Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication/ORCHIDEE_Biochar

2021-11-25T16:29:27+01:00 (3 years ago)



  • GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication/ORCHIDEE_Biochar

    v1 v1  
     1= ORCHIDEE_Biochar = 
     2This version of ORCHIDEE has been used in '''Pyrogenic carbon mineralisation the missing link in the global grassland-dominated fire carbon budget''' by Simon P.K. Bowrin, Matthew W. Jones, Philippe Ciais, Bertrand Guenet, Samuel Abiven. Submitted to Nature Geoscience 
     4== Abstract == 
     5Biomass recovery after wildfires often approximates pre-disturbance conditions. However, fire legacy carbon (C) fluxes hitherto-overlooked in global modelling indicate that post-fire terrestrial C retention through pyrogenic C (PyC) production, and losses via multiple pathways, must be considered to quantify the global fire C balance. Here we attempt a first quantification of the fire C balance using a land surface model run over 1901-2010. Global PyC production drives a soil carbon accumulation of ~280 TgC yr-1 which is partially offset by several legacy C losses totalling ~190 TgC yr-1 for a partial residual sink of ~90 TgC yr-1, giving a first mechanistic constraint on maximum annual PyC mineralisation (89 TgCyr-1) and a minimum PyC mean residence time of 5387 (1966-14100) yrs, assuming steady state.  The residual is negative over forests and strongly positive over grassland-savannahs, suggesting contrasting roles of vegetation in the fire C cycle and the earth system. We were unable to mechanistically model PyC mineralisation due to a paucity of observational constraints, meaning that without assuming steady state, one cannot know the sign of the full fire C balance. Constraining PyC mineralisation rates is a critical research frontier for fire science, and would enable fuller understanding of fire’s role in the planetary C-cycle, with implications for attendant land use and conservation policies.  
     7== Code access == 
     9* See the version on the webinterface here : 
     10* Extract it on a terminal as follow, type anonymous as password:  
     12svn co --username anonymous svn:// ORCHIDEE 
     15== Metadata == 
     17|| DOI ||  || 
     18|| Creator || Simon Bowring || 
     19|| Affiliation || ENS || 
     20|| Title || ORCHIDEE_Biochar || 
     21|| Publisher || Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) || 
     22|| //PublicationYear// || 2018 || 
     23|| //ResourceType//  || Software || 
     24|| //Rights// || This software is distributed under the CeCILL license || 
     25|| //rightsURI // || || 
     26|| Subject || Land surface model, Soil organic matter, carbon isotopes || 
     27|| //DataManager// || Karim Ramage (IPSL) || 
     28|| //DataCurator// || Josefine Ghattas (IPSL) || 
     29|| //ContactPerson// || Simon Bowring (ENS) || 
     30|| //FundingReference// ||  ||