05/02/06 15:54:11 (18 years ago)

upgrade of MATRICE according to cerbere.lodyc.jussieu.fr: /usr/home/smasson/SAXO_RD/ : files

1 copied


  • trunk/ToBeReviewed/MATRICE/cmapply.pro

    r29 r31  
    2525;   The possible functions are:             (and number of loop iterations:) 
    2626;     +     - Performs a sum (as in TOTAL)       number of collapsed dimensions 
    27 ;     *     - Performs a product                 same 
    2827;     AND   - Finds LOGICAL "AND" (not bitwise)  same 
    2928;     OR    - Finds LOGICAL "OR"  (not bitwise)  same 
    30 ; 
    31 ;     MIN   - Finds the minimum value            number of output elements 
    32 ;     MAX   - Finds the maximum value            same 
     29;     *     - Performs a product                 LOG_2[no. of collapsed elts.] 
     31;     MIN   - Finds the minimum value            smaller of no. of collapsed 
     32;     MAX   - Finds the maximum value            or output elements 
     34;     USER  - Applies user-defined function      no. of output elements 
     37;   It is possible to perform user-defined operations arrays using 
     38;   CMAPPLY.  The OP parameter is set to 'USER:FUNCTNAME', where 
     39;   FUNCTNAME is the name of a user-defined function.  The user 
     40;   defined function should be defined such that it accepts a single 
     41;   parameter, a vector, and returns a single scalar value.  Here is a 
     42;   prototype for the function definition: 
     44;      FUNCTION FUNCTNAME, x, KEYWORD1=key1, ... 
     45;         scalar = ... function of x or keywords ... 
     46;         RETURN, scalar 
     47;      END 
     49;   The function may accept keywords.  Keyword values are passed in to 
     50;   CMAPPLY through the FUNCTARGS keywords parameter, and passed to 
     51;   the user function via the _EXTRA mechanism.  Thus, while the 
     52;   definition of the user function is highly constrained in the 
     53;   number of positional parameters, there is absolute freedom in 
     54;   passing keyword parameters. 
     56;   It's worth noting however, that the implementation of user-defined 
     57;   functions is not particularly optimized for speed.  Users are 
     58;   encouraged to implement their own array if the number of output 
     59;   elements is large. 
    3462; INPUTS: 
    3664;   OP - The operation to perform, as a string.  May be upper or lower 
    3765;        case. 
     67;        If a user-defined operation is to be passed, then OP is of 
     68;        the form, 'USER:FUNCTNAME', where FUNCTNAME is the name of 
     69;        the user-defined function. 
    3971;   ARRAY - An array of values to be operated on.  Must not be of type 
    6597;          DEFAULT: same is input type 
     99;   FUNCTARGS - If OP is 'USER:...', then the contents of this keyword 
     100;               are passed to the user function using the _EXTRA 
     101;               mechanism.  This way you can pass additional data to 
     102;               your user-supplied function, via keywords, without 
     103;               using common blocks. 
     104;               DEFAULT: undefined (i.e., no keywords passed by _EXTRA) 
    67106; RETURN VALUE: 
    103142;        408     472     536     600 
     144;   Fourth example. A user-function (MEDIAN) is used: 
     146;   IDL> IN = RANDOMN(SEED,10,10,5) 
     147;   IDL> OUT = CMAPPLY('USER:MEDIAN', IN, 3) 
     148;   IDL> HELP, OUT 
     149;   OUT             FLOAT     = Array[10, 10] 
     151;   (OUT(i,j) is the median value of IN(i,j,*)) 
    106154;   Mar 1998, Written, CM 
     155;   Changed usage message to not bomb, 24 Mar 2000, CM 
     156;   Signficant rewrite for *, MIN and MAX (inspired by Todd Clements 
     157;     <Todd_Clements@alumni.hmc.edu>); FOR loop indices are now type 
     158;     LONG; copying terms are liberalized, CM, 22, Aug 2000 
     159;   More efficient MAX/MIN (inspired by Alex Schuster), CM, 25 Jan 
     160;     2002 
     161;   Make new MAX/MIN actually work with 3d arrays, CM, 08 Feb 2002 
     162;   Add user-defined functions, ON_ERROR, CM, 09 Feb 2002 
     163;   Correct bug in MAX/MIN initialization of RESULT, CM, 05 Dec 2002 
     165;  $Id$ 
    110 function cmapply, op, array, dimapply, double=dbl, type=type 
     168; Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2002, Craig Markwardt 
     169; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. 
