="pagelayouttxt"></a>2.4. Page Layout</h3></div></div></div> 
     259<p>Specify the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of paper.</p> 
     261    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0206" id="fig_xxx_0206"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 9. Number of Column</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     263<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0206.png" alt="Number of Column" /></div> 
     264    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     267    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0206a" id="fig_xxx_0206a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 10. Example: For 2 columns and 2 rows</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     269<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0206a.png" alt="Example: For 2 columns and 2 rows" /></div> 
     270    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     274<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="variableslisttxt" id="variableslisttxt"></a>2.5. List of variables</h3></div></div></div> 
    903275<p>You can choose the variable to work on.</p> 
    904 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0207" id="fig_xxx_0207"></a> 
    905 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;11.&nbsp;Example of different 
    906 Variables available</b></p> 
    907 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0207.png" alt= 
    908 "Example of different Variables available"></div> 
    909 </div> 
    910 <br class="figure-break"></div> 
    911 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    912 <div class="titlepage"> 
    913 <div> 
    914 <div> 
    915 <h3 class="title"><a name="fileslisttxt" id= 
    916 "fileslisttxt"></a>2.6.&nbsp;List of open files</h3> 
    917 </div> 
    918 </div> 
    919 </div> 
     277    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0207" id="fig_xxx_0207"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 11. Example of different Variables available</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     279<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0207.png" alt="Example of different Variables available" /></div> 
     280    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     284<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="fileslisttxt" id="fileslisttxt"></a>2.6. List of open files</h3></div></div></div> 
    920285<p>You can choose the file to work on.</p> 
    921 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0208" id="fig_xxx_0208"></a> 
    922 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;12.&nbsp;Example of list of open 
    923 files</b></p> 
    924 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0208.png" alt= 
    925 "Example of list of open files"></div> 
    926 </div> 
    927 <br class="figure-break"></div> 
    928 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    929 <div class="titlepage"> 
    930 <div> 
    931 <div> 
    932 <h3 class="title"><a name="commandtexttxt" id= 
    933 "commandtexttxt"></a>2.7.&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Command 
    934 text</span></h3> 
    935 </div> 
    936 </div> 
    937 </div> 
    938 <p>To specify in the widget part number 7 the computation you want 
    939 to do on the data</p> 
    940 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    941 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    942 <p>In all cases bellow, the name given to a field (a, b, c, 
    943 &hellip;) is of no importance.</p> 
    944 </div> 
    945 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    946 <div class="titlepage"> 
    947 <div> 
    948 <div> 
    949 <h4 class="title"><a name="commandtext1" id= 
    950 "commandtext1"></a>2.7.1.&nbsp;Linear calculation</h4> 
    951 </div> 
    952 </div> 
    953 </div> 
    954 <p>If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference 
    955 between fields, add/multiply by a constant &hellip;). you can 
    956 simply put the following commands:</p> 
    957 <pre class="screen"> 
    958 a - b 
    959 </pre> 
    960 <pre class="screen"> 
    961 numb1*a 
    962 </pre> 
    963 <pre class="screen"> 
    964 a + numb 
    965 </pre> 
    966 or any command with the following format 
    967 <pre class="screen"> 
    968 numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c &hellip; + numb 
    969 </pre> 
    970 where numb1, numb2, &hellip; correspond to numbers and a, b, c 
    971 &hellip; will be the data to read.</div> 
    972 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    973 <div class="titlepage"> 
    974 <div> 
    975 <div> 
    976 <h4 class="title"><a name="commandtext1" id= 
    977 "commandtext1"></a>2.7.2.&nbsp;Any kind of computation</h4> 
    978 </div> 
    979 </div> 
    980 </div> 
    981 <p>If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic 
    982 linear you must put designate the data you want to read between 
    983 <span><strong class="keycap">"</strong></span><span><strong class= 
    984 "keycap">"</strong></span> (with anything in between the "). For 
    985 example:</p> 
    986 <pre class="screen"> 
    987 "a"^2 
    988 </pre> 
    989 <pre class="screen"> 
    990 "a" - abs("b") 
    991 </pre> 
    992 <pre class="screen"> 
    993 grad("a", 'x') 
    994 </pre> 
    995 &hellip;</div> 
    996 </div> 
    997 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    998 <div class="titlepage"> 
    999 <div> 
    1000 <div> 
    1001 <h3 class="title"><a name="calendartxt" id= 
    1002 "calendartxt"></a>2.8.&nbsp;Calendar</h3> 
    1003 </div> 
    1004 </div> 
    1005 </div> 
    1006 <p>The calendar is made up of two drop-lists, which allow 
    1007 specification of two dates, the beginning and end of a time series, 
    1008 or the period over which to average before plotting.</p> 
    1009 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0301" id="fig_xxx_0301"></a> 
    1010 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;13.&nbsp;Example: first plot in 
    1011 January, second plot is from January to December</b></p> 
    1012 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0301.png" alt= 
    1013 "Example: first plot in January, second plot is from January to December"> 
    1014 </div> 
    1015 </div> 
