Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of SourceCode/Tags

2012-05-09T19:51:49+02:00 (12 years ago)



  • SourceCode/Tags

    v16 v17  
    1919=== 1. Bugs corrections === 
    21  * The herbivory model(section 22 in stomate_season) has been corrected in stomate_season module : see changes 
    22  * The variable black_carbon in lpj_fire.f90 has been multiplied by veget_max, otherwise if you have the same PFT two times, you will have more black carbon. 
    23  * vegcorr(79) has been corrected. It was equal to vegcorr(78) so we lost C4 plants! It was used when you activate the 5km veget map.(ie when LAND_USE option was not activated.) 
    24  * The SECHIBA CMOR outputs have been corrected (see ticket #9). The operator flux_scinsec is in double_precision now) so the ratio between the standard output and the corresponding CMOR output is equal to 86400. (see explanations ticket #9). 
     21 * The herbivory model(section 22 in stomate_season) has been reformulated in stomate_season module. 
     22 * The variable black_carbon in lpj_fire.f90 has been multiplied by veget_max, otherwise if you have the same PFT two times on the same surface, you will have more black carbon (double it). 
     23 * vegcorr(79)in the routine get_vegcorr has been corrected. It was equal to vegcorr(78) so we lost C4 plants! It was used when you activate the 5km veget map.(ie when LAND_USE option was not activated.) 
     24 * The SECHIBA CMOR outputs have been corrected (see ticket #9). The operator flux_scinsec is in double_precision now so the ratio between the standard output and the corresponding CMOR output is equal to 86400. (see explanations ticket #9). 
    2525 * The ipcc output VegLitter has been corrected (see revision[837]). 
    2626 * Correction of the weather generator (see ticket #5). 
    2929 * Correction of forcesoil : forcesoil can read multiple forcing years. (see ticket #12). 
    3030 * Correction of the interpolation :(see ticket #11) 
     31Look all the differences  between tag and 1.9.6 here : 
    3234=== 2. New features === 
    3436 * Configuration of the number of PFTs : the user can set the number of PFTs used by ORCHIDEE without having to recompile the code. Retro compatible : if nothing is found in the run.def, ORCHIDEE uses 13 PFTs. Compatible with the programs forcesoil and teststomate. 
    35  * Externalization of all the parameters of the code : 400 Keywords representing more than 1200 values in the standard mode (13 PFTs). Obtained by externalizing all the PFT parameters and by replacing hard coded values by parameters names. List available here :    . For more information, please have a look et . 
     37 * Externalization of all the parameters of the code : 400 Keywords representing more than 1200 values in the standard mode (13 PFTs). Obtained by externalizing all the PFT parameters and by replacing hard coded values by parameters names. List available here : OrchideeParameters. For more information, please have a look at Branches/ExternalisationParameters. 
    3638 * Daily interpolation : ORCHIDEE can read daily forcing files. 
    3739 * By using IOIPSL trunk, ORCHIDEE can write PFT names used for the run into the history files. 
    3840 * Improvements of the scripts : the scripts have been updated for the externalization. We have one unique configuration file called run.def. By default, run.def is empty. To know which parameters you can modify, please have a look at the file called orchidee.default. Improvements of the atlas for FLUXNET configuration. 
    40 See diff  between 1.9.2 and 1.9.6 : 
    4242=== 3. Notes === 
    4444 * The SLA(specific leaf area) is not calculated anymore : it is prescribed now. 
    4545 * ORCHIDEE 1.9.6 uses IOIPSL trunk by default. Be careful that you use the correct version. If you want to use the last tag of libIGCM, please contact 
    46  * External tools : Some scripts have been developed : a python script which can generate a map with any number of PFTs (based on Olson Classification, be careful works only on Obelix for the moment); a shell script for creating a cvs file and a text file containing all the parameters of the code; a shell script for generating a orchidee.default file. 
     46 * External tools : Some scripts have been developed : a python script which can generate a map with any number of PFTs (based on Olson Classification, be careful works only on Obelix for the moment); a shell script for creating a cvs file and a text file containing all the parameters of the code; a shell script for generating a orchidee.default file. The two last scripts work only for ORCHIDEE 1.9.6. These scripts are available in trunk/TOOLS directory.  
    4747 * All the labels of the parameters contain the Config Units attribute.  
     48 * List of tests used for validation available here : Branches/ExternalisationParameters/ValidateExternalisation. 
    4950=== 4. Problems known === 
    51 Two tickets have not been solved : #7 (DGVM problems) and #10 (CMOR soil level outputs). 
     52Two tickets have not been solved : #7 (DGVM problems) and #10 (CMOR soil level outputs). They will be improved in the future. 