
Version 19 (modified by jgipsl, 7 years ago) (diff)


Main changes on the trunk

  • [4783] rsoil and litterhumdiag now depends on liquid soil moisture content instead of total soil moisture (liquid+solid)
  • [4778] Corrected bug in calculation of VPD and air_relhum (qsurf changed into q2m), see ticket #415
  • [4768] Correction in soil heat capacity, see ticket #410
  • [4767] Correction on soil thermal conductivity, see ticket #406
  • [4764] Correction on k and ksat, see ticket #412
  • [4728] Small correction on carbon closure, see ticket #396
  • 4695 is used in IPSLCM66.0.13, 4661 gives the same results as 4695, this revision is used in the simulations wiki:ReferenceSimulations/4661
  • [4655] Ticket #138 : change value for downregulation_co2_coeff_mtc for C4 plants. Peylin
  • [4654] Modifications related to the effect of snow on surface roughness. See tickets #62 and #237
  • [4633] Ticket #195 : Change diaglev to take the values at lower-layer interface (zlt) instead of values at nodes(znt).
  • [4619] Ticket #366 This solves the problem regarding the variation of soil layer depth (for temperature) below 2m. Fuxing Wang
  • [4575] Correction to avoid negative snownobio for very small nobio fractions. See ticket #389 Maignan
  • 4563 is used in IPSLCM6.0.12, see simulations here wiki:ReferenceSimulations/4661
  • [4563] Correction of a bug in snowheat introduced in r4544
  • [4465] Added new output variables in the interface from orchidee to lmdz. See ticket #381
  • [4432] Correction on the computation of the mean z0s over the grid cell detailed in ticket #374
  • [4431] Fix bug on kfact_root detailed in ticket #375
  • [4400] Corrected bugs introduced in [4268] and [4275] for running one grid-cell.
  • [4319], [4320] : Removed multiplication of contfrac for carbon diagnostics in stomate and stomate_lpj. Note: do not use rev 4319 as an error makes the compilation fail.
  • [4261] : Corrected bug introduced in [4215]. This error makes the ocean crash if orchidee is starting without restart files.
  • [4215] : DO NOT USE, see above. Corrected 1+1=2 due to error introduced in [3969], the problem was only seen in LMDZOR simulations.
  • [4144] : Bug correction in option DO_RSOIL
  • [4067] : Bug correction for floodplains, see ticket #331
  • [3975] : Added option DO_RSOIL to calculate a soil resistance to reduce the soil evaporation
  • [3972] : Update of the photosynthesis scheme. It includes apply a water stress on Vcmax, stomatal conductance (gs), or mesophyll conductance (gm)
  • [3969] : Correction in grid-cell averages and hydrol_tmc_update following the exclusion of the nobio fraction from soiltile(1)
  • [3959] : Correction of a bug on evapot_corr related to snow. See ticket #259
  • [3933] : Change phenology parameters, see ticket #296
  • [3930] : Correction on vbeta in diffuco_comb for water conservation
  • [3917] : Correction of a bug related to frac_snow_nobio, see ticket #258.
  • [3883] : Correction of bugs related to snow in enerbil.f90, see ticket #257
  • [3858] : Correction for interpolating LAI, bug introduced in rev 3831.
  • [3839] : Added possibility to output 4D and 5D variables with XIOS. Note XIOS/trunk rev 965 or later is now needed to run the model with XIOS. IOIPSL is still possible.
  • [3838] : Removed possibility to use XIOS1
  • [3831] : New interface for interpolation with IOIPSL by intergration of branch ORCHIDEE-DYNAMICO
  • [3524] : Added formulation with Su et al. for calculations of roughness length. Note this revision can be used with older versions of LMDZ but it does not make sense to activate ROUGH_DYN without having the modifications done in the interface in LMDZ. LMDZ has not yet been commited.
  • [3521] : Bug correction for snow mass with explicit snow
  • [3476] : Change in parameters mcw and mcf and pcnt, for wilting point and field capacity
  • [3473] : Correction on water stress calculations, see ticket #228
  • [3447] : Integrated branch ORCHIDEE-DRIVER in the trunk, see ticket #244 ; Only standard offline driver (dim2_driver) has been validated.
  • [3404]-[3411] : bug in file_def and xios_orchidee. Do not use these versions. Correction done in [3409], [3410] and [3411]
  • [3402] : Simplification of hydrol, see ticket #191
  • [3171] : Added option ALB_BG_MODIS : read background albedo from file. See ticket #227
  • [3115] : Change in default value: if XIOS is activated then all IOIPSL are deactivated.
