||'''[wiki:Documentation Documentation]'''||[wiki:Tags Main Version]||[wiki:Branches Other Versions]||[wiki:Scripts Scripts]||[wiki:Forcings Forcings]||[wiki:Evaluation Evaluation]||[wiki:Tools Tools]||[wiki:Meetings Meetings]||[wiki:Seminars Seminars]||[wiki:UserList UserList]||[wiki:Contact Contact]|| = Documentation = You will find here information on the code itself, dealing with either scientific or technical aspects. Information on how to use the model can be find elsewhere ([wiki:Scripts] page). == Scientific documentation == * ORCHIDEE has now an scientific documentation embedded into its code that generates html and pdf versions. See [wiki:Documentation/ORCHIDEE_DOC ORCHIDEE_DOC] page for knowing more. * CMIP5 [wiki:Documentation/MetaforOrc METAFOR] questionary. * [wiki:Documentation/OrchideeParameters Parameters]: list of the parameters used by the model (to complete) === Main Presentations === * Technical notes from G. Krinner that give the main equations of STOMATE and LPJ components. [http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/~ssipsl/doc/note.technique_krinner99.ps note.technique_krinner99.ps][[BR]] * A presentation that gives the structure in which ORCHIDEE was coded. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/WEBORCHIDEE/orchidee.pdf orchidee.pdf] * A presentation that gives a brief overview of the processes, structure and inputs/outputs structure of ORCHIDEE [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/WIKI/cours_orchidee_sept2011.pdf cours_orchidee_sept2011.pdf] * Installation and off-line usage of ORCHIDEE with modipsl framework and libIGCM running environnement [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/COURS/Cours-ORCHIDEE-oct2011.pdf Cours-ORCHIDEE-oct2011] === Papers of reference === * Ducoudré, Nathalie I., Laval, Katia, et Perrier, Alain (1993). '''SECHIBA, a New Set of Parameterizations of the Hydrologic Exchanges at the Land-Atmosphere Interface within the LMD Atmospheric General Circulation Model.''' Journal of Climate, 6(2), 248--273.[http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/1520-0442%281993%29006%3C0248%3ASANSOP%3E2.0.CO%3B2 link] * Polcher, J., Laval, K., Dümenil, L., Lean, J., et Rowntree, P. R. (1996). '''Comparing three land surface schemes used in general circulation models.''' Journal of Hydrology, 180(1-4), 373--394. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022169495028862 link] * Ducharne, A., Laval, K., et Polcher, J. (1998). '''Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to the parametrization of soil hydrology in a GCM.''' Climate Dynamics, 14, 307--327. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/6kcrkqp1vdeu2lm9/ link] * Rosnay, P. de et Polcher, J. (1999). '''Modelling root water uptake in a complex land surface scheme coupled to a GCM.''' Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 2(2/3), 239--255. [http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/2/239/1998/hess-2-239-1998.html link] * Krinner, G., Viovy, N., Noblet-Ducoudre, N. de, Ogee, J., Polcher, J., Friedlingstein, P., Ciais, P., Sitch, S., and Prentice, I. C (2005). '''A dynamic global vegetation model for studies of the coupled atmosphere-biosphere system.''' Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 19, GB1015. [http://europa.agu.org/?view=article&uri=/journals/gb/gb0501/2003GB002199/2003GB002199.xml&t=2005,krinner link] * d'Orgeval, T. et Polcher, J. (2008). '''Impacts of precipitation events and land-use changes on West African river discharges during the years 1951--2000.''' Climate Dynamics, 31(2), 249--262. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/k221658437u00qj8/ link] * Guimberteau M., Laval K., Perrier A. and Polcher J.: '''Global effect of irrigation and its impact on the onset of the Indian summer monsoon''', Climate Dynamics, in press (Available online 5 Dec. 2011), doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1252-5 [http://www.springerlink.com/content/w7748168783p7r69/ link] * Guimberteau, M., Drapeau, G., Ronchail, J., Sultan, B., Polcher, J., Martinez, J.-M., Prigent, C., Guyot, J.-L., Cochonneau, G., Espinoza, J. C., Filizola, N., Fraizy, P., Lavado, W., De Oliveira, E., Pombosa, R., Noriega, L., and Vauchel, P. (2012): '''Discharge simulation in the sub-basins of the Amazon using ORCHIDEE forced by new datasets''', Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 911-935, doi:10.5194/hess-16-911-2012, 2012 [http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/16/911/2012/hess-16-911-2012.html link] == Technical documentation == === Parallelism === To know about how ORCHIDEE is parallelized, look at the following page : [wiki:ParallelVersion].