Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#307 ${RUN_DIR} filesystem failure before BigBrother has started resulting as an uncatch error ... somebody defect critical system
#302 optimization in pack_restart sdipsl enhancement major PostProcessing
#304 if ncrcat itself failed try to cleanup *ncrcat.tmp somebody enhancement major system
#305 ncrcat killed 3 times in a row somebody defect major system
#308 clean_latestPackperiod.job must edit run.card to reflect what has been done somebody defect major PostProcessing
#313 purge_simulation must also delete run.card, Script_Output* and Debug directory sdipsl defect major treatment
#318 function IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm manquant dans libIGCM_sys_ada.ksh somebody defect major system
#320 REBUILD_NEMO somebody enhancement major PostProcessing 2.0
#321 IPSLCM5A2 is missing as configuration in post-processing jobs somebody defect major PostProcessing
#322 purge_simulation and thredds (work, work_bis, store, store_bis) somebody enhancement major system
#330 purge must stop if no config.card is founds in the current directory somebody defect major treatment
#331 Change supervisor mail adress defect major AMQP Broker
#332 Ajoute tests de blindage sur purge_simulation.job somebody enhancement major treatment
#235 Add instrumentation for IGSCM_sys_tar and IGCM_sys_*Dods somebody enhancement minor treatment
#298 create_se YE for histNMC 3D variables somebody defect minor PostProcessing
#300 Adapt message buffering retention time sdipsl enhancement minor Supervisor CORE
#314 Ajoute R_IN dans le job sdipsl enhancement minor system
#327 create_ts for TS_MO_YE only when required somebody enhancement minor PostProcessing
#334 OverRule=Y does not work in config.card somebody enhancement trivial system
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