


18:28 Ticket #158 (dods_cp upgrade at TGCC) closed by mafoipsl
fixed: Done on curie : […] To delete previous files created by previous …
18:03 Changeset [902] by sdipsl
- further enhance messages when we bring in restart files - …
17:38 Ticket #157 (monitoring.job : ajoute possibilité d'utiliser un autre frequence de TS) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. See r901.
17:38 Changeset [901] by sdipsl
- can monitor other frequency not only what's in TS_MO. see #157
17:22 Ticket #129 (monitoring.job : consolidation in case of missing file) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. see r846.
17:17 Ticket #156 (Handle more complexity in cards) closed by sdipsl
16:06 Ticket #144 (Ajout d'un test de charactere interdit dans JobName) closed by labetoulle
fixed: Validation implemented: * JobName? must start with a letter * Must be …
15:59 Ticket #158 (dods_cp upgrade at TGCC) created by mafoipsl
dods_cp upgarde : Suppression of .htaccess, HEADER.html and README files …
15:49 Changeset [900] by labetoulle
Remove suffix ${CumulPeriod?} from ${JobName?} when resubmitting (#144).
15:22 Ticket #139 (Ada : TimeSeriesChecker Broken) closed by mafoipsl
fixed: Fixed with [899] as HOMEGAYA is visible by adapp through NFS since july …
15:17 Changeset [899] by mafoipsl
!AA_TimeSeries_Checker : Switch to simplified test because it's working on …


10:38 Ticket #157 (monitoring.job : ajoute possibilité d'utiliser un autre frequence de TS) created by jgipsl
Actuellement le monitoring.job va seulement chercher des TS dans …


10:27 Ticket #156 (Handle more complexity in cards) created by omamce
To easily change the sea-ice model between LIM2 and LIM3, I whish I could …


17:18 Ticket #145 (Enhance message when Section do not exist) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r898
17:18 Changeset [898] by sdipsl
Enhance message when Section or Option do not exist. see #145
16:59 Ticket #135 (Message d'erreur a améliorer) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done. see r897
16:58 Changeset [897] by sdipsl
try to enhance messages when we bring in restart files try to avoid …
15:58 Ticket #127 (Trop de variable obligatoire dans config.card) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r849 par contre la section restart reste toujours obligatoire.
15:45 Ticket #89 (new options for ensembles) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r864
15:40 Ticket #79 (check coherency between PeriodDateBegin, PeriodDateEnd, CumulPeriod, ...) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r892 r891 r890
15:34 Ticket #133 (clean_month) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r896
15:34 Changeset [896] by sdipsl
- ask confirmation before erasing something. see #133
15:26 Ticket #149 (Stop simulation if .resol doesn't exist) closed by sdipsl
wontfix: Configuration must handle that case if they want to.
15:24 Ticket #146 (When applying noise for hindcast/forecast be more strict and verbose when ...) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r895
15:23 Changeset [895] by sdipsl
- stop when AddNoise? failed (hindcast/forecast). See #146


19:10 Changeset [894] by sdipsl
- clearer message when error
19:09 Changeset [893] by sdipsl
- to be able to chain DRYRUN execution
19:07 Changeset [892] by sdipsl
- check coherency between (PeriodDateBegin?, PeriodDateEnd?) and (DateBegin?, …
18:16 Changeset [891] by sdipsl
- correct a typo
17:56 Changeset [890] by sdipsl
- introduce IGCM_config_DateCoherency function see #79 - start cleaning …
17:42 Changeset [889] by sdipsl
- to avoid future side effects with IGCM_date_DaysInCurrentPeriod, …
17:37 Changeset [888] by sdipsl
- find tar file in dmf_import also for the hindcast/forecast case
16:54 Ticket #155 (On Ada, IGCM_sys_QsubPost modifies the job. Possibly done by all ...) closed by mafoipsl
fixed: Fixed with [887].
16:54 Changeset [887] by mafoipsl
On ada, add a suffix to have a unique jobname for QsubPost.
16:51 Ticket #155 (On Ada, IGCM_sys_QsubPost modifies the job. Possibly done by all ...) created by mafoipsl
On Ada, IGCM_sys_QsubPost modifies the job here : …
15:58 Ticket #154 (SeasonalFrequencyOffset=x and SE_Checker) created by mafoipsl
SE_Checker has to take into account SeasonalFrequencyOffset?. Not used yet. …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.