07/07/23 12:27:36 (12 months ago)

Update configurations files for IPSLCM6.3 as done in IPSLCM6.2 and in LMDZOR_v6.3

1 edited



    r5555 r6530  
    3030   <field id="CMIP6_cfc11"         field_ref="CFC11_E3T" expr="@CFC11_E3T / @e3t" > CFC11_E3T / e3t </field>  <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_cfc11_in_sea_water : Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The chemical formula of CFC11 is CFCl3. The IUPAC name fof CFC11 is trichloro-fluoro-methane. --> 
    3131   <field id="CMIP6_cfc12"         field_ref="CFC12_E3T" expr="@CFC12_E3T / @e3t" > CFC12_E3T / e3t </field>  <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_cfc12_in_sea_water : Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The chemical formula for CFC12 is CF2Cl2. The IUPAC name for CFC12 is dichloro-difluoro-methane. --> 
    32    <field id="CMIP6_deptho"        field_ref="tpt_dep"          /> <!-- P1 (m) sea_floor_depth_below_geoid : Ocean bathymetry.   Reported here is the sea floor depth for present day relative to z=0 geoid. Reported as missing for land grid cells. -->   
     32   <field id="CMIP6_deptho"        field_ref="bathy"          /> <!-- P1 (m) sea_floor_depth_below_geoid : Ocean bathymetry.   Reported here is the sea floor depth for present day relative to z=0 geoid. Reported as missing for land grid cells. -->   
    3333   <field id="CMIP6_difmxybo"  field_ref="dummy_XYO"        /> <!-- P2 (m4 s-1) ocean_momentum_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity : Lateral biharmonic viscosity applied to the momentum equations. --> 
    3434   <field id="CMIP6_difmxybo2d"    field_ref="dummy_XYO"        /> <!-- P3 (m4 s-1) ocean_momentum_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity : Lateral biharmonic viscosity applied to the momentum equations. --> 
    5353   <field id="CMIP6_difvmo"        field_ref="avm_e3w"  expr="@avm_e3w / @e3w" > avm_e3w / e3w </field> <!-- P1 (m2 s-1) ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity : unset --> 
    5454   <field id="CMIP6_difvmto"       field_ref="av_wave_e3w"  expr="@av_wave_e3w / @e3w" > av_wave_e3w / e3w </field> <!-- P1 (m2 s-1) ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_tides : unset -->  
    55    <field id="CMIP6_difvso"        field_ref="avs_e3w"  expr="@avs_e3w / @e3w" > avs_e3w / e3w </field> <!-- P1 (m2 s-1) ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity : Vertical/dianeutral diffusivity applied to prognostic salinity field. --> 
     55   <field id="CMIP6_difvso"        field_ref="avs_e3w"  expr="@avs_e3w / @e3w" > avs_e3w / e3w * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (m2 s-1) ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity : Vertical/dianeutral diffusivity applied to prognostic salinity field. --> 
    5656   <field id="NEMO_difvso_noevd"   field_ref="avs_e3w"  expr="(@avs_e3w - @avt_evd_e3w) / @e3w" > ( avs_e3w - avt_evd_e3w)  / e3w </field>  <!-- P3 (m2 s-1) ocean vertical heat diffusivity without evd contribution ****  NEMO-RD : extra variable not required by CMIP6 --> 
    5757   <field id="CMIP6_difvtrbo"      field_ref="dummy_XYO"             /> <!-- P1 (m2 s-1) ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_background : unset *** NEMO-RD : not relevant for IPSLCM6 --> 
    128128   <field id="CMIP6_opottemprmadvect" field_ref="dummy_XYO"     /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) opottemprmadvect : Tendency of Sea Eater Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content due to Residual Mean Advection **** NEMO-RD not relevant for IPSL CM6 --> 
    129129   <field id="CMIP6_opottemptend"  field_ref="dummy_XYO"        /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) opottemptend : Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from all processes. Reported only for models that use potential temperature as prognostic field. **** NEMO-RD not relevant for IPSL CM6--> 
    130    <field id="CMIP6_osaltdiff"     field_ref="strd_zdfp_e3t"    > this * $rau0 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltdiff : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized dianeutral mixing.--> 
    131    <field id="CMIP6_osaltpadvect"  field_ref="strd_eivad_e3t"  > this * $rau0 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltpadvect : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized eddy advection (any form of eddy advection). --> 
