= SPECIFIC ERRORS MESSAGES = Here you will find the error messages you could find in your output files and how to some them. 1. If you find : {{{ "the MTC you chose doesn't exist" }}} that means you set a PFT to MTC which doesn't exist. Don't forget there only 13 Metaclasses (contrary to the number of PFTs) 2. If you read: {{{ 'the first pft has to be the bare soil' }}} In this case, look at PFT_TO_MTC and check if : {{{ PFT_TO_MTC__01 = 1 }}} 3. If you find : {{{ 'only pft_to_mtc(1) has to be the bare soil' }}} that means you have two entrances of PFT_TO_MTC equals to 1. 4. If you read the following message : {{{ 'Note to the user : we will use ORCHIDEE to its standard configuration' }}} that means you want to use ORCHIDEE when NVM=13 and when the PFTs match to the MTCs. 5. If you find : {{{ ' The array PFT_TO_MTC is empty : we stop' }}} that means that you declared NVM but you forgot to declare PFT_TO_MTC (specially in the case NVM is not equal to 13).