    1016 <br class="figure-break"></div> 
    1017 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    1018 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1019 <div> 
    1020 <div> 
    1021 <h3 class="title"><a name="domdeftxt" id= 
    1022 "domdeftxt"></a>2.9.&nbsp;Define the domain</h3> 
    1023 </div> 
    1024 </div> 
    1025 </div> 
    1026 <p>A series of widgets that allow specification of the min/max 
    1027 limits of the domain in longitude/x-index, latitude/y-index, and 
    1028 depth in levels or meters.</p> 
    1029 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210" id="fig_xxx_0210"></a> 
    1030 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;14.&nbsp;Domain by default</b></p> 
    1031 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210.png" alt= 
    1032 "Domain by default"></div> 
    1033 </div> 
    1034 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1035 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0401" id="fig_xxx_0401"></a> 
    1036 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;15.&nbsp;Change Domain area: zoom 
    1037 on Oceania</b></p> 
    1038 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0401.png" alt= 
    1039 "Change Domain area: zoom on Oceania"></div> 
    1040 </div> 
    1041 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1042 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0402" id="fig_xxx_0402"></a> 
    1043 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;16.&nbsp;This configuration give 
    1044 us:</b></p> 
    1045 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0402.png" alt= 
    1046 "This configuration give us:"></div> 
    1047 </div> 
    1048 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1049 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0403" id="fig_xxx_0403"></a> 
    1050 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;17.&nbsp;Change depth area: between 
    1051 depth 125 and 126</b></p> 
    1052 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0403.png" alt= 
    1053 "Change depth area: between depth 125 and 126"></div> 
    1054 </div> 
    1055 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1056 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0404" id="fig_xxx_0404"></a> 
    1057 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;18.&nbsp;temperature of the ocean 
    1058 at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask</b></p> 
    1059 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0404.png" alt= 
    1060 "temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask"> 
    1061 </div> 
    1062 </div> 
    1063 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1064 As you can see, at this depth, we better define a land/sea mask 
    1065 when loading the grid. Cf <a href="#fig_xxx_0103" title= 
    1066 "Figure&nbsp;3.&nbsp;Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization"> 
    1067 Figure&nbsp;3, &ldquo;Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper 
    1068 grid initialization&rdquo;</a></div> 
    1069 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    1070 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1071 <div> 
    1072 <div> 
    1073 <h3 class="title"><a name="specificationstxt" id= 
    1074 "specificationstxt"></a>2.10.&nbsp;Specify your plot</h3> 
    1075 </div> 
    1076 </div> 
    1077 </div> 
    1078 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    1079 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1080 <div> 
    1081 <div> 
    1082 <h4 class="title"><a name="minmaxintervaltxt" id= 
    1083 "minmaxintervaltxt"></a>2.10.1.&nbsp;Specify min, max and contour 
    1084 interval</h4> 
    1085 </div> 
    1086 </div> 
    1087 </div> 
    1088 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0501" id="fig_xxx_0501"></a> 
    1089 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;19.&nbsp;min, max, and contour 
    1090 interval specifications</b></p> 
    1091 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0501.png" alt= 
    1092 "min, max, and contour interval specifications"></div> 
    1093 </div> 
    1094 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1095 You can restore configuration by default by pressing the 
    1096 <span class="guibutton">Default</span> button. 
    1097 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    1098 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    1099 <p>The path of the file <a href= 
    1100 "../../ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/definedefaultextra.pro" 
    1101 target="_top"><code class= 
    1102 "filename">definedefaultextra.pro</code></a> that defines the 
    1103 default values for each variable names is displayed when the cursor 
    1104 hovers over the button <span class="guibutton">Default</span>. This 
    1105 file contains a case statement based on the name of the variable 
    1106 and defining the min, max, contour interval and other keywords that 
    1107 should be used as default for the specified variable. You can copy 
    1108 this file in your own <code class="filename"><code class= 
    1109 "envar">${HOME}</code>/My_IDL/</code> directory and easily modify 
    1110 it to suit your favorite default values.</p> 
    1111 </div> 
    1112 </div> 
    1113 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    1114 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1115 <div> 
    1116 <div> 
    1117 <h4 class="title"><a name="colortxt" id= 
    1118 "colortxt"></a>2.10.2.&nbsp;Specify the palette to be used</h4> 
    1119 </div> 
    1120 </div> 
    1121 </div> 
    1122 <p>For the color palette, you can either specify the name or go 
    1123 search for one among the palettes available.</p> 
    1124 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0502" id="fig_xxx_0502"></a> 
    1125 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;20.&nbsp;The Color menu</b></p> 
    1126 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0502.png" alt= 
    1127 "The Color menu"></div> 
    1128 </div> 
    1129 <br class="figure-break"></div> 
    1130 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    1131 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1132 <div> 
    1133 <div> 
    1134 <h4 class="title"><a name="kwdtxt" id="kwdtxt"></a>2.10.3.&nbsp;Add 
