05/10/23 12:37:43 (14 months ago)

Updated ICOLMDZOR_v7 with changes done in IPSLCM7 to have same files. No real changes are done for the running part.

1 edited


  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v7/ICOLMDZOR_v7/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_lmdz.cfg

    r6100 r6441  
    3939#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    41  bils_global    | "bils"                       | "" | "bils[d=1]"               | "Surf. total heat flux (GLOBAL)"         | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=1]"    
    42  nettop_global  | "tops topl"                  | "" | "(tops[d=1]-topl[d=2])"   | "TOA. total heat flux (GLOBAL)"          | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=1]" 
    43  nettop0_global | "tops0 topl0"                | "" | "(tops0[d=1]-topl0[d=2])" | "TOA. total heat flux ClearSky (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=1]" 
    44  t2m_global_prio     | "t2m"                        | "" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)"       | "Temperature at 2 meters (GLOBAL)"       | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]" 
    45  t2m_land       | "t2m pourc_ter pourc_lic"    | "" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)"       | "Temperature at 2 meters (LAND)"         | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
    46  tsol_global    | "tsol"                       | "" | "(tsol[d=1]-273.15)"      | "Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)"           | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]" 
    47  tsol_land      | "tsol pourc_ter pourc_lic"   | "" | "(tsol[d=1]-273.15)"      | "Surface Temperature (LAND)"             | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
    48  precip_global  | "precip"                     | "" | "precip[d=1]*86400"       | "Precipitation Totale liq+sol (GLOBAL)"  | "mm/d"      | "aire[d=1]" 
    49  precip_land    | "precip pourc_ter pourc_lic" | "" | "precip[d=1]*86400"       | "Precipitation Totale liq+sol (LAND)"    | "mm/d"      | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
    50  evap_global    | "evap"                       | "" | "evap[d=1]"               | "Evaporation (GLOBAL)"                   | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=1]" 
    51  evap_land      | "evap pourc_ter pourc_lic"   | "" | "evap[d=1]"               | "Evaporation (LAND)"                     | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
    52  flat_global    | "flat"                       | "" | "flat[d=1]"               | "Surf. latent heat flux (GLOBAL)"         | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=1]" 
    53  prw_global     | "prw"                        | "" | "prw[d=1]"                | "Precipitable water (GLOBAL)"            | "kg/m^2"    | "aire[d=1]" 
    54  ener_global    | "nettop precip snow sols soll sens" | "" | "nettop[d=1,x=@ave,y=@ave]+(precip[d=2,x=@ave,y=@ave]-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave])*2.5008E+6+snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave]*2.8345E+6-sols[d=4,x=@ave,y=@ave]-soll[d=5,x=@ave,y=@ave]-sens[d=6,x=@ave,y=@ave]" | "Destruction d energie par l atmosphere" | "W/m^2" | "1" | 
    55  bils_corrected_global  | "bils precip snow flat" | "" | "bils[d=1,x=@ave,y=@ave]-flat[d=4,x=@ave,y=@ave]-(precip[d=2,x=@ave,y=@ave]-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave])*2.5008E+6-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave]*2.8345E+6" | "Corrected energy budget at surface" | "W/m^2" | "1" | 
    56  vitu_qbo               | "vitu"                  | "" | "vitu[y=-5:5@ave,x=-180:180@ave,z=5000,d=1]"                | "vitu at 5000 Pa for QBO +5deg/-5deg"            | "m/s"    | "1" 
    57  od550aer_tropo_forcing | "od550aer"              | "" | "od550aer[d=1]"           | "Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm"   | "-"         | "aire[d=1]"    
    58  od550aer_strat_forcing | "od550_STRAT"           | "" | "od550_STRAT[d=1]"        | "Aerosol optical depth at 550nm"         | "-"         | "aire[d=1]"    
    59  od550lt1aer_forcing    | "od550lt1aer"           | "" | "od550lt1aer[d=1]"        | "Fine mode optical depth"                | "-"         | "aire[d=1]"    
     41 bils_global    | "bils"                       | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "bils[d=1]"               | "Surf. total heat flux (GLOBAL)"         | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=2]"    
     42 nettop_global  | "tops topl"                  | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "(tops[d=1]-topl[d=2])"   | "TOA. total heat flux (GLOBAL)"          | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=3]" 