    132    <field id="CMIP6_osaltpmdiff"   field_ref="strd_iso_e3t"  > this * $rau0 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltpmdiff : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion. --> 
     130   <field id="CMIP6_osaltdiff"     field_ref="strd_zdfp_e3t"    > this * $rau0 * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltdiff : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized dianeutral mixing.--> 
     131   <field id="CMIP6_osaltpadvect"  field_ref="strd_eivad_e3t"  > this * $rau0 * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltpadvect : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized eddy advection (any form of eddy advection). --> 
     132   <field id="CMIP6_osaltpmdiff"   field_ref="strd_iso_e3t"  > this * $rau0 * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltpmdiff : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion. --> 
    133133   <field id="CMIP6_osaltpsmadvect" field_ref="dummy_XYO"       /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltpsmadvect : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized submesoscale eddy advection. **** NEMO-RD: not relevant for IPSL CM6-->  
    134    <field id="CMIP6_osaltrmadvect" field_ref="strd_totad_e3t"  > this * $rau0 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltrmadvect : Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content due to Residual Mean Advection --> 
    135    <field id="CMIP6_osalttend"     field_ref="strd_tot_e3t"  > this * $rau0 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osalttend : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from all processes. --> 
     134   <field id="CMIP6_osaltrmadvect" field_ref="strd_totad_e3t"  > this * $rau0 * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osaltrmadvect : Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content due to Residual Mean Advection --> 
     135   <field id="CMIP6_osalttend"     field_ref="strd_tot_e3t"  > this * $rau0 * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) osalttend : Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from all processes. --> 
    136136   <field id="CMIP6_pabigthetao"   field_ref="dummy_XYO"        /> <!-- P1 (degC) pabigthetao : Sea Water Added Conservative Temperature **** NEMO-RD: ?? variable undefined in Griffies >> waiting for next DR --> 
    137137   <field id="CMIP6_pathetao"      field_ref="dummy_XYO"        /> <!-- P1 (degC) pathetao : __unset__ **** NEMO-RD: ?? variable undefined in Griffies >> waiting for next DR --> 
    146146   <field id="CMIP6_rsntds"        field_ref="qsr"              /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface : This is the flux into the surface of liquid sea water only. This excludes shortwave flux absorbed by sea ice, but includes any light that passes through the ice and is absorbed by the ocean. --> 
    147147  <field id="CMIP6_sf6"            field_ref="SF6_E3T"   expr="@SF6_E3T / @e3t" > SF6_E3T / e3t </field>  <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_sulfur_hexafluoride_in_sea_water : Moles Per Unit Mass of SF6 in sea water **** NEMO-RD: does not do --> 
    148    <field id="CMIP6_sfdsi"         field_ref="saltflx" > this * $convSpsu </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) downward_sea_ice_basal_salt_flux : This field is physical, and it arises since sea ice has a nonzero salt content, so it exchanges salt with the liquid ocean upon melting and freezing. --> 
     148   <field id="CMIP6_sfdsi"         field_ref="saltflx" > this * $convSpsu * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) downward_sea_ice_basal_salt_flux : This field is physical, and it arises since sea ice has a nonzero salt content, so it exchanges salt with the liquid ocean upon melting and freezing. --> 
    149149   <field id="CMIP6_sfriver"       field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers : This field is physical, and it arises when rivers carry a nonzero salt content.  Often this is zero, with rivers assumed to be fresh. NEMO-RD : not relevant for IPSLCM6 --> 
    150150   <field id="CMIP6_sftof"         field_ref="iceconc_pct" > 100 - this </field> <!-- P1 (%) sea_area_fraction : This is the area fraction at the ocean surface. **** NEMO-RD: variable already provided in ping_seaIce under name siconc - we decide to keep it here as well --> 