    1135 any keyword</h4> 
    1136 </div> 
    1137 </div> 
    1138 </div> 
    1139 <p>The &ldquo;<span class="quote">keywords</span>&rdquo; window 
    1140 allows specification of all desired keywords. There is a few 
    1141 examples of the use of this &ldquo;<span class= 
    1142 "quote">keywords</span>&rdquo; window.</p> 
    1143 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0209" id="fig_xxx_0209"></a> 
    1144 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;21.&nbsp;Without any additional 
    1145 keyword</b></p> 
    1146 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0209.png" alt= 
    1147 "Without any additional keyword"></div> 
    1148 </div> 
    1149 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1150 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210a" id="fig_xxx_0210a"></a> 
    1151 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;22.&nbsp;Add <code class= 
    1152 "varname">/realcont</code> keyword</b></p> 
    1153 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210a.png" alt= 
    1154 "Add /realcont keyword"></div> 
    1155 </div> 
    1156 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1157 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210" id="fig_xxx_0210"></a> 
    1158 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;23.&nbsp;Graphic with <code class= 
    1159 "varname">/realcont</code> keyword</b></p> 
    1160 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210.png" alt= 
    1161 "Graphic with /realcont keyword"></div> 
    1162 </div> 
    1163 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1164 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0211a" id="fig_xxx_0211a"></a> 
    1165 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;24.&nbsp;Add <code class= 
    1166 "userinput">/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</code> 
    1167 keywords</b></p> 
    1168 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0211a.png" alt= 
    1169 "Add /realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2 keywords"></div> 
    1170 </div> 
    1171 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1172 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0211" id="fig_xxx_0211"></a> 
    1173 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;25.&nbsp;Graphic with <code class= 
    1174 "literal">/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</code> 
    1175 keywords</b></p> 
    1176 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0211.png" alt= 
    1177 "Graphic with /realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2 keywords"> 
    1178 </div> 
    1179 </div> 
    1180 <br class="figure-break"></div> 
    1181 </div> 
    1182 </div> 
    1183 <div class="sect1" lang="en"> 
    1184 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1185 <div> 
    1186 <div> 
    1187 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="mouseactions" id= 
    1188 "mouseactions"></a>3.&nbsp;Mouse Actions</h2> 
    1189 </div> 
    1190 </div> 
    1191 </div> 
    1192 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    1193 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1194 <div> 
    1195 <div> 
    1196 <h3 class="title"><a name="mouse" id="mouse"></a>3.1.&nbsp;In the 
    1197 graphics window on a horizontal plot</h3> 
    1198 </div> 
    1199 </div> 
    1200 </div> 
    1201 <p>Select a domain and select the horizontal plot (<code class= 
    1202 "constant">plt</code>), vertical plot (<code class= 
    1203 "constant">pltz</code>), or the hovmoeller plot (<code class= 
    1204 "constant">pltt</code>):</p> 
    1205 <p>The domain we'd like to select for the plot is determined by one 
    1206 of its diagonals, defined therefore by two points. The first point 
    1207 is defined when the mouse button is pushed, then the mouse is 
    1208 moved, and the second point is defined as the mouse button is 
    1209 released (click-drag). The domains are thus defined by a long click 
    1210 (<abbr class="abbrev">LC</abbr>). To determine which type of plot 
    1211 should be made of selection, use:</p> 
    1212 <p>If the plot selector is on <code class="constant">plt</code></p> 
    1213 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    1214 <ul type="disc"> 
    1215 <li> 
    1216 <p>the <span class="mousebutton">left</span> mouse button to create 
    1217 horizontal plots (<code class="constant">plt</code>)</p> 
    1218 </li> 
    1219 <li> 
    1220 <p>the <span class="mousebutton">middle</span> mouse button to 
    1221 create vertical plots (<code class="constant">pltz</code>)</p> 
    1222 </li> 
    1223 <li> 
    1224 <p>the <span class="mousebutton">right</span> mouse button to 
    1225 create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (<code class= 
    1226 "constant">pltt</code>)</p> 
    1227 </li> 
    1228 </ul> 
    1229 </div> 
     287    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0208" id="fig_xxx_0208"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 12. Example of list of open files</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     289<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0208.png" alt="Example of list of open files" /></div> 
     290    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     294<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="commandtexttxt" id="commandtexttxt"></a>2.7. <span class="guimenuitem">Command text</span></h3></div></div></div> 
     296To specify in the widget part number 7 the computation you want to do on the data 
     297</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>In all cases bellow, the name given to a field (a, b, c, 
) is of no importance.</p></div><p> 
     299<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="commandtext_linear" id="commandtext_linear"></a>2.7.1. Linear calculation</h4></div></div></div> 
     301If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant 
). you can simply put the following commands: </p><pre class="screen">a - b</pre><pre class="screen">numb1*a</pre><pre class="screen">a + numb</pre><p> or any command with the following format </p><pre class="screen">numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c 
 + numb</pre><p> where numb1, numb2, 
 correspond to numbers and a, b, c 
 will be the data to read. 
