= ORCHIDEE Retreat near Saint Remy les Chevreuse 19/20 Jan 2012 = == Documentation == See the summary under the Documentation page [wiki:OrchideeDocumentation Documentation Retreat] == Brainstorming session == The brainstorming session last from 18H to 20H on thursday. We started with 4 short presentations describing the VISION of 4 researchers for ORCHIDEE and the possible evolution of the code for the next 3 to 5 years. The Presentations are linked below with a summary of the main points raised. ==== Nathalie Denoblet (presentation) ==== * Presentation of the history of ORCHIDEE developments and the current imbalance in the level of complexity between the hydrology and the carbon cycle. * Emphasize on the need to harmonize the level of complexity and reinforce the evaluation strategy including evaluation of the coupled mode. * Need to brainstorm on the potential use of the model for impact studies * Reinforce the developments on agro-systems ==== Philippe Ciais (presentation) ==== * Need to consolidate past developments and to work on the consistency between these developments * Raised out attention on the possible use of ORCHIDEE by industrial/private compagny; Intellectual property need to be clarified * Resolution: Why not going to a reference very high resolution (1 km) simulation * Automatisation: Potential of Near Real Time applications (within GMES) and maybe to "promote" ORCHIDEE for a use within ECMWF * Frontier developments: Inclusion of the Phosphorus cycle, soil as a biota, complete integration of past disturbances, export of DOC and DIC, pedogenesis (soil alteration), Isotopes,... ==== Agnes Ducharne (presentation) ==== * Focussed her vision on the hydrology * Need to adress carefully lateral flows when going to high spatial resolution * Do not forget the spatial variations of soil properties! * Need to Include a link with ground water over areas with shallow water table ==== Sebastiaan Luyssaert (presentation) ==== * We may need to move from climate science focuss (central in the past activities) to descision making strategy (including some integrated quantities like wood production or food supply,...) * Land Manadgement becomes crucial * Move from PFTs to species (group of species) * Include the rivers as an ecosystem We then had a fruitfull discussion on the different directions raised by these presentations. The discussion was supported by few additional slides on specific topics from 5 volunteers: * Fabienne M. (presentation): she raised the issue of having currently too many branches and the need for more ingeniering power to have a comprehensive main trunc version. * Valentin B. (presentation) : Current model version is not easy to use; interests for a version == Organisational issue: planning of the meetings == We had