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}}} [[PageOutline]] = ORCHIDEE training course = == Next session 6th-7th February 2023 == The training will be given at '''Jussieu (metro Jussieu, Paris), tour 55, corridor 55-56, 3rd floor, in a classroom called Rubis''' Participants need to bring there own laptop to perform the practical training sessions. A personal login to obelix, ciclad, spirit, irene or jean-zay is needed. Connexion will be done through wifi. Please let us know if you want to attend remotely. A video link will be set up. Lunch is provided to all participants. The registrations are closed for this years training. Everybody are welcome in person to Jussieu but if you cannot come, we'll try to organize a remote connexion but you need to inform us in advance. Coffee and lunch will be offered to all participants at Jussieu. {{{#!comment see here connection details: * Remotely connection for the presentations, 9.30~13.00, * Monday: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97558111636?pwd=RG90ZldaaTMxQ3gxR1pCbFdtaGZyQT09 * Tuesday: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97248365768?pwd=OGsrMEV2RnZYLzNYUkxHUE9WQkpMQT09 * Remotely connexion for the hands on sessions 14.00~17.00, both days: https://gather.town/app/ZeK4qY8NQx3ytAbE/classroomORCHIDEE Information about the Hands on sessions: * each participant work in his own rythme * for you with login at ciclad and climserv, all of you need to * connect to climserv with the same login via camelot, loholt1 ou loholt2, for example {{{ ssh login@camelot.ipsl.polytechnique.fr }}} * start an interactiv session by typing {{{ qsub -IVX -q tp_espri -l nodes=1:ppn=1 }}} * install the model in /homedata/login/ * For the exercices in parallel or with libIGCM, quit first the interactiv session started with the qsub command. Add in the header of the main job following: {{{ #PBS -q tp_espri }}} * Note that tp_espri is a specific queue only valid at !ClimServ during the training session. If doing the exercices after the trainning, remove -q tp_espri and use the default queue. }}} ''' BE CAREFUL NEW PROGRAMM DUE TO THE TUESDAY STRIKE''' '''Approximate program for ORCHIDEE Training'''[[BR]] '''Monday 6th of February 2023''' [[BR]] Zoom connection links for Monday https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97558111636?pwd=RG90ZldaaTMxQ3gxR1pCbFdtaGZyQT09 (ID: 975 5811 1636, pwd: 9L2feE) 09:30 - 10:15 : [attachment:ORCHIDEE_Training_technical_intro_JGhattas_2023.pdf Technical introduction], Josefine Ghattas [[BR]] 10:15 - 11:40 : [attachment:Hand_on_exercises_ORCHIDEE_Feb2023.pdf Hands on session] with help from Agnès Ducharne, Xiaoni Wang-Faivre, Nicolas Vuichard, Bertrand Guenet and Josefine Ghattas. Help on line by Fabienne Maignan and Sebastiaan Luyssaert. If needed, you can read [attachment:Introduction_libIGCM_25jan2022.pdf Introduction to libIGCM], [[BR]] 12:00 - 13:00 : Lunch [[BR]] 13:00 - 17:00 : Hands on session with help from Agnès Ducharne, Xiaoni Wang-Faivre, Nicolas Vuichard, Bertrand Guenet and Josefine Ghattas. Help on line by Sebastiaan Luyssaert and Fabienne Maignan. [[BR]] '''Tuesday 7th of February 2023''' '''FULL ONLINE'''[[BR]] Zoom connexion links for Tuesday https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97248365768?pwd=OGsrMEV2RnZYLzNYUkxHUE9WQkpMQT09 (ID: 972 4836 5768, pwd: dH8Pck) 09:30 - 11:15 : [attachment:tutorial_orchidee_feb_2023.pdf Introduction to ORCHIDEE], with break, Nicolas Vuichard. Video of the presentation [https://sharebox.lsce.ipsl.fr/index.php/s/AhJk0Bk6rdySXKL?path=%2FORCHIDEE%20Training%202023#/files_mediaviewer/Nicolas_Vuichard.mp4, here] [[BR]] 11:15 - 11:30 : Break [[BR]] 11:30 - 12:30 : [attachment:cours_orchidee_feb2023_ducharne.pdf Land surface hydrology], Agnès Ducharne. Video of the presentation [https://sharebox.lsce.ipsl.fr/index.php/s/AhJk0Bk6rdySXKL?path=%2FORCHIDEE%20Training%202023#/files_mediaviewer/Agnes_Ducharne.mp4, here] [[BR]] 12:30 - 13h30 : Lunch [[BR]] 13:30 - 14:20 : Coupling with atmospheric model, Frederique Cheruy. [https://sharebox.lsce.ipsl.fr/index.php/s/AhJk0Bk6rdySXKL?path=%2FORCHIDEE%20Training%202023#/files_mediaviewer/Frederique_Cheruy.mp4, here] [[BR]] 14:20 - 15:10 : Information about ORCHIDEE project organization + Main Developments, Philippe Peylin. [https://sharebox.lsce.ipsl.fr/index.php/s/AhJk0Bk6rdySXKL?path=%2FORCHIDEE%20Training%202023#/files_mediaviewer/Philippe_Peylin.mp4, here] [[BR]] 15:10 - 15:30 : Break[[BR]] 15:30 - 16:00 : [attachment:ORCHIDEE-training-2023.pdf News in the trunk], Bertrand Guenet. [https://sharebox.lsce.ipsl.fr/index.php/s/AhJk0Bk6rdySXKL?path=%2FORCHIDEE%20Training%202023#/files_mediaviewer/Bertrand_Guenet.mp4, here] [[BR]] 16:00 - 17:00 : Hands on session continues online with help from Bertrand Guenet, Josefine Ghattas, Juliette Lathière, Fabienne Maignan and Sebastiaan Luyssaert [[BR]] == Previous sessions == ''See the program for previous ORCHIDEE training sessions: [wiki:GroupActivities/Training/Archive] ''