


17:56 Changeset [1235] by sdipsl
- homogenize variable names - compute total number of MPI tasks (needed by …
17:16 Ticket #265 (IGCM_comp_Finalize) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Wont rename rebuild.job because the impact is too high on the existing …
17:13 Ticket #264 (Soucis SCRATCHDIR non detecté par libIGCM) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1234
17:12 Changeset [1234] by sdipsl
- catch the status of the stat command. It led to silent failure when the …
16:42 Ticket #163 (Enhance TS_Checker and SE_Checker behaviour during Simulation) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1028 r1130 and r1233
16:40 Changeset [1233] by sdipsl
- Enhance SE_Checker behaviour during a simulation by picking up DateEnd?
15:55 Changeset [1232] by sdipsl
- Accounting information will now be valid whatever the Wall clock limit …
15:37 Changeset [1231] by sdipsl
- correct a Typo - and changed my mind. null is a better string compared …
14:30 Changeset [1230] by sdipsl
- MPI/OMP handling refactoring - IGCM_config_ConfigureExexution will …


17:05 Changeset [1229] by sdipsl
- further specify the post-processing tasks the supervisor is dealing …


17:37 Changeset [1228] by sdipsl
- enhance readability


12:48 Changeset [1227] by sdipsl
- add ORCHIDEE_PCMDI metrics group - clean up
12:33 Changeset [1226] by sdipsl
- variable presence is intended to be optional, so we prefix old variable …
12:28 Changeset [1225] by sdipsl
- metrics NEMO submission - enable NEMO_VertLevels group


18:48 Changeset [1224] by sdipsl
- fix a typo
18:45 Changeset [1223] by sdipsl
- Some metrics for NEMO. Quick and dirty at this stage. NEMO_VertLevels …
17:51 Changeset [1222] by sdipsl
- use PCMDI_MP v2.12
17:47 Changeset [1221] by sdipsl
- compute some more metrics groups for LMDz
17:01 Ticket #266 (New metrics : LMDZ_JetLat, LMDZ_OverOceanRegions, NEMO_PCMDI, ...) created by sdipsl
voici donc l'organisation de la prod des métriques. J'utilise aujourd'hui …
16:50 Ticket #260 (Any post-procesing errors will stop the computing jobs when SpaceName=PROD) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r1220
16:46 Changeset [1220] by sdipsl
- Any post-procesing errors will stop the computing jobs when …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.