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}}} [[PageOutline]] = ORCHIDEE training course = == Next session 6th-7th February 2023 == The training will be given at '''Jussieu (metro Jussieu, Paris), tour 55, corridor 55-56, 3rd floor, in a classroom called Rubis''' Participants need to bring there own laptop to perform the practical training sessions. A personal login to obelix, ciclad, spirit, irene or jean-zay is needed. Connexion will be done through wifi. Please let us know if you want to attend remotely. A video link will be set up. Lunch is provided to all participants. To register fill in the form here: https://www.survio.com/survey/d/Q9P0D2A7K5G3U1Y8A Everybody are welcome in person to Jussieu but if you cannot come, we'll try to organize a remote connexion but you need to inform us in advance. Coffee and lunch will be offered to all participants at Jussieu. {{{#!comment see here connection details: * Remotely connection for the presentations, 9.30~13.00, * Monday: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97558111636?pwd=RG90ZldaaTMxQ3gxR1pCbFdtaGZyQT09 * Tuesday: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97248365768?pwd=OGsrMEV2RnZYLzNYUkxHUE9WQkpMQT09 * Remotely connexion for the hands on sessions 14.00~17.00, both days: https://gather.town/app/ZeK4qY8NQx3ytAbE/classroomORCHIDEE Information about the Hands on sessions: * each participant work in his own rythme * for you with login at ciclad and climserv, all of you need to * connect to climserv with the same login via camelot, loholt1 ou loholt2, for example {{{ ssh login@camelot.ipsl.polytechnique.fr }}} * start an interactiv session by typing {{{ qsub -IVX -q tp_espri -l nodes=1:ppn=1 }}} * install the model in /homedata/login/ * For the exercices in parallel or with libIGCM, quit first the interactiv session started with the qsub command. Add in the header of the main job following: {{{ #PBS -q tp_espri }}} * Note that tp_espri is a specific queue only valid at !ClimServ during the training session. If doing the exercices after the trainning, remove -q tp_espri and use the default queue. }}} '''Approximate program for ORCHIDEE Training'''[[BR]] Monday 6th of February 2023 [[BR]] 09:30 - 11:30 : Introduction to ORCHIDEE, with break, Nicolas Vuichard[[BR]] 11:30 - 12:00 : News in the trunk, Bertrand Guenet [[BR]] 12:00 - 12:30 : Technical introduction, Josefine Ghattas[[BR]] 12:30 - 13:30 : Lunch[[BR]] 13:30 - 17:00 : Hands on session with help from Agnès Ducharne, Xiaoni Wang-Faivre, Nicolas Vuichard, Bertrand Guenet and Josefine Ghattas. Help on line by Fabienne Maignan. [[BR]] Tuesday 7th of February 2023[[BR]] 09:30 - 10:20 : Land surface hydrology, Agnès Ducharne[[BR]] 10:20 - 10:40 : Information about ORCHIDEE project organization + Main Developments, Philippe Peylin[[BR]] 10:40 - 11:10 : Coupling with atmospheric model, Frederique Cheruy[[BR]] 11:20 - 12:00 : Introduction to libIGCM, [attachment:svn10minandORCH_jan2022.pdf introduction to SVN] and [attachment:HowToConfigureOutputfiles_JG_2022.pdf How to configure output], Josefine Ghattas[[BR]] 12:00 - 13:00 : Lunch[[BR]] 13:00 - 17:00 : Hands on session, continuation, with help from Bertrand Guenet, Josefine Ghattas and Juliette Lathière. Help on line by Fabienne Maignan and Sebastiaan Luyssaert[[BR]] == Previous sessions == ''See the program for previous ORCHIDEE training sessions: [wiki:GroupActivities/Training/Archive] ''