    151    <field id="CMIP6_sltbasin"      field_ref="sopst_vs_3bsn"> this * 1e6 * $convSpsu   </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport : function of latitude, basin **** NEMO-RD: requested is as a function of latitude. In principle, we do not want to translate y into latitude. to be written in meta data --> 
    152    <field id="CMIP6_sltnortha"     field_ref="sopst_atl"> this * 1e6 * $convSpsu </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport : unset --> 
    153    <field id="CMIP6_sltovgyre"     field_ref="sopstove_3bsn"> sopst_vs_3bsn*1e6*$convSpsu   - this*1e6*$convSpsu   </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_gyre : From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. **** NEMO-RD: requested is as a function of latitude. In principle, we do not want to translate y into. latitude. to be written in meta data -->  
    154    <field id="CMIP6_sltovovrt"     field_ref="sopstove_3bsn"> this * 1e6 * $convSpsu </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_overturning : From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. **** NEMO-RD: requested is as a function of latitude. In principle, we do not want to translate y into latitude. to be writtent in meta data -->  
     151   <field id="CMIP6_sltbasin"      field_ref="sopst_vs_3bsn"> this * 1e6 * $convSpsu * $Sgtokg  </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport : function of latitude, basin **** NEMO-RD: requested is as a function of latitude. In principle, we do not want to translate y into latitude. to be written in meta data --> 
     152   <field id="CMIP6_sltnortha"     field_ref="sopst_atl"> this * 1e6 * $convSpsu* $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport : unset --> 
     153   <field id="CMIP6_sltovgyre"     field_ref="sopstove_3bsn"> sopst_vs_3bsn*1e6*$convSpsu* $Sgtokg   - this*1e6*$convSpsu* $Sgtokg   </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_gyre : From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. **** NEMO-RD: requested is as a function of latitude. In principle, we do not want to translate y into. latitude. to be written in meta data -->  
     154   <field id="CMIP6_sltovovrt"     field_ref="sopstove_3bsn"> this * 1e6 * $convSpsu * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_overturning : From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. **** NEMO-RD: requested is as a function of latitude. In principle, we do not want to translate y into latitude. to be writtent in meta data -->  
    155155   <field id="CMIP6_so"            field_ref="soce_e3t" expr="@soce_e3t / @e3t * $convSpsu"  > soce_e3t / e3t * $convSpsu  </field> <!-- P1 (0.001) sea_water_salinity : Sea Water Salinity --> 
    156156   <field id="CMIP6_sob"           field_ref="sbs_e3tb" expr="@sbs_e3tb / @e3tb * $convSpsu" > sbs_e3tb / e3tb * $convSpsu </field>  <!-- P1 (0.001) sob : Model prognostic salinity at bottom-most model grid cell --> 
    197197   <field id="CMIP6_vsfriver"      field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers : zero for models using real water fluxes. --> 
    198198   <field id="CMIP6_vsfsit"        field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics : This variable measures the virtual salt flux into sea water due to the melting of sea ice. It is set to zero in models which receive a real water flux. --> 
    199    <field id="CMIP6_wfcorr"        field_ref="erp"         /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) water_flux_correction : Positive flux implies correction adds water to ocean. --> 
    200    <field id="CMIP6_wfo"           field_ref="empmr" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) water_flux_into_sea_water : computed as the water  flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.  This is the sum of the next two variables in this table. --> 
    201    <field id="CMIP6_wfonocorr"     field_ref="empmr"  > empmr - erp </field><!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) water_flux_into_sea_water_without_flux_correction : computed as the water  flux (without flux correction) into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell. *** NEMO-RD : TODO in field_ocean, empmr is defined as water flux out of sea ice and sea water. Is sea ice really taken into here? If no, correct description in field. If yes, this input is wrong here. --> 
