
Version 23 (modified by nvuilsce, 12 years ago) (diff)


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In this section, are presented the main steps (tags) of the main version (trunk) of ORCHIDEE. For each tag, the differences with the precedent version are described. Only physical or important informatic differences will be described. Then no line cut nore modifications in comments in this description.


You can get this version with modipsl IPSL or by following this web link :

If you use modipl, you have to select the model called ORCHIDEE_TAG. See for the corresponding mod.def.

This tag is planned in development tree of ORCHIDEE. See

Many improvements and corrections have been done. Many new features have been added.
All the bugs corrections and the new features are presented in the following release notes :

1. Bugs corrections

  • The herbivory model(section 22 in stomate_season) has been reformulated in stomate_season module.
  • The variable black_carbon in lpj_fire.f90 has been multiplied by veget_max, otherwise if you have the same PFT two times on the same surface, you will have more black carbon (double it).
  • vegcorr(79)in the routine get_vegcorr has been corrected. It was equal to vegcorr(78) so we lost C4 plants! It was used when you activate the 5km veget map.(ie when LAND_USE option was not activated.)
  • The SECHIBA CMOR outputs have been corrected (see ticket #9). The operator flux_scinsec is in double_precision now so the ratio between the standard output and the corresponding CMOR output is equal to 86400. (see explanations ticket #9).
  • The ipcc output VegLitter? has been corrected (see revision[837]).
  • Correction of the weather generator (see ticket #5).
  • Correction of a bad initialization in lpj_establish (see ticket #6).
  • Correction of stomate (FORCESOIL_STEP_PER_YEAR) (see ticket #8).
  • Correction of forcesoil : forcesoil can read multiple forcing years. (see ticket #12).
  • Correction of the interpolation :(see ticket #11)

Look all the differences between tag and 1.9.6 here :


  • Externalization of all the parameters of the code : 400 Keywords representing more than 1200 values in the standard mode (13 PFTs). Obtained by externalizing all the PFT parameters and by replacing hard coded values by parameters names. List available here : OrchideeParameters?. For more information, please have a look at Branches/ExternalisationParameters?.
  • Configuration of the number of PFTs : the user can set the number of PFTs used by ORCHIDEE without having to recompile the code. Retro compatible : if nothing is found in the run.def, ORCHIDEE uses 13 PFTs. Compatible with the programs forcesoil and teststomate.
  • Daily interpolation : ORCHIDEE can read daily forcing files. For more information, please have look at Tags/196/Daily_Interpolation.
  • By using IOIPSL trunk, ORCHIDEE can write PFT names used for the run into the history files.
  • Improvements of the scripts : the scripts have been updated for the externalization. We have one unique configuration file called run.def. By default, run.def is empty. To know which parameters you can modify, please have a look at the file called orchidee.default (see liste here OrchideeParameters?). Improvement of the atlas for FLUXNET configuration.

3. Other notes

  • The SLA(specific leaf area) is not calculated anymore : it is prescribed now.
  • ORCHIDEE 1.9.6 uses IOIPSL trunk by default. Be careful that you use the correct version. If you want to use the last tag of libIGCM, please contact
  • External tools : Some scripts have been developed : a python script which can generate a map with any number of PFTs (based on Olson Classification, be careful works only on Obelix for the moment); a shell script for creating a cvs file and a text file containing all the parameters of the code; a shell script for generating a orchidee.default file. The two last scripts work only for ORCHIDEE 1.9.6. These scripts are available in trunk/TOOLS directory.
  • All the labels of the parameters contain the Config Units attribute.
  • Create a function getin_p to read characters arrays.
  • Reorganization of some modules : delete constantes_veg, constantes_soil, constantes_co2 and stomate_constants. Add new module qsat_moisture in sechiba (contains the subroutines qsat, dev_qsat, etc...). For more details about the technical modifications, see Branches/ExternalisationParameters/TechnicalModifications?.
  • List of tests used for validation available here : Branches/ExternalisationParameters/ValidateExternalisation?.
  • Compilers used : ifort, lf95, gfortran (sequential), mpif90 (parallel), sxmpif90 (vectorial machine mercure).

4. Problems known

  • Two tickets have not been solved : #7 (DGVM problems) and #10 (CMOR soil level outputs). They will be improved in the future.
  • Parallelisation in OFF-LINE mode : due to histcom module in IOIPSL, it is not advised to work on more than 32 processors in parallel. The ideal is 8 (max 16) for a NCC forcing, and 16 (max 32) for a CRU forcing.


