03/16/07 10:22:26 (17 years ago)

corrections of some misspellings in some *.pro

1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/read_hope.pro

    r163 r226  
    88; @param EVENT 
    9 ;  
    1111; @returns 
    1717; @examples 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2019; @history 
    244243; A two elements vector [date1, date2]] 
    245244; the boundary of the calendar with date1 and date2 
    246 ; folowing the syntax yyyymmdd 
     245; following the syntax yyyymmdd 
    248247; @keyword ODDPT 
    249248; Activate to read only the sections located on ODD 
    250 ; points  
     249; points 
    252251; @keyword EVENPT 
    253252; Activate to read only the sections located on even 
    254 ; points  
     253; points 
    256255; @keyword ODDEVENPT 
    332331  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    334 @common                         ; usefull only for the definition of iodir  
     333@common                         ; usefull only for the definition of iodir 
    335334  if n_elements(filename) EQ 0 then filename = isafile(iodirectory = iodir, _extra = ex) 
    336335  IF size(filename, /type) NE 7 THEN return, -1 
    337336  filename = isafile(filename = filename, iodirectory = iodir, _extra = ex) 
    339   cdfid = ncdf_open(filename)       ; id of the netcdf file  
     338  cdfid = ncdf_open(filename)       ; id of the netcdf file 
    340339  wathinside = ncdf_inquire(cdfid)  ; structure with global informations 
    341 ;-------------------------------  
    342341;  dimensions 
    343 ;-------------------------------  
    344343  namedim = strarr(wathinside.ndims)  ; name of the dimensions 
    345344  typedim = strarr(wathinside.ndims)  ; type of the dimensions (x,y,z,t) 
    349348    ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimiq, name, value 
    350349    namedim[dimiq] = name 
    351     case 1 of  
     350    case 1 of 
    352351      STRCMP(name, 'lon', 3, /FOLD_CASE):typedim[dimiq] = 'x' 
    353352      STRCMP(name, 'lat', 3, /FOLD_CASE):typedim[dimiq] = 'y' 
    363362; dimlist: structure which contains the name and the value of each 
    364363; dimension 
    365 ; we suppose that there is always a variable which has the  
     364; we suppose that there is always a variable which has the 
    366365; same name that the dimension and which gives the values of 
    367366; this dimension 
    372371    dimlist = create_struct(dimlist, namedim[dimiq], value) 
    373372  endfor 
    374 ;-------------------------------  
    375374;  variables 
    376 ;-------------------------------  
    377376  namevar = strarr(wathinside.nvars)   ; names of the variables 
    378377  ndimsvar = lonarr(wathinside.nvars)  ; number of dim for each variable 
    388387; we cut dimvar to select only the interessant part 
    389388  dimvar = dimvar[0:max(ndimsvar)-1, *] 
    390 ; selection of the data variables which are diffrent from the 
     389; selection of the data variables which are different from the 
    391390; dimension variables 
    392391; we suppose that that data variables are 4D array (with sometime 
    412411  endfor 
    414 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    415 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    416 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    417416;  definition of the widget 
    418 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    419 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    420 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    421420  base = widget_base(/column) 
    422 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    423 ; first base:  
     422; first base: 
    424423;    droplist to select the type of section 
    425424;    droplist to select the variable 
    426425;    button to select type of line : odd, even or odd-even 
    427 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    428427  base1 = widget_base(base, /row, /frame) 
    429428  typechoice = sectype[uniq(sectype, sort(sectype))] 
    435434                    = 0L > (where(typechoice EQ selectedtype))[0] 
    436435  ENDIF ELSE selectedtype = typechoice[0] 
    437 ;  
    438437  varchoice = namevar[uniq(namevar, sort(namevar))] 
    439438  base12 = widget_droplist(base1, title = 'Available data', value = varchoice, uvalue = {name:'var choice'}, uname = 'var choice') 
    446445  base13 = widget_base(base1, /row, uname = 'linechoicebase') 
    447 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    448447; base 2: base to select the domain of the odd points 
    450449  base2 = widget_base(base, /column, uname = 'basedomainodd', /frame) 
    451 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    452451; base 3: base to select the domain of the even points 
    454453  base3 = widget_base(base, /column, uname = 'basedomaineven', /frame) 
    455 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    456455; base 4: base to select the domain of the odd-even points 
    458457  base4 = widget_base(base, /column, uname = 'basedomainodd-even', /frame) 
    459 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    460459; base 5: calendar 
    468467  base51 = cw_calendar(base5, time, uname = 'date1', uvalue = {name:'date1'}) 
    469468  base52 = cw_calendar(base5, time, uname = 'date2', uvalue = {name:'date2'}) 
    470 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    471470;  base 6: base to select the min, max, ... and others keywords 
    473472  base6 = cw_specifie(base, /column, uname = 'specifie', uvalue = {name:'specifie'}) 
    474 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    475474;  base 7: last base with the action buttons 
    478477  base71 = widget_button(base7, value = 'Plot', uvalue = {name:'plot'}) 
    479478  base72 = widget_button(base7, value = 'Cancel', uvalue = {name:'cancel'}) 
    480 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    481480; determination of the selected variable ...... 
    482 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    483482  goodname = 0 > where(strlowcase(namevar) EQ strlowcase(selectedname)) 
    484483  goodtype = 0 > where(sectype EQ selectedtype) 
    568567    endif 
    569568  ENDIF 
    570 ;---------------------------------------------------   
    571570; definition of the uvalue of the base which allows to share the 
    572 ; variables between programs.  
    573 ;---------------------------------------------------   
     571; variables between programs. 
    574573  top_uvalue = ptrarr(2, 18, /allocate_heap) 
    575574  *top_uvalue[0, 0] = 'type choice' & *top_uvalue[1, 0] = temporary(typechoice) 
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