     199   <field id="CMIP6_wfcorr"        field_ref="erp" > (-1.) * erp  </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) water_flux_correction : Positive flux implies correction adds water to ocean.*** NEMO-RD : WARNING in field_ocean, empmr is defined as water flux out of sea ice and sea water, contrary to comment in field. direction expected here is INTO ocean, hence change of sign. --> 
     200   <field id="CMIP6_wfo"           field_ref="empmr" > (-1.) *  empmr </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) water_flux_into_sea_water : computed as the water  flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.  This is the sum of the next two variables in this table. *** NEMO-RD : WARNING in field_ocean, empmr is defined as water flux out of sea ice and sea water, contrary to comment in field. direction expected here is INTO ocean, hence change of sign. --> 
     201   <field id="CMIP6_wfonocorr"     field_ref="empmr" > (-1.) *  empmr + erp </field><!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) water_flux_into_sea_water_without_flux_correction : computed as the water  flux (without flux correction) into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell. *** NEMO-RD : WARNING in field_ocean, empmr is defined as water flux out of sea ice and sea water, contrary to comment in field. direction expected here is INTO ocean, hence change of sign. --> 
    202202   <field id="CMIP6_wmo"           field_ref="wocetr_eff" > this * $rau0 </field> <!-- P1 (kg s-1) upward_ocean_mass_transport : Upward mass transport from resolved and parameterized advective transport. --> 
    203203   <field id="CMIP6_wo"            field_ref="woce" expr="@woce_e3w / @e3w"  > woce_e3w / e3w </field> <!-- P1 (m s-1) upward_sea_water_velocity : Sea Water Vertical Velocity --> 
    242242   <field id="CMIP6_sifllwdtop"    field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air : the downwelling longwave flux over sea ice (always positive) --> 
    243243   <field id="CMIP6_sifllwutop"    field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air : the upwelling longwave flux over sea ice (always negative) --> 
    244    <field id="NEMO_siflsaltbot"   field_ref="sfx_mv"      /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) siflsaltbot : Total flux of salt from water into sea ice divided by grid-cell area; salt flux is upward (negative) during ice growth when salt is embedded into the ice and downward (positive) during melt when salt from sea ice is again released to the ocean --> 
     244   <field id="NEMO_siflsaltbot"   field_ref="sfx_mv" > this * $Sgtokg </field> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) siflsaltbot : Total flux of salt from water into sea ice divided by grid-cell area; salt flux is upward (negative) during ice growth when salt is embedded into the ice and downward (positive) during melt when salt from sea ice is again released to the ocean --> 
    245245   <field id="CMIP6_siflsenstop"   field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux : the net sensible heat flux over sea ice --> 
    246246   <field id="CMIP6_siflsensupbot" field_ref="hfxsenso"    /> <!-- P2 (W m-2) siflsensupbot : the net sensible heat flux under sea ice from the ocean --> 
    268268   <field id="CMIP6_sirdgthick"    field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P3 (m) sirdgthick : Sea Ice Ridge Height (representing mean height over the ridged area) --> 
    269269   <field id="CMIP6_sisali"        field_ref="icesal"           /> <!-- P1 (0.001) sea_ice_salinity : Mean sea-ice salinity of all sea ice in grid cell --> 
    270    <field id="CMIP6_sisaltmass"    field_ref="icesmass"       /> <!-- P3 (kg m-2) sisaltmass : Total mass of all salt in sea ice divided by grid-cell area --> 
     270   <field id="CMIP6_sisaltmass"    field_ref="icesmass"   > this * $Sgtokg </field><!-- P3 (kg m-2) sisaltmass : Total mass of all salt in sea ice divided by grid-cell area --> 
    271271   <field id="CMIP6_sishevel"      field_ref="ishear"         /> <!-- P2 (s-1) sishevel : Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field (second shear strain invariant) --> 
    272272   <field id="CMIP6_sisnconc"      field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (%) surface_snow_area_fraction : Fraction of sea ice, by area, which is covered by snow, giving equal weight to every square metre of sea ice . Exclude snow that lies on land or land ice. --> 
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