
Version 2 (modified by abernus, 3 years ago) (diff)



This version of ORCHIDEE has been used in publication Modeling subgrid lake energy balance in ORCHIDEE terrestrial scheme using the FLake lake model by Anthony Bernus and Catherine Ottlé in GMD.

Related publications

The freshwater 1-D FLake lake model was coupled to the ORCHIDEE land surface model to simulate lake energy balance at the global scale. A multi-tile approach has been chosen to allow the modelling of various types of lakes within the ORCHIDEE grid cell. The different categories have been defined according to lake depth which is the most influential parameter of FLake, but other properties could be considered in the future. Several depth parameterization strategies have been compared, differing by the way to aggregate the depth of the subgrid lakes, i.e., arithmetical, geometrical, harmonical mean and median. Five atmospheric reanalysis datasets available at $0.5{\circ}$ or $0.25{\circ}$ resolution, have been used to force the model and assess model systematic errors. Simulations have been performed, evaluated and intercompared against observations of lake water temperatures provided by the GloboLakes? database over about 1000 lakes and ice phenology derived from the Global Lake and River Ice Phenology database.

The results highlighted the large impact of the atmospheric forcing on the lake energy budget simulations, and the improvements brought by the highest resolution products (ERA5 and E2OFD). The median of the Root Square Mean Errors (RMSE) calculated at global scale range between 3.2 K and 2.7 K among the forcings, CRUJRA and ERA5 leading respectively to the best and worst results. Depth parameterization appeared to be less sensitive, with RMSE differences less than 0.1 K for the four aggregation strategies tested.

The simulation of ice phenology presented systematic errors whatever the forcing used and the depth parameterization. Freezing onset was shown to be the less sensitive to forcing and depth parameterization with median of the errors ranging between 10 and 14 days. Larger errors were observed on the simulation of the end of the freezing period, however the forcing has an high impact on the error. Such errors already highlighted in previous works, could be the result of deficiencies in the modeling of snow/ice parameterization processes. Various pathways are drawn to improve the model results, including the use of remote sensing data to better constrain the lake radiative parameters (albedo and extinction coefficient) as well as the lake depth thanks to the recent and forthcoming high resolution satellite missions.

Code access

See the version on the web interface here :

Extract it on a terminal as follows, using "anonymous" as password:

svn co --username anonymous svn:// ORCHIDEE_FLAKE_gmd_2021


Creator Anthony Bernus
Title ORCHIDEE_FLAKE_gmd_2021
Publisher Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL)
PublicationYear 2021
ResourceType Software
Rights This software is distributed under the CeCILL license
Subject Land surface model, hydrological processes, lake energy budget
DataManager Karim Ramage (IPSL)
DataCurator Josefine Ghattas (IPSL)
ContactPerson Catherine Ottlé: catherine.ottlé at
FundingReference CNES and CEA