You can get this version with modipsl IPSL SCE or by following this web link :

Even if this tag is not completely present in development tree of the model in ORCHIDEE wiki, it is a big step to next ORCHIDEE_1_9_6 major version.

Since the last ORCHIDEE_1_9_5_1 version, some important parts of the model has been improved, reviewed or corrected :

  1. The change in units in STOMATE (i.e definition of variables in total m² not m²*veget_max) induced several modifications in the vegetation dynamics (DGVM) that was not taken into account.
    See for more informations on DGVM corrections.
    New DGVM variables have been added in stomate_history file : ADAPTATION, REGENERATION, CN_IND, WOODMASS_IND, ESTABTREE and ESTABGRASS.
  2. New optionnal field_out_names, fields_out, field_in_names, fields_in arrays are given from ORCHIDEE to LMDz.
    This modification of the interface has already produce a new version of CMIP5 IPSL couple configuration. IPSLCM5A_C with 2D couple carbon fluxes.
  3. All ORCHIDEE_OL drivers have been parallelized and cleaned.
  4. Global carbon mass balance has been computed and save with cMassVariation variable in stomate_history and cBal_lands in MONITORING web site produced with libIGCM scripts for ORCHIDEE (see OOL_SEC_STO directory).
  5. Case of reforestration has been treated with historical (or future) LAND USE activated.

You can get all the changes between this new version and previous ORCHIDEE_1_9_5_1 tag, following this link :


Parallel "MERGE" version with 13 PFTs in STOMATE.


Last standard STOMATE model (with 12 PFTs). This is a branch and should change in the future.
This is the right version with a lot of bug corrections.


04/08/2006 : ajout correction hdry hydrolc + slowproc land_use (with only one year). The version orchidee_1_9_1 contains many bugs and should not be used. This link describes those corrections : Differences orchidee_1_9_1-1_9_2.


../../.... : Tag japan. Some problems have been corrected in version orchidee_1_9_1 for parallelization. See this link : Differences orchidee_1_9-1_9_1.


../../.... : Add parallelization.
This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used. The differencies between orchidee_1_8 and orchidee_1_9 are describe here Differences orchidee_1_8-1_9?.
Here is a presentation of differencies between versions 1.3 - 1.6 and series 1.9 :


../../.... : First merge of FH/NdN in HEAD branch.
This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used. The differencies between orchidee_1_7 and orchidee_1_8 are describe here Differences orchidee_1_7-1_8? .


11/07/2006 : working branch for parallel version.
This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used.


09/15/2006 : Intermediate TAG in root of parallel branch ORCHIDEE_PARA. The differencies between orchidee_1_2 and orchidee_1_7 are describe here Differences orchidee_1_2-1_7? .


../../.... : That is the end of "reference branch". Implementation of Nathalie De Noblet modifications.
This is the right version with a lot of bug corrections.
Here is a presentation of differencies between versions 1.3 - 1.6 and series 1.9 :


11/07/2006 : First implementation of so called "orchidee_beton". It contains modifications of Frederic Hourdin.
This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used.
Here is a presentation of differencies between versions 1.4 and 1.5 :


09/01/2005 : TAG for LOOP couple model.


04/01/2004 : TAG version used for IPCC AR4 for IPSL_CM4_v1_OASIS3 couple model. The differencies between orchidee_1_2 and orchidee_1_3 are describe here Differences orchidee_1_2-1_3? .


03/04/2003 : Beginning of reference branch. This the beginning of the so called "reference branch" by people.
This branch has 4 TAGs :

  • orchidee_1_3 : This TAG has a branch for adding compilation in brodie IDRIS calculator : orchidee_1_3_1.
    • This specific branch orchidee_1_3_1 won't be compared because there is no modification on source code.
    • Only makefiles were updated.
  • orchidee_1_4
  • orchidee_1_5
  • orchidee_1_6

The differencies between orchidee_1_1 and orchidee_1_2 are describe here Differences orchidee_1_1-1_2 .


12/04/2002 : first reference version (not describe here).


03/02/2002 : first ORCHIDEE version (not describe here).


08/02/2000 : ORCHIDEE CVS creation point.