Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of GroupActivities/Meetings/Retreat20190527

2019-06-17T10:47:01+02:00 (5 years ago)



  • GroupActivities/Meetings/Retreat20190527

    v25 v26  
    114114  - Overall recognition of everyone (CDI and CDD): need to be improved with a diagramm on the website / wiki detail the roles/responsabilities of everyone. This is even more important for CDDs; We need to comunicate to the main entities about our structure and the role of everyone. Maybe a meeting every-year with the ORC group and the lab directors + IPSL + ?? should be organised. 
    115115  - Scientific advisory board: Proposed for the Labelisation (already some names selected) with 1 meeting every year; Role to be precise at the next meeting and possibility to invite each orther external people for these meeting. Composition can change over time (but likely for a 5 year period).  
    116   - Ne code/development integration: They are all supervised by Josefine. This complicated and long! We have progressed but we are still not "efficient" enough. To improve wee need: 
    117    - to anticipate more with the ongoing development 
     116  - New code/developments integration: They are all supervised by Josefine. The integration steps are allways more complicated and long than expected! We have progressed but we are still not "efficient" enough. To improve we propose to: 
     117   - Anticipate more with the ongoing development 
    118118   - Work more in parallele and not only sequentially (as it was mostly) 
    119    - find ways to have make sure the original developpers are committed to help  
     119   - Find ways to have make sure the original developpers are committed to help  
    120120   - NOt all dev should end up in the Trunk. 
    121    - have potentially a more precise/strict "cahier des charges" ?  
     121   - Have potentially a more precise/strict "cahier des charges" ?  
    123123 - Practical functionning 
     124  - We need to have more information on the work of everyone and the ongoing developments or planed project, shared between all of us. 
     125  - => Thus we need to have more regular "informal meeting" with presentation of ongoing developments/activities. Maybe 1 out of 2 retreat should  
    125128 - Share of the code