     304<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="commandtext_anykind" id="commandtext_anykind"></a>2.7.2. Any kind of computation</h4></div></div></div> 
     306If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must put designate the data you want to read between <span><strong class="keycap">"</strong></span><span><strong class="keycap">"</strong></span> (with anything in between the "). For example: </p><pre class="screen">"a"^2</pre><pre class="screen">"a" - abs("b")</pre><pre class="screen">grad("a", 'x')</pre><p> 
     311<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="calendartxt" id="calendartxt"></a>2.8. Calendar</h3></div></div></div> 
     313The calendar is made up of two drop-lists, which allow specification of two dates, the beginning and end of a time series, or the period over which to average before plotting.</p> 
     315    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0301" id="fig_xxx_0301"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 13. Example: first plot in January, second plot is from January to December</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     317<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0301.png" alt="Example: first plot in January, second plot is from January to December" /></div> 
     318    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     322<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="domdeftxt" id="domdeftxt"></a>2.9. Define the domain</h3></div></div></div> 
     324  A series of widgets that allow specification of the min/max limits of the domain in longitude/x-index, latitude/y-index, and depth in levels or meters. 
     325  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210_domain" id="fig_xxx_0210_domain"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 14. Domain by default</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     327<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210.png" alt="Domain by default" /></div> 
     328  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     329  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0401" id="fig_xxx_0401"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 15. Change Domain area: zoom on Oceania</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     331<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0401.png" alt="Change Domain area: zoom on Oceania" /></div> 
     332  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     333  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0402" id="fig_xxx_0402"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 16. This configuration give us:</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     335<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0402.png" alt="This configuration give us:" /></div> 
     336  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     337  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0403" id="fig_xxx_0403"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 17. Change depth area: between depth 125 and 126</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     339<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0403.png" alt="Change depth area: between depth 125 and 126" /></div> 
     340  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     341  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0404" id="fig_xxx_0404"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 18. temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     343<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0404.png" alt="temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask" /></div> 
     344  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     345  As you can see, at this depth, we better define a land/sea mask when loading the grid. Cf <a href="#fig_xxx_0103" title="Figure 3. Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization">Figure 3, “Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization”</a> 
     349<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="specificationstxt" id="specificationstxt"></a>2.10. Specify your plot</h3></div></div></div> 
     351<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="minmaxintervaltxt" id="minmaxintervaltxt"></a>2.10.1. Specify min, max and contour interval</h4></div></div></div> 
     353  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0501" id="fig_xxx_0501"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 19. min, max, and contour interval specifications</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     355<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0501.png" alt="min, max, and contour interval specifications" /></div> 
     356  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     357  You can restore configuration by default by pressing the <span class="guibutton">Default</span> button. 
     358  </p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>The path of the file <a href="../../ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/definedefaultextra.pro" target="_top"><code class="filename">definedefaultextra.pro</code></a> that defines the default values for each variable names is displayed when the cursor hovers over the button <span class="guibutton">Default</span>. This file contains a case statement based on the name of the variable and defining the min, max, contour interval and other keywords that should be used as default for the specified variable. You can copy this file in your own <code class="filename">${HOME}/My_IDL/</code> directory and easily modify it to suit your favorite default values.</p></div><p> 
     362<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="colortxt" id="colortxt"></a>2.10.2. Specify the palette to be used</h4></div></div></div> 
     363<p>For the color palette, you can either specify the name or go search for one among the palettes available.</p> 
     365    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0502" id="fig_xxx_0502"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 20. The Color menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     367<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0502.png" alt="The Color menu" /></div> 
     368    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     372<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="kwdtxt" id="kwdtxt"></a>2.10.3. Add any keyword</h4></div></div></div> 
     374  The “<span class="quote">keywords</span>” window allows specification of all desired keywords. There is a few examples of the use of this “<span class="quote">keywords</span>” window. 
     375  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0209" id="fig_xxx_0209"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 21. Without any additional keyword</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     377<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0209.png" alt="Without any additional keyword" /></div> 
     378  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     379  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210a" id="fig_xxx_0210a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 22. Add <code class="varname">/realcont</code> keyword</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     381<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210a.png" alt="Add /realcont keyword" /></div> 
     382  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     383  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210_realcont" id="fig_xxx_0210_realcont"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 23. Graphic with <code class="varname">/realcont</code> keyword</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     385<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210.png" alt="Graphic with /realcont keyword" /></div> 
     386  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     387  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0211a" id="fig_xxx_0211a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 24. Add <code class="userinput">/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</code> keywords</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     389<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0211a.png" alt="Add /realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2 keywords" /></div> 
     390  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     391  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0211" id="fig_xxx_0211"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 25. Graphic with <code class="literal">/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</code> keywords</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     393<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0211.png" alt="Graphic with /realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2 keywords" /></div> 
     394  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     400<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="mouseactions" id="mouseactions"></a>3. Mouse Actions</h2></div></div></div> 
     402<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="mouse" id="mouse"></a>3.1. In the graphics window on a horizontal plot</h3></div></div></div> 
     404Select a domain and select the horizontal plot (<code class="constant">plt</code>), vertical plot 
     405(<code class="constant">pltz</code>), or the hovmoeller plot (<code class="constant">pltt</code>):</p> 
     407The domain we'd like to select for the plot is determined by one of 
     408its diagonals, defined therefore by two points. 
