Opened 10 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#74 closed task (fixed)

Bands files for LMDZ

Reported by: mafoipsl Owned by: jgipsl
Priority: major Milestone: IPSLCM6
Component: performances Version: rc0
Keywords: MPI OpenMP Bands Cc:


Bands files for LMDZ have to be prepared during a MPI only simulation. We have to prepare Bands files, to verify performance and to store Bands files in the most appropriate directory.

Many Bands files are required. They are :

  • machine dependent
  • resolution dependent
  • configuration dependent
  • parametrisation dependent (old or new physic)
  • number of MPI task and OpenMP thread dependent

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by jgipsl

  • Owner changed from mafoipsl to jgipsl

In the v5 configurations, the option adjust is set =y during the first 3 months. The resulting Bands file is stored among the output files. For the rest of the simulation, adjust is set =n and the previously saved Bands_ file is re-used. Currently in the v6 configurations is set adjust=n and the Bands file is still saved and copied for each execution. It is possible to activated adjust=y and save a new Bands file as in v5.

But as LMDZ always need at least 3 bands of latitudes per MPI process. If the maximum number of MPI is used for a certain resolution, it makes no sense setting adjust=y. In the v6 configurations this is always nearly always the case.

It was therefore decided during the Environment Platform meeting 17 Mai 2016 to remove the treatment of Bands file in the v6 configurations. The parameter adjust in LMDZ will always be set to n. The Bands_ file will not longer be saved during simulation.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by jgipsl

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Done in rev [2859]

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