08/30/11 14:53:52 (13 years ago)
  • Added choice of config.def file : set ConfType?=preind/actuel/annuel in lmdz.card. The file config.def_$ConfType? will be used. The differences are :

preind : aer_type = preind, solar and GHG pre-industrial values, pmagic=0 (as piControl, CpiControl?)
actuel : aer_type = actuel, solar and GHG present values, pmagic=0.008 (as EXP00)
annuel : aer_type = annuel, solar and GHG must be updated with annual values from file, pmagic=0.008 (as historical,Chistorical)

  • For pisces, take same value for CO2 as for LMDZ except for CarbonCycle?=y (same treatment as before).

NB! I suppose that LMDZ ATM_Uptdate always is done before pisces MBG_Update.

  • Added choice of output.def file : set OutLev?=low(as EXP00)/medium(as piControl)/high(as histrical) in lmdz.card. The output are now the same as original IPSLCM5A for each experience.

=> In EXPALL, all 5 experiences correspond to original IPSLCM5A experiences, including possibility of new physics in LMDZ as IPSLCM5B and carbon cycle as IPSLCM5C. More testing is needed.

1 edited



    r1549 r1550  
    3131    IGCM_debug_PushStack "MBG_Update" 
     33    # Local function to find parameters in LMDZ .def files 
     34    lmdzgrep () { 
     35        grep $1 $2 |grep -v "#" | awk "-F=" '{print $2}' 
     36    } 
    3338    ##-- Restart configuration 
    7580    IGCM_sys_Mv iodef.xml.tmp iodef.xml 
    77     ##-- CO2 forcing : update atcco2 value in namelist_pisces for some cases 
     82    ##-- CO2 forcing : update atcco2 value in namelist_pisces 
    7883    if [ "${piseces_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE}" = "y" ]; then 
    7984        # Special case for carbon cycle 
    8691            namelist_pisces > namelist_pisces.tmp 
    8792        IGCM_sys_Mv namelist_pisces.tmp namelist_pisces 
    88     elif [ -f CO2.txt ] ; then 
    89         # This case is activated if the file CO2.txt is found in run directory, add file in BoundaryFiles in pisces.card or lmdz.card 
    90         echo 'Update atcco2 in namelist_pisces with annual value from file CO2.txt' 
    91         IPCC_PIS_CO2=`grep Annee_${year} CO2.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 
    92         sed -e "s%${PAT_PIS_ATCCO2}%          atcco2=${IPCC_PIS_CO2}%"             \ 
     93    else 
     94        # Take same CO2 as for LMDZ, in parameter file config.def. 
     95        # ATM_Update is done before MBG_Update and therefor config.def file contains the correct value for CO2. 
     96        echo 'Update atcco2 in namelist_pisces with same value as for LMDZ' 
     97        LMDZ_CO2=$( lmdzgrep co2_ppm config.def ) 
     98        sed -e "s%${PAT_PIS_ATCCO2}%          atcco2=${LMDZ_CO2}%"             \ 
    9399            namelist_pisces > namelist_pisces.tmp 
    94100        IGCM_sys_Mv namelist_pisces.tmp namelist_pisces 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.