     409The first point is 
     410defined when the mouse button is pushed, then the mouse is moved, and 
     411the second point is defined as the mouse button is released 
     413The domains are thus defined by a long click (<abbr class="abbrev">LC</abbr>). 
     414To determine which type of plot should be made of selection, use: 
     417If the plot selector is on <code class="constant">plt</code> 
     418</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>the <span class="mousebutton">left</span> mouse button to create horizontal plots (<code class="constant">plt</code>)</p></li><li><p>the <span class="mousebutton">middle</span> mouse button to create vertical plots (<code class="constant">pltz</code>)</p></li><li><p>the <span class="mousebutton">right</span> mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (<code class="constant">pltt</code>)</p></li></ul></div><p> 
    1230421<p>In summary:</p> 
    1231 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    1232 <ul type="disc"> 
    1233 <li> 
    1234 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousell" id="fig_mousell"></a> 
    1235 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;26.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
    1236 "abbrev">LCL</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">plt</code></b></p> 
    1237 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    1238 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N105A3" src= 
    1239 "figpng/xxx_mousell.png" alt="LCL---&gt;plt"><map name="N105A3" id= 
    1240 "N105A3"></map></div> 
    1241 </div> 
    1242 </div> 
    1243 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1244 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0701" id="fig_xxx_0701"></a> 
    1245 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;27.&nbsp;Horizontal Plot</b></p> 
    1246 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0701.png" alt= 
    1247 "Horizontal Plot"></div> 
    1248 </div> 
    1249 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1250 <li> 
    1251 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselm" id="fig_mouselm"></a> 
    1252 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;28.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
    1253 "abbrev">LCM</abbr>---&gt;<code class= 
    1254 "constant">pltz</code></b></p> 
    1255 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    1256 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N105C1" src= 
    1257 "figpng/xxx_mouselm.png" alt="LCM---&gt;pltz"><map name="N105C1" 
    1258 id="N105C1"></map></div> 
    1259 </div> 
    1260 </div> 
    1261 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1262 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0702" id="fig_xxx_0702"></a> 
    1263 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;29.&nbsp;Vertical Plot</b></p> 
    1264 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0702.png" alt= 
    1265 "Vertical Plot"></div> 
    1266 </div> 
    1267 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1268 <li> 
    1269 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselr" id="fig_mouselr"></a> 
    1270 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;30.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
    1271 "abbrev">LCR</abbr>---&gt;<code class= 
    1272 "constant">pltt</code></b></p> 
    1273 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    1274 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N105DF" src= 
    1275 "figpng/xxx_mouselr.png" alt="LCR---&gt;pltt"><map name="N105DF" 
    1276 id="N105DF"></map></div> 
    1277 </div> 
    1278 </div> 
    1279 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1280 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0703" id="fig_xxx_0703"></a> 
    1281 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;31.&nbsp;Common hovmoeller for xt 
    1282 and yt cuts</b></p> 
    1283 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0703.png" alt= 
    1284 "Common hovmoeller for xt and yt cuts"></div> 
    1285 </div> 
    1286 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1287 </ul> 
    1288 </div> 
    1289 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    1290 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    1291 <p>If the plot selector is on something other than <code class= 
    1292 "constant">plt</code> the indicated plot type is made.</p> 
    1293 </div> 
    1294 </div> 
    1295 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    1296 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1297 <div> 
    1298 <div> 
    1299 <h3 class="title"><a name="multipleplots" id= 
    1300 "multipleplots"></a>3.2.&nbsp;Create multiple plots on the same 
    1301 sheet and make them interact</h3> 
    1302 </div> 
    1303 </div> 
    1304 </div> 
    1305 <p>Select the number of columns and rows for the page.</p> 
    1306 <p>Create a first plot. It will appear in the first frame.</p> 
    1307 <p>To create a plot in another frame double-click in the frame with 
    1308 the <span class="mousebutton">middle</span> button (<abbr class= 
    1309 "abbrev"><span class="mousebutton">DCM</span></abbr>). A black 
    1310 dotted frame will surround the designated frame, the 
    1311 &ldquo;<span class="quote">target</span>&rdquo; frame. A black 
    1312 frame will surround the first plot. This is the &ldquo;<span class= 
    1313 "quote">reference</span>&rdquo; frame, in other words the one that 
    1314 all the XXX widgets refer to. Change for example the date and 
    1315 create a new plot. With a <span class="mousebutton">left</span> 
    1316 button double-click in the first frame, all the widgets change and 
    1317 refer again to the first plot. A double-click with the <span class= 
    1318 "mousebutton">right</span> button in the second frame will erase 
    1319 the plot.</p> 
    1320 <p>In summary:</p> 
    1321 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    1322 <ul type="disc"> 
    1323 <li> 
    1324 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedl" id="fig_mousedl"></a> 
    1325 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;32.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
    1326 "abbrev">DCL</abbr>---&gt;&ldquo;<span class= 
    1327 "quote">reference</span>&rdquo; frame</b></p> 
