||[wiki:Documentation Documentation]||[wiki:Tags Main Version]||[wiki:Branches Other Versions]||[wiki:Scripts Scripts]||[wiki:Forcings Forcings]||[wiki:Evaluation Evaluation]||[wiki:Tools Tools]||'''[wiki:HowTo How to]'''||[wiki:Meetings Meetings]||[wiki:Seminars Seminars]||[wiki:UserList UserList]||[wiki:Contact Contact]|| = How to page = This page let you to answer some problems you can meet with ORCHIDEE. You will find some tutorials explaining how to install and run the model, how to debug,etc. Questions asked : * ''' [wiki:HowTo/InstallingORCHIDEE How to install ORCHIDEE on my linux laptop or computer?] '''(D.Solyga) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/TestCase1 How to run a simple test case with ORCHIDEE offline ?] '''(J. Ghattas) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/RunOrchidee How to run ORCHIDEE on one pixel on my computer?] '''(D.Solyga) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/NewFlag How to add a new flag in ORCHIDEE ?]''' (S.Luyssaert) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/VariableHistory How to add a variable to history files ?]''' (S.Luyssaert) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/SegmentationFault How to solve a segmentation error ?]'''(S.Luyssaert) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/ShellScript How to write a shell script ?]''' (S.Luyssaert) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/DifferencesNetcdf How to check differences between netcdf files ?]''' (S.Luyssaert) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/HistoryOperators How to understand the operators used to write the variables in the history files ?] ''' (F.Maignan) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/StudyNetCDF What's the quickest way to examine netCDF files?] ''' (J.Ryder) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/ParallelObelix How to run ORCHIDEE in parallel on Obelix ?] ''' (D.Solyga) * ''' [wiki:HowTo/OrchideeVampir How to run ORCHIDEE with Vampir ?] ''' (D.Solyga) Tutorial list : * ''' How to create tickets ?''' (D.Solyga). If you have an wiki account, you can create tickets. To know more about it, look the following tutorial [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/WIKI/TUTORIALS/Tickets.pdf here] * ''' First steps with ORCHIDEE on LSCE machines (ORCHIDEE training day)''' (D.Solyga, N.Vuichard) : [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/WIKI/TUTORIALS/tutorial_ORCHIDEE_LSCE.pdf The tutorial in PDF]