05/11/11 16:30:58 (13 years ago)

v3.sstClimAerosol IPSL CMIP5 simulation registration.

1 edited


  • CMIP5/sstClimAerosol/v3.sstClimAerosol/COMP/lmdz.card

    r1282 r1424  
    77# You can choose here the name of create_etat0 you want to use 
    88# If noting is defined here, the job will get the JobName in the file  ../CREATE/config.card 
    40 List= (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}_${year}_limit.nc,      limit.nc) 
    41 #      (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}_${year}_climoz_LMDZ.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc) 
     40List= (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}_clim_limit.nc, limit.nc) 
    4242# With AR5 aerosols (including ASSO4M(=SO4), CSSO4M, AIBCM, ASBCM, AIPOMM, ASPOMM, ASSSM, CSSSM, SSSSM, CIDUSTM) 
    4343# With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations) 
    44 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/HISTORIQUE/SOLARANDVOLCANOES_1610_2008.txt, .),\ 
    45             (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/HISTORIQUE/CO2_1765_2005.txt, .),\ 
    46             (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/HISTORIQUE/CH4_1765_2005.txt, .),\ 
    47             (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/HISTORIQUE/N2O_1765_2005.txt, .),\ 
    48             (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/HISTORIQUE/CFC11_1765_2005.txt, .),\ 
    49             (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/HISTORIQUE/CFC12_1765_2005.txt, .),\ 
    50             (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_1855_v3.nc, aerosols.nat.nc) 
     44ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/LMD9695/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_1855_v3.nc, aerosols.nat.nc),\ 
     45            (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/LMD9695/AR5/HISTORIQUE/climoz_LMDZ_1855_v2.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc) 
    5348# With AR5 aerosols (including ASSO4M(=SO4), CSSO4M, AIBCM, ASBCM, AIPOMM, ASPOMM, ASSSM, CSSSM, SSSSM, CIDUSTM) 
    5449# With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations) 
    55 List=   (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_${year}_v3.nc, aerosols${year}.nc, 1:12:), \ 
    56         (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/climoz_LMDZ_${year}_v2.nc,          climoz_LMDZ.nc,     1:12:) 
     50List=   (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/LMD9695/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_2000_v3.nc, aerosols${year}.nc, 1:12:) 
    8882Patches= () 
    8983GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds, aire) 
    90 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, ftime_th, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, LWupTOA, LWupTOAclr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, mc, nettop, paprs, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, absvisaer, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl) 
    91 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    92 TimeSeriesVars3D = (upwd, lwcon, iwcon, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, rneb, rnebcon, rhum, ec550aer, concoa, concbc, concso4, concss, concdust, reffclws, reffclwc) 
    93 ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
     84TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, nettop, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, absvisaer, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl) 
     85ChunckJob2D = 10Y 
     86TimeSeriesVars3D = (upwd, lwcon, iwcon, lcc3dcon, lcc3dstra, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, rneb, rnebcon, rhum, mc, paprs, ec550aer, concoa, concbc, concso4, concss, concdust, reffclws, reffclwc, Aga) 
     87ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
    9791Patches = () 
    98 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds, aire) 
    99 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    100 ChunckJob2D = NONE  
    101 TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    102 ChunckJob3D = NONE 
     92GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
     93TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 
     94ChunckJob2D = 10Y 
     95TimeSeriesVars3D = (clcalipso, clisccp2_c01, clisccp2_c02, clisccp2_c03, clisccp2_c04, clisccp2_c05, clisccp2_c06, clisccp2_c07, parasol_refl) 
     96ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
    108102TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    109103ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    110 TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap, psbg, uv, vq, vT, wq, vphi, wT, uxu, vxv, TxT, ozone, ozone_daylight) 
    111 ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
     104TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap, tro3, tro3_daylight) 
     105ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
    124118Patches= () 
    125119GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
    126 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, rh2m_min, rh2m_max, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, LWdnSFC, SWdnSFC, LWupSFCclr,SWupSFC, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, u850, v850, w850, phi850, q850, t850, u700, v700, w700, phi700, q700, t700, u500, v500, w500, phi500, q500, t500, u200, v200, w200, phi200, q200, t200) 
    127 ChunckJob2D = 200Y 
    128 TimeSeriesVars3D = (rhum, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres) 
     120TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, pbase, ptop, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, rh2m_min, rh2m_max, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, SWdnSFC, SWdnSFCclr, SWdnTOA, LWupSFCclr,SWupSFC, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOA, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, topl0, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max) 
     121ChunckJob2D = 10Y 
     122TimeSeriesVars3D = (lwcon, iwcon, mc, rhum, temp, theta, ovap, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, paprs) 
    129123ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
    133127Patches = () 
    134 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds, aire) 
    135 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    136 ChunckJob2D = NONE  
    137 TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    138 ChunckJob3D = NONE 
     128GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
     129TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 
     130ChunckJob2D = 10Y 
     131TimeSeriesVars3D = (clcalipso, clisccp2_c01, clisccp2_c02, clisccp2_c03, clisccp2_c04, clisccp2_c05, clisccp2_c06, clisccp2_c07, parasol_refl) 
     132ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
    151145Patches= () 
    152146GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
    153 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m, t850, t700, t500, t200, t50, t10, u850, u700, u500, u200, u50, u10, v850, v700, v500, v200, v50, v10, phi850, phi700, phi200, phi50, phi10, w850, w700, w500, w200, w50, w10, q850, q700, q500, q200, q50, q10) 
    154 ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
     147TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m) 
     148ChunckJob2D = 10Y 
    155149TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, theta, ovap, vitu, vitv) 
    156150ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
    160154Patches = () 
    161 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds, aire) 
     155GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
    162156TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    163 ChunckJob2D = NONE  
     157ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    164158TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    165 ChunckJob3D = NONE 
     159ChunckJob3D = OFF 
    171165TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    172166ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    173 TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap, psbg, uv, vq, vT, wq, vphi, wT, uxu, vxv, TxT) 
    174 ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
     167TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap) 
     168ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
    178172Patches= () 
    179 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
    180 TimeSeriesVars2D = (phis, tsol, t2m, q2m, u10m, v10m, psol, topl, bils, cdrh) 
    181 ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
     173GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 
     174TimeSeriesVars2D = (phis, tsol, t2m, q2m, u10m, v10m, psol, topl, bils) 
     175ChunckJob2D = 10Y 
    182176TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    183177ChunckJob3D = OFF 
    187181Patches= () 
    188182GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
    189 TimeSeriesVars2D = (precip, flat, sens, LWdnSFC, LWupSFC, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, pluc, snow, LWdnSFCclr, SWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, cldt) 
    190 ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
     183TimeSeriesVars2D = (precip, flat, sens, LWdnSFC, LWupSFC, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, pluc, snow, LWdnSFCclr, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, cldt) 
     184ChunckJob2D = 10Y 
    191185TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    192186ChunckJob3D = OFF 
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