    1328 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    1329 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N1062C" src= 
    1330 "figpng/xxx_mousedl.png" alt="DCL---&gt;reference frame"><map name= 
    1331 "N1062C" id="N1062C"></map></div> 
    1332 </div> 
    1333 </div> 
    1334 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1335 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0801" id="fig_xxx_0801"></a> 
    1336 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;33.&nbsp;The reference frame is 
    1337 selected</b></p> 
    1338 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0801.png" alt= 
    1339 "The reference frame is selected"></div> 
    1340 </div> 
    1341 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1342 <li> 
    1343 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedm" id="fig_mousedm"></a> 
    1344 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;34.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
    1345 "abbrev">DCM</abbr>---&gt;&ldquo;<span class= 
    1346 "quote">target</span>&rdquo; frame</b></p> 
    1347 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    1348 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N1064B" src= 
    1349 "figpng/xxx_mousedm.png" alt="DCM---&gt;target frame"><map name= 
    1350 "N1064B" id="N1064B"></map></div> 
    1351 </div> 
    1352 </div> 
    1353 <br class="figure-break"> 
    1354 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0802" id="fig_xxx_0802"></a> 
    1355 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;35.&nbsp;The target frame is 
    1356 selected</b></p> 
    1357 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0802.png" alt= 
    1358 "The target frame is selected"></div> 
    1359 </div> 
    1360 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1361 <li> 
    1362 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedr" id="fig_mousedr"></a> 
    1363 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;36.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
    1364 "abbrev">DCR</abbr>---&gt;erase the frame</b></p> 
    1365 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    1366 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="N10667" src= 
    1367 "figpng/xxx_mousedr.png" alt="DCR---&gt;erase the frame"><map name= 
    1368 "N10667" id="N10667"></map></div> 
    1369 </div> 
    1370 </div> 
    1371 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1372 </ul> 
    1373 </div> 
     423</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> 
     425    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousell" id="fig_mousell"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 26. <abbr class="abbrev">LCL</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">plt</code></b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     427      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousell.png" alt="LCL---&gt;plt" /></div> 
     428    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     431    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0701" id="fig_xxx_0701"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 27. Horizontal Plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     433      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0701.png" alt="Horizontal Plot" /></div> 
     434    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     439    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselm" id="fig_mouselm"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 28. <abbr class="abbrev">LCM</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">pltz</code></b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     441      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mouselm.png" alt="LCM---&gt;pltz" /></div> 
     442    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     445    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0702" id="fig_xxx_0702"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 29. Vertical Plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     447      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0702.png" alt="Vertical Plot" /></div> 
     448    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     453    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselr" id="fig_mouselr"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 30. <abbr class="abbrev">LCR</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">pltt</code></b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     455      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mouselr.png" alt="LCR---&gt;pltt" /></div> 
     456    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     459    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0703" id="fig_xxx_0703"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 31. Common hovmoeller for xt and yt cuts</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     461      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0703.png" alt="Common hovmoeller for xt and yt cuts" /></div> 
     462    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     468<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>If the plot selector is on something other than <code class="constant">plt</code> the indicated plot type is made.</p></div> 
     471<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="multipleplots" id="multipleplots"></a>3.2. Create multiple plots on the same sheet and make them interact</h3></div></div></div> 
     474Select the number of columns and rows for the page.</p> 
     476Create a first plot. 
     477It will appear in the first frame.</p> 
     479To create a plot in another frame double-click in the frame with the 
     480<span class="mousebutton">middle</span> button (<span class="mousebutton">DCM</span>). 
     481A black dotted frame will surround the designated frame, the “<span class="quote">target</span>” frame. 
     482A black frame will surround the first plot. 
     483This is the “<span class="quote">reference</span>” frame, in other words the one 
     484that all the XXX widgets refer to. 
     485Change for example the date and create a new plot. 
     486With a <span class="mousebutton">left</span> button double-click in the first 
     487frame, all the widgets change and refer again to the first plot. 