     170; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or 
     171; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer 
     172; are included unchanged. 
     175;; Utility function, adapted from CMPRODUCT 
     176function cmapply_product, x 
     177  sz = size(x) 
     178  n = sz(1) 
     180  while n GT 1 do begin 
     181      if (n mod 2) EQ 1 then x(0,*) = x(0,*) * x(n-1,*) 
     182      n2 = floor(n/2) 
     183      x = x(0:n2-1,*) * x(n2:*,*) 
     184      n = n2 
     185  endwhile 
     186  return, reform(x(0,*), /overwrite) 
     189;; Utility function, used to collect collaped dimensions 
     190pro cmapply_redim, newarr, dimapply, dimkeep, nkeep, totcol, totkeep 
     191  sz = size(newarr) 
     192  ;; First task: rearrange dimensions so that the dimensions 
     193  ;; that are "kept" (ie, uncollapsed) are at the back 
     194  dimkeep = where(histogram(dimapply,min=1,max=sz(0)) ne 1, nkeep) 
     195  if nkeep EQ 0 then return 
     197  newarr = transpose(temporary(newarr), [dimapply-1, dimkeep]) 
     198  ;; totcol is the total number of collapsed elements 
     199  totcol = sz(dimapply(0)) 
     200  for i = 1, n_elements(dimapply)-1 do totcol = totcol * sz(dimapply(i)) 
     201  totkeep = sz(dimkeep(0)+1) 
     202  for i = 1, n_elements(dimkeep)-1 do totkeep = totkeep * sz(dimkeep(i)+1) 
     204  ;; this new array has two dimensions: 
     205  ;;   * the first, all elements that will be collapsed 
     206  ;;   * the second, all dimensions that will be preserved 
     207  ;; (the ordering is so that all elements to be collapsed are 
     208  ;;  adjacent in memory) 
     209  newarr = reform(newarr, [totcol, totkeep], /overwrite) 
     212;; Main function 
     213function cmapply, op, array, dimapply, double=dbl, type=type, $ 
     214                  functargs=functargs, nocatch=nocatch 
    112216  if n_params() LT 2 then begin 
    113217      message, "USAGE: XX = CMAPPLY('OP',ARRAY,2)", /info 
    114       message, '       where OP is +, *, AND, OR, MIN, MAX' 
     218      message, '       where OP is +, *, AND, OR, MIN, MAX', /info 
    115219      return, -1L 
    116220  endif 
     221  if NOT keyword_set(nocatch) then $ 
     222    on_error, 2 $ 
     223  else $ 
     224    on_error, 0 
    118226  ;; Parameter checking 
    151259      ;; *** Addition 
    152260      (newop EQ '+'): begin 
    153           for i = 0, napply-1 do begin 
     261          for i = 0L, napply-1 do begin 
    154262              newarr = total(temporary(newarr), dimapply(i)-i, double=dbl) 
    155263          endfor 
    158266      ;; *** Multiplication 
    159267      (newop EQ '*'): begin ;; Multiplication (by summation of logarithms) 
    160           dummy = check_math(1, 1)  ;; Disable printing of messages 
    161           ;; The following step seems to be the slowest 
    162           newarr = alog(abs(dcomplex(temporary(newarr)))) 
    163           for i = 0, napply-1 do begin 
    164               newarr = total(temporary(newarr), dimapply(i)-i, double=1) 
    165           endfor 
    166           newarr = exp(temporary(newarr)) 
    167           dummy = check_math(0, 0)  ;; Enable printing of messages 
     268          cmapply_redim, newarr, dimapply, dimkeep, nkeep, totcol, totkeep 
     269          if nkeep EQ 0 then begin 
     270              newarr = reform(newarr, n_elements(newarr), 1, /overwrite) 
     271              return, (cmapply_product(newarr))(0) 
     272          endif 
     274          result = cmapply_product(newarr) 
     275          result = reform(result, sz(dimkeep+1), /overwrite) 
     276          return, result 
    168277      end 
    172281          newarr = temporary(newarr) NE 0 
    173282          totelt = 1L 
    174           for i = 0, napply-1 do begin 
     283          for i = 0L, napply-1 do begin 
    175284              newarr = total(temporary(newarr), dimapply(i)-i) 
    176285              totelt = totelt * sz(dimapply(i)) 
    180289      end 
    182       ;; *** Operations requiring element by element access ... ho hum 
     291      ;; Operations requiring a little more attention over how to 
     292      ;; iterate 
    183293      ((newop EQ 'MAX') OR (newop EQ 'MIN')): begin 
    184           ;; First task: rearrange dimensions so that the dimensions 
    185           ;; that are "kept" (ie, uncollapsed) are at the back 