  • [3111] : Changed name of xios axis id, see ticket #211
  • [3109] : XIOS 1.0 is now the default instead of IOIPSL for output, see ticket #202
  • [3096] : Added possibility to use XIOS 2.0, see ticket #202
  • [3094] : Changes related to the update of vegetation fraction due to land use change, see ticket #107
  • [3077], [3080], [3085] : Bug corrections related to explicitsnow, see ticket #195
  • [3059] : Implicit coupling of "soil-snow-atmosphere", see ticket #203
  • [3049] : Easier to restart with old restart files, see ticket #135
  • [3041] : humcste initialized depending on soil depth, see ticket #183
  • [3038] : Corrected bug for DGVM, see ticket #215
  • [3020] : Added fractions for snow cover, see ticket #203
  • [3013] : Changed name for parameter DOWNREGULATION_CO2_COEFF into DOWNREG_CO2
  • [3012] : Correction for ok_freeze, see ticket #197
  • [2961] : Changed name for sinang into coszang, see ticket #193
  • [2927] : Bug correction in water conservation, see ticket #188
  • [2922] : Soil thermal properties, see ticket #194
  • [2917] : New vertical soil discretization, see ticket #190
  • [2903] : Bug correction for OMP mode. Specially problem with river_routing switched off hazardous now corrected.
  • [2868] : Corrections for 1+1=2. This is now ok in all tested cases, see ticket #143
  • [2740] : Corrected bug for case IMPOSE_VEG. This bug was introduced in rev 2718
  • [2718] : Read vegetation map the first of January instead of December in slowproc. Some parameters changed (rename LAND_USE into PFT_MAP_FORMAT and removed LAND_COVER_CHANGE), see ticket #107
  • [2668] : Update DGVM, see ticket #182
  • [2665] : First commit needed for DGVM, see ticket #181
  • [2658], [2656] : Removed ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT and STOMATE_WATCHOUT, see ticket #172 Do not use these revisions due to a bug in 2654.
  • [2654], [2659], [2660], [2661] : Enhancements for the the initialization phase. A bug was introduced in 2654 and finally corrected in rev 2661. Do not use revision 2654-2660.
  • [2650] : Update explicit snow scheme, see ticket #179
  • [2580] : Correction in routing_main related to restart writing. See ticket #169. Change in results.
  • [2575] : Now read DT_SECHIBA from run.def instead of SPLIT_DT. ROUTING_TIMESTEP changed name to DT_ROUTING. DT_TURNOVER_TIME parameter was removed.
  • [2501] : Correct bug existing since 2441, in initialization of variables depending on t2m in stomate, see ticket #158
  • [2481] : Changed netcdf library at obelix, see ticket #160
  • [2452] : Corrected bug introduced in 2441
  • [2441] : Introduced 2 bugs, resolved in 2452 and 2501. New default value REFTEMP_FILE=NONE : t2m_longterm is calculated instead of read rom file, see ticket #158
  • [2425] : Added beta factor, important for coupled simulations, see ticket #157
  • [2422] : Bug correction for daily forcing, see ticket #156
  • [2419] : Corrected case SOILTYPE_CLASSIF=usda, removed case fao
  • [2360], [2361] : See ticket #136 : Limitation of snow mass. Might change results
  • [2293] : Homogenization of parameters controling the level of text output (add WRITELEVEL). Updated orchidee.default.
  • [2291] : Add new parameters for optimization: NBUFF=1 and OK_HISTSYNC=n by default
  • [2222] [2223] [2224] : Merge branch ORCHIDEE-MICT into the trunk : Soil freezing and explicit snow model. Revision 2223 contains ORCHIDEE-MICT except a bug correction in hydrol. This revision reproduces exactly the same results as the trunk before the merge. Revision 2224 on the trunk and the branch ORCHIDEE-MICT are now the same.
  • [2183] :
  • [2149] : Compile options and documentation of makeorchidee_fcm has been improved during several commit. Now compile options corresponds to AA_make.gdef.
  • [2093] : Bug correction in enerbil, see ticket #137
  • [2053] : The externalized parameter MAXMASS_GLACIER has changed name. New name MAXMASS_SNOW.
  • [2031] : Merge the Photosynthesis branch primarily based on the work of Yin et al (2009). Some change in results.
  • [1987] : Changed default value for DOWNREGULATAION_CO2 from TRUE to FALSE
  • [1957] : Change formula for snow albedo, ticket #74 . Change in results are excpected. But also introduced a bug. This revision do not compile!! Use rev [1959].
