= Maintenance Site for ORCHIDEE = Last change : 2009-01-27 [[BR]] [[PageOutline]] The wiki is the "informatic site" for ORCHIDEE. Please visit official Orchidee site : http://orchidee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ ORCHIDEE is the new land-surface scheme of the IPSL. This scheme is the result of the coupling of [[BR]] the SECHIBA land-surface scheme, which is dedicated to the surface energy and water balances, and [[BR]] the carbon and vegetation model STOMATE. As the model goes into the production phase we will have [[BR]] more time to dedicate to the documentation and this Web page. All users of orchidee.ipsl.jussieu.fr will be editors in this site. See Tickets for news and diff of versions for ORCHIDEE code. See also ParallelVersion of ORCHIDEE page. See SpinUpJobs page for documentation on spin-up procedure for ORCHIDEE. See FluxnetValidation page for documentation on FLUXNET validation job. = Some news = For so-called "MERGE" or "Shilong" version (13 PFTs in STOMATE) : - The sequential (not parallelized) version has been Taged : *) for standard driver, it is OOL_1_8_2_MERGE tag. *) for ORCHIDEE source, it is orchidee_1_8_2 tag. - The last "classical" (in sense of 12 PFTs in STOMATE) but parallel version is *) for the driver and new scripts OOL_1_9_2 *) for ORCHIDEE source orchidee_1_9_3 with some corrections and new restart (not by default) that make 12 months of SECHIBA equal to one YEAR. - And the new version is the parallelization of orchidee_1_8_2 with tags : *) the same OOL_1_9_2 tag as previous version for the ORCHIDEE_OL driver and scripts. *) the new orchidee_1_9_4 tag. Important note : on the both so-called MERGE version orchidee_1_8_2_MERGE and orchidee_1_9_4, the DGVM model will not work correctly (for theoretical reason) and shouldn't be used. I have modify mod.def in modipsl to be compatible for all those new versions. Please see the notes of the training course on modipsl and the coupled model on the link : Coupled model : IPSLCM4_v2 for new users' là : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/wiki You are invited to follow this course in the LMD Jussieu : Tour 45 - 3ème étage - couloir 45-55 on the next 5'th of february. And I will explain special ORCHIDEE driver script on the next ORCHIDEE meeting in LSCE on the 9'th of february. = In attachement = * CVS : CVS management tree. See page ModelVersions for more informations on each ORCHIDEE Tags. * orchidee.def (must be renamed as run.def for the run) : all external parameters (english and french) * callgraphs : Graph tree of the code (from valgrind/callgrind and kcachegrind/graphviz packages) See also LastChanges page.