    186           dimkeep = where(histogram(dimapply,min=1,max=sz(0)) ne 1, count) 
    187           if count EQ 0 then begin 
    188               case newop of 
    189                   'MAX': return, max(newarr) 
    190                   'MIN': return, min(newarr) 
    191               endcase 
     294          cmapply_redim, newarr, dimapply, dimkeep, nkeep, totcol, totkeep 
     295          if nkeep EQ 0 then begin 
     296              if newop EQ 'MAX' then return, max(newarr) 
     297              if newop EQ 'MIN' then return, min(newarr) 
    192298          endif 
    193           newarr = transpose( temporary(newarr), [ dimapply-1, dimkeep ]) 
    194           ;; totcol is the total number of collapsed elements 
    195           totcol = exp(total(alog(sz(dimapply)))) 
    196           totkeep = exp(total(alog(sz(dimkeep+1)))) 
    197           ;; this new array has two dimensions: 
    198           ;;   * the first, all elements that will be collapsed 
    199           ;;   * the second, all dimensions that will be preserved 
    200           ;; (the ordering is so that all elements to be collapsed are 
    201           ;;  adjacent in memory) 
    202           newarr = reform(newarr, round([totcol, totkeep]), /overwrite) 
    204300          ;; Next task: create result array 
    205           result = make_array(dimension=sz(dimkeep+1), type=type) 
    207           ;; Finally, compute the result, element by element 
    208           case newop of  
    209               'MAX': for i = 0, totkeep-1 do result(i) = max(newarr(*,i)) 
    210               'MIN': for i = 0, totkeep-1 do result(i) = min(newarr(*,i)) 
    211           endcase 
     301          result = make_array(totkeep, type=type) 
     303          ;; Now either iterate over the number of output elements, or 
     304          ;; the number of collapsed elements, whichever is smaller. 
     305          if totcol LT totkeep then begin 
     306              ;; Iterate over the number of collapsed elements 
     307              result(0) = reform(newarr(0,*),totkeep,/overwrite) 
     308              case newop of  
     309                  'MAX': for i = 1L, totcol-1 do $ 
     310                    result(0) = result > newarr(i,*) 
     311                  'MIN': for i = 1L, totcol-1 do $ 
     312                    result(0) = result < newarr(i,*) 
     313              endcase 
     314          endif else begin 
     315              ;; Iterate over the number of output elements 
     316              case newop of  
     317                  'MAX': for i = 0L, totkeep-1 do result(i) = max(newarr(*,i)) 
     318                  'MIN': for i = 0L, totkeep-1 do result(i) = min(newarr(*,i)) 
     319              endcase 
     320          endelse 
     322          result = reform(result, sz(dimkeep+1), /overwrite) 
    212323          return, result 
    213324      end 
     326      ;; User function 
     327      (strmid(newop,0,4) EQ 'USER'): begin 
     328          functname = strmid(newop,5) 
     329          if functname EQ '' then $ 
     330            message, 'ERROR: '+newop+' is not a valid operation' 
     332          cmapply_redim, newarr, dimapply, dimkeep, nkeep, totcol, totkeep 
     333          if nkeep EQ 0 then begin 
     334              if n_elements(functargs) GT 0 then $ 
     335                return, call_function(functname, newarr, _EXTRA=functargs) 
     336              return, call_function(functname, newarr) 
     337          endif 
     339          ;; Next task: create result array 
     340          result = make_array(totkeep, type=type) 
     342          ;; Iterate over the number of output elements 
     343          if n_elements(functargs) GT 0 then begin 
     344              for i = 0L, totkeep-1 do $ 
     345                result(i) = call_function(functname, newarr(*,i), _EXTRA=functargs) 
     346          endif else begin 
     347              for i = 0L, totkeep-1 do $ 
     348                result(i) = call_function(functname, newarr(*,i)) 
     349          endelse 
     351          result = reform(result, sz(dimkeep+1), /overwrite) 
     352          return, result 
     353      end 
    215356  endcase 
    226367    return, call_function(castfns(type), newarr) 
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