
Version 1 (modified by edupont, 4 years ago) (diff)

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User guide for cpu-Monitoring Tool and Data Management Tools

This page is still in construction.

1. cpu Consumption Monitoring

Documentation is here

The cpu Consumption Monitoring is available for each each computing project either at IDRIS or TGCC on this page.

The graphs are updated daily.

2. Data Management Tools

Documentation is here

Monitoring :

So far, the STORE/WORK/SCRATCH per-project usage monitoring is available on demand. It provides daily update curves displaying the aggregated volume of data and total number of inodes for a given project as a timeseries. Curves will be available at on the link "Stockage [...] TIMESERIES"

Cleaning :

The cleaning tool consists in a diagnostic application to help the user assess which of their directories have the most data or takes the most inodes. Thanks to the tool, the user can more easily select what experiments they want to delete and download a path list to delete manually on the computing center. The tool is still under development. A beta version is available on demand. Ask edupont at for it.

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