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}}} = Documentation = ---- [[PageOutline]] == NEW LOGO == The new logo has been selected late 2017. Different format includes == News == [wiki:Documentation/News ''NEWS'']: General news for all ORCHIDEE users about recent changes on the code, the environment and the project organisation == Fair Use Policy == The development of ORCHIDEE is quite time consuming for all the devellopers. To be sure that all contributors are rewarded as it should be, please follow the [wiki:GroupActivities/UseOfORCHIDEEpolicy ORCHIDEE-POLICY] == Official website == The official website for ORCHIDEE is available at [http://orchidee.ipsl.fr][[BR]] == Implementation of the code == === Embedded documentation === ORCHIDEE has a scientific documentation embedded into the code that generates html and pdf versions. * See [https://vesg.ipsl.upmc.fr/thredds/fileServer/IPSLFS/orchidee/DOXYGEN/webdoc_2425/annotated.html the web scientific documentation for ORCHIDEE/trunk revision 2425] * Download the pdf of the documentation for the same version and some older version on this place, in complete or reduced form : [https://vesg.ipsl.upmc.fr/thredds/catalog/IPSLFS/orchidee/DOXYGEN/catalog.html] See [wiki:Documentation/ORCHIDEE_DOC ORCHIDEE_DOC] page for knowing more about this documentation. === Coding Guidelines === Coding guidelines have been established to facilitate the development of the ORCHIDEE code. All developers should follow thes guide lines when improving or adding new features to the code. Moreover, any new suggestions to these coding guide lines, in order to improve the readability, the efficiency and the robustness of the code are welcome. You can make these suggestions to the ORCHIDEE project group. See [attachment:ORCHIDEE_Coding_Guidelines_v1.0.pdf​ coding_guidelines.pdf] and [attachment:ORCHIDEE_Coding_Guidelines_v1.0.doc coding_guidelines.doc] == User Guide == In the User Guide you'll find a '''How To''' documentation, the old Scripts page and Tools : Documentation/UserGuide See also documentation related to the ORCHIDEE '''Training course''' : GroupActivities/Training See the complete '''parameter list''' for ORCHIDEE with default values and help comments : Documentation/OrchideeParameters == Atmospheric forcing data sets == All the information on the forcing files available to run ORCHIDEE are here: Documentation/Forcings == Ancillary data == All the information on the anscillary data files which are needed to describe the various surface characteristics used by ORCHIDEE are here: Documentation/Ancillary == Following complex variables and processes == The usage of frac_nobio in the code is documented here: [wiki:Documentation/Frac_Nobio] == Archive == Find here old presentations and documentations : [wiki:Documentation/Archive] == Benchmarking ORCHIDEE == A first attempt to quantify the computer time used by the various components in ORCHIDEE when run off-line : [wiki:Documentation/Bench_May2016] == Parameters tables == A table to summarize the information about all externalised parameters with their mean value and realistic potential range of variation: [wiki:Documentation/OrchideeParameters]