     43 nettop0_global | "tops0 topl0"                | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "(tops0[d=1]-topl0[d=2])" | "TOA. total heat flux ClearSky (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=3]" 
     44 t2m_global_prio     | "t2m"                        | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)"       | "Temperature at 2 meters (GLOBAL)"       | "degrees C" | "aire[d=2]" 
     45 t2m_land       | "t2m pourc_ter pourc_lic"    | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)"       | "Temperature at 2 meters (LAND)"         | "degrees C" | "aire[d=4]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
     46 tsol_global    | "tsol"                       | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "(tsol[d=1]-273.15)"      | "Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)"           | "degrees C" | "aire[d=2]" 
     47 tsol_land      | "tsol pourc_ter pourc_lic"   | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "(tsol[d=1]-273.15)"      | "Surface Temperature (LAND)"             | "degrees C" | "aire[d=4]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
     48 precip_global  | "precip"                     | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "precip[d=1]*86400"       | "Precipitation Totale liq+sol (GLOBAL)"  | "mm/d"      | "aire[d=2]" 
     49 precip_land    | "precip pourc_ter pourc_lic" | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "precip[d=1]*86400"       | "Precipitation Totale liq+sol (LAND)"    | "mm/d"      | "aire[d=4]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
     50 evap_global    | "evap"                       | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "evap[d=1]"               | "Evaporation (GLOBAL)"                   | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=2]" 
     51 evap_land      | "evap pourc_ter pourc_lic"   | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "evap[d=1]"               | "Evaporation (LAND)"                     | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=4]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
     52 flat_global    | "flat"                       | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "flat[d=1]"               | "Surf. latent heat flux (GLOBAL)"         | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=2]" 
     53 prw_global     | "prw"                        | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "prw[d=1]"                | "Precipitable water (GLOBAL)"            | "kg/m^2"    | "aire[d=2]" 
     54 ener_global    | "nettop precip snow sols soll sens" | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "nettop[d=1,x=@ave,y=@ave]+(precip[d=2,x=@ave,y=@ave]-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave])*2.5008E+6+snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave]*2.8345E+6-sols[d=4,x=@ave,y=@ave]-soll[d=5,x=@ave,y=@ave]-sens[d=6,x=@ave,y=@ave]" | "Destruction d energie par l atmosphere" | "W/m^2" | "1" | 
     55 bils_corrected_global  | "bils precip snow flat" | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "bils[d=1,x=@ave,y=@ave]-flat[d=4,x=@ave,y=@ave]-(precip[d=2,x=@ave,y=@ave]-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave])*2.5008E+6-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave]*2.8345E+6" | "Corrected energy budget at surface" | "W/m^2" | "1" | 
     56 vitu_qbo               | "vitu"                  | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "vitu[y=-5:5@ave,x=-180:180@ave,z=5000,d=1]"                | "vitu at 5000 Pa for QBO +5deg/-5deg"            | "m/s"    | "1" 
     57 od550aer_tropo_forcing | "od550aer"              | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "od550aer[d=1]"           | "Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm"   | "-"         | "aire[d=2]"    
     58 od550aer_strat_forcing | "od550_STRAT"           | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "od550_STRAT[d=1]"        | "Aerosol optical depth at 550nm"         | "-"         | "aire[d=2]"    
     59 od550lt1aer_forcing    | "od550lt1aer"           | "/ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM/ATM/GRID/aire_ICO40_to_144x143.nc" | "od550lt1aer[d=1]"        | "Fine mode optical depth"                | "-"         | "aire[d=2]"    
    6060 tro3_strato_forcing_DU | "colO3_strat"           | "" | "colO3_strat[x=@ave,y=@ave,d=1]"     | "colonne ozone strato" | "DU" | "" 
    6161 tro3_tropo_forcing_DU  | "colO3_trop"            | "" | "colO3_trop[x=@ave,y=@ave,d=1]"      | "colonne ozone trop"   | "DU" | "" 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.