     488A double-click with the <span class="mousebutton">right</span> button in the second frame will erase the 
     490<p>In summary: </p> 
     491<div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> 
     493    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedl" id="fig_mousedl"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 32. <abbr class="abbrev">DCL</abbr>---&gt;“<span class="quote">reference</span>” frame</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     495      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousedl.png" alt="DCL---&gt;reference frame" /></div> 
     496    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     499    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0801" id="fig_xxx_0801"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 33. The reference frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     501      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0801.png" alt="The reference frame is selected" /></div> 
     502    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     507    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedm" id="fig_mousedm"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 34. <abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr>---&gt;“<span class="quote">target</span>” frame</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     509      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousedm.png" alt="DCM---&gt;target frame" /></div> 
     510    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     513    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0802" id="fig_xxx_0802"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 35. The target frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     515      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0802.png" alt="The target frame is selected" /></div> 
     516    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     520    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedr" id="fig_mousedr"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 36. <abbr class="abbrev">DCR</abbr>---&gt;erase the frame</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     522      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousedr.png" alt="DCR---&gt;erase the frame" /></div> 
     523    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    1374527<p>Here's a series of commands to show how this works.</p> 
    1375 <div class="procedure"> 
    1376 <ol type="1"> 
    1377 <li> 
    1378 <p>load xxx with the command:</p> 
    1379 <pre class="screen"> 
    1380     <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    1381 "userinput"><code><span><strong class= 
    1382 "command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class= 
    1383 "parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA05.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'tst_initorca05'</code></em></code></strong> 
    1385 </pre></li> 
    1386 <li> 
    1387 <p>Select a 3-D field and create 6 frames for the sheet of 
    1388 paper.</p> 
    1389 </li> 
    1390 <li> 
    1391 <p>Create a horizontal plot in Frame 1</p> 
    1392 </li> 
    1393 <li> 
    1394 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 2, <abbr class= 
    1395 "abbrev">LCL</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a horizontal 
     528<div class="procedure"><ol type="1"><li> 
     530load xxx with the command: 
     531  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     532    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA05.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'tst_initorca05'</code></em></code></strong> 
     533  </pre><p> 
     537Select a 3-D field and create 6 frames for the sheet of paper. 
     541Create a horizontal plot in Frame 1 
     545<abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 2, <abbr class="abbrev">LCL</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a horizontal 
    1396546zoom in frame 2.</p> 
    1397 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 3, <abbr class= 
    1398 "abbrev">LCM</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a vertical 
    1399 cut in frame 3.</p> 
    1400 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 4, <abbr class= 
    1401 "abbrev">LCR</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a hovmoeller 
    1402 in frame 4.</p> 
    1403 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0901" id="fig_xxx_0901"></a> 
    1404 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;37.&nbsp;Frame with four 
    1405 plot</b></p> 
    1406 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0901.png" alt= 
    1407 "Frame with four plot"></div> 
    1408 </div> 
    1409 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1410 </ol> 
    1411 </div> 
    1412 <div class="procedure"> 
    1413 <p>To redo the hovmoeller with the keyword</p> 
    1414 <div class="literallayout"> 
    1415 <p><span style="white-space: pre;">/nocontour</span></p> 
    1416 </div> 
    1417 <ol type="1"> 
    1418 <li> 
    1419 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCL</abbr> in frame 4 which now becomes the 
    1420 reference and target frame.</p> 
    1421 </li> 
    1422 <li> 
    1423 <p>Add the keyword</p> 
    1424 <div class="literallayout"> 
    1425 <p><span style="white-space: pre;">/nocontour</span></p> 
    1426 </div> 
    1427 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0902a" id="fig_xxx_0902a"></a> 
    1428 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;38.&nbsp;Command text area</b></p> 
    1429 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0902a.png" alt= 
    1430 "Command text area"></div> 
    1431 </div> 
    1432 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1433 <li> 
    1434 <p>click <span class="guibutton">OK</span>, and the plot is 
    1435 redone.</p> 
    1436 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0902" id="fig_xxx_0902"></a> 
    1437 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;39.&nbsp;The fourth plot with the 
    1438 keyword "nocontour"</b></p> 
    1439 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0902.png" alt= 
    1440 "The fourth plot with the keyword &quot;nocontour&quot;"></div> 
    1441 </div> 
    1442 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1443 </ol> 
    1444 </div> 
    1445 <div class="procedure"> 
    1446 <p>in frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we 
    1447 use pltv instead of plt</p> 
    1448 <ol type="1"> 
    1449 <li> 
    1450 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCL</abbr> on frame 2</p> 
    1451 </li> 
    1452 <li> 
    1453 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> on frame 5</p> 
    1454 </li> 
    1455 <li> 
    1456 <p>change plt for pltv</p> 
    1457 </li> 
    1458 <li> 
    1459 <p>Click on <span class="guibutton">OK</span></p> 
    1460 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0903" id="fig_xxx_0903"></a> 
    1461 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;40.&nbsp;Frame with five 
    1462 plot</b></p> 
    1463 <div class="figure-contents"><img src="figpng/xxx_0903.png" alt= 
    1464 "Frame with five plot"></div> 
    1465 </div> 