  • [1925] : Correction for OpenMP. Adapted use of XIOS also for OpenMP mode
  • [1914] : Corrected error introduced in rev 1907
  • [1907], [1913] : Do not use. Introduced compile error
  • [1907] : Add possiblity to use XIOS in coupled mode with LMDZ. Note: LMDZ is not yet available to run ORCHIDEE with XIOS.
  • [1882] : Modification of parameters for tropical forests and activation of CO2 downregulation, more details here trunk/DownRegulation
  • [1881] : Correct time axis with XIOS. Initialization in XIOS of calendar and date information directly done by the model(not in xml)
  • [1852] : Corrected bug on evap_bare_lim_ns in hydrol.f90, some change in results for CWRR only, see ticket #121
  • [1843] : Revert back (to rev 1843) arch file for curie using default netcdf
  • [1840] : Correction in xml file. Introduced by mistake modification in arch-X64_CURIE.path (revert in next commit)
  • [1814] : Corrected bug introduced in rev 1788. The bug causes probleme if using gfortran and CWRR.
  • [1791] and rev [1792] : Corrected variable emis in output file from IOIPSL(rev 1791) and in output file from XIOS (rev 1792)
  • [1789] : Corrected variable ECanop in file, output file from IOIPSL
  • [1788] : Added interface to XIOS
  • [1772] : Corrected bug for variable dss in file
  • [1615] : double all OMP_BARRIER to fixe a bug with openmp parallelisation
  • [1383] : Changed default values for vc_max_opt and vj_max_opt parameters. Results change.
  • [1280] : Bug correction for spinup analytic for case forcing cycle less than 7 years.
  • [1263] and rev 1262: Updated teststomate due to commit 1078. Teststomate can now run in sequential and parallel MPI mode.
  • [1229] : Bug fix : forcesoil can now again run in parallele MPI mode.
  • [1224] : Added possibility to read the vertical structure of the forcing data from the forcing file itself. No change in results.
  • [1172] : Added writting of evapot_corr in restart - and initialisation by reading the restart or parameter file - Little change in the results
  • [1170] : Added extra dimension. No change in results.
  • [1102] : Merged new phenology branch into the trunk. Use with caution. Some changes are expected in stomate outputs (tropics especially). Please, look at Branches/ORCHIDEE-NEWPHENO for more details.
  • [1100] : Merged Spinup_analytical branch into the trunk. The analytical spin-up is optional, so no changes in results. See Branches/AccelerationSpinup for more information.
  • [1091] : Correction of the carbon CMOR output C3PftFrac. Changes in stomate IPCC outputs.
  • [1082] : Added externalization for CWRR parameters. Some obsolete parameters were removed and some equations in Choisnel have been simplified. Implies some little changes in the results.
  • [1078] : Added modifications for OpenMP. The interface intersurf_gathered was changed. The interface intersurf_gathered_2m was removed and variables q2m and t2m are integrated in the first interface as optional variables. The new interface was already added in LMDZ but the preprossor key ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP must be removed to use this new interface. MPI parallelization is guaranteed but OpenMP is still under validation and debugging phase. Compiling and running is still done in mode MPI only. Teststomate has not been adapted to run with these modifications and cannot be used before update.
  • [1042] : Re-organization 1 : moved driver source code from ORCHIDEE_OL into ORCHIDEE/src_driver
  • [1028] : Corrected bug for routing in coupled and offline mode. The bug was introduced in rev 947
  • [949] : Small correction needed to compile at Vargas/IDRIS
  • [947] : Inclusion of the developements from branches/Hydrology => Change in results. The routing does not work in coupled mode as the case was at branche Hydrology. See notes for validation here.
  • [945] : Bug correction due to inverse loop
  • [890] :
    • Start inclusion of COV
    • Modification in initialization of lai if it is not in restart file and for the cas read_lai. Ligne 1051 in slowproc. => Change in results.
    • This revision do not run in coupled mode with currrent LMDZ due to modification in interface.
  • [875] : Created the tag 1.9.6 as a copy of this revision Tag 1.9.6
  • [864] : Specific leaf area (SLA) is prescribed => Change in results.
  • [861] : Correct solarang and time_zone functions. => May change results, only used for offline mode
  • Change in diagnostics (history) files in some revisions between 720-740.
  • [511] : Included externalization branch in the trunk => Change in results.
  • [392] : Created the tag as a copy of this revision Tag
  • [10] : Created the trunk/ORCHIDEE_OL as a copy of tag Tag 1_9_5
  • [9] : Created the trunk/ORCHIDEE as a copy of tag Tag 1_9_5