    1466 <br class="figure-break"></li> 
    1467 </ol> 
    1468 </div> 
    1469 </div> 
    1470 </div> 
    1471 <div class="sect1" lang="en"> 
    1472 <div class="titlepage"> 
    1473 <div> 
    1474 <div> 
    1475 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="crash" id= 
    1476 "crash"></a>4.&nbsp;What should I do when it breakdown</h2> 
    1477 </div> 
    1478 </div> 
    1479 </div> 
    1480 <div class="orderedlist"> 
    1481 <ol type="1"> 
    1482 <li> 
    1483 <p>In the IDL window type (as many time you click on a button since 
    1484 a problem occurs in xxx !!!),</p> 
    1485 <pre class="screen"> 
    1486 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    1487 "userinput"><code>retall</code></strong> 
    1488 </pre></li> 
    1489 <li> 
    1490 <p>in the IDL window, type</p> 
    1491 <pre class="screen"> 
    1492 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    1493 "userinput"><code>domdef</code></strong> 
    1494 </pre></li> 
    1495 <li> 
    1496 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCR</abbr> to erase the problem frame.</p> 
    1497 </li> 
    1498 <li> 
    1499 <p>change the orientation of the plot by pressing Flag options 
    1500 -&gt; Portrait/Landscape. Cf <a href="#flagsubmenu" title= 
    1501 "2.2.3.&nbsp;Flag options sub-menu">Section&nbsp;2.2.3, 
    1502 &ldquo;<span class="guisubmenu">Flag options</span> 
    1503 sub-menu&rdquo;</a></p> 
    1504 </li> 
    1505 <li> 
    1506 <p>quit XXX cleanly using <span class="guisubmenu">quit</span> from 
    1507 the <span class="guibutton">File</span> menu. Cf <a href= 
    1508 "#filesubmenu" title= 
    1509 "2.2.1.&nbsp;File sub-menu">Section&nbsp;2.2.1, &ldquo;<span class= 
    1510 "guibutton">File</span> sub-menu&rdquo;</a></p> 
    1511 </li> 
    1512 </ol> 
    1513 </div> 
    1514 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    1515 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    1516 <p>Always avoid if at all possible closing and killing the XXX 
    1517 window, but rather select <span class="guisubmenu">quit</span> from 
    1518 the <span class="guibutton">File</span> menu. XXX uses a large 
    1519 number of pointers, and want only killing the window will leave a 
    1520 large number of unused variables in memory, which could in the end 
    1521 overflow. To clean up this memory:</p> 
    1522 <pre class="screen"> 
    1523 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    1524 "userinput"><code>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</code></strong> 
    1525 </pre></div> 
    1526 </div> 
    1527 </div> 
    1528 </body> 
     548<abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 3, <abbr class="abbrev">LCM</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a vertical cut 
     549in frame 3.</p> 
     551<abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 4, <abbr class="abbrev">LCR</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
     554    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0901" id="fig_xxx_0901"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 37. Frame with four plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     556      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0901.png" alt="Frame with four plot" /></div> 
     557    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     560<div class="procedure"><p> 
     561To redo the hovmoeller with the keyword </p><div class="literallayout"><p>/nocontour</p></div><p> 
     562</p><ol type="1"><li> 
     564<abbr class="abbrev">DCL</abbr> in frame 4 which now becomes the reference and target frame. 
     568Add the keyword 
     569</p><div class="literallayout"><p>/nocontour</p></div><p> 
     572    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0902a" id="fig_xxx_0902a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 38. Command text area</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     574      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0902a.png" alt="Command text area" /></div> 
     575    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     579click <span class="guibutton">OK</span>, and the plot is redone. 
     582    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0902" id="fig_xxx_0902"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 39. The fourth plot with the keyword "nocontour"</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     584      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0902.png" alt="The fourth plot with the keyword &quot;nocontour&quot;" /></div> 
     585    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     588<div class="procedure"><p> 
     589in frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
     590</p><ol type="1"><li> 
     592<abbr class="abbrev">DCL</abbr> on frame 2 
     596<abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> on frame 5 
     600change plt for pltv 
     604Click on <span class="guibutton">OK</span> 
     607    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0903" id="fig_xxx_0903"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 40. Frame with five plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     609      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0903.png" alt="Frame with five plot" /></div> 
     610    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     615<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="crash" id="crash"></a>4. What should I do when it breakdown</h2></div></div></div> 
     618</p><div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"><li> 
     620In the IDL window type (as many time you click on a button since a problem occurs in xxx !!!), 
     621  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     622<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>retall</code></strong> 
     626in the IDL window, type 
     627  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     628<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>domdef</code></strong> 
     631<p><abbr class="abbrev">DCR</abbr> to erase the problem frame. 
     633</li><li><p>change the orientation of the plot by pressing Flag options -&gt; Portrait/Landscape. Cf <a href="#flagsubmenu" title="2.2.3. Flag options sub-menu">Section 2.2.3, “<span class="guisubmenu">Flag options</span> sub-menu”</a> 
     634</p></li><li><p>quit XXX cleanly using <span class="guisubmenu">quit</span> from the <span class="guibutton">File</span> menu. Cf <a href="#filesubmenu" title="2.2.1. File sub-menu">Section 2.2.1, “<span class="guibutton">File</span> sub-menu”</a> 
     637<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
     639Always avoid if at all possible closing and killing the XXX 
     640window, but rather select <span class="guisubmenu">quit</span> from the <span class="guibutton">File</span> menu. 
     641XXX uses a large number of pointers, and want only killing the window will 
     642leave a large number of unused variables in memory, which could in the end 
     644To clean up this memory: 
     645  </p><pre class="screen"> 
     646<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</code></strong> 
     652  </body> 
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