
Version 2 (modified by jgipsl, 4 months ago) (diff)


How to remove your svn passwords

Author: S. Luyssaert

Last revision: J. Ghattas 28/02/2024

It is convenient to store the svn passwords for icmc_users (IOIPSL, libIGCM and XIOS) and firstname.lastname (ORCHIDEE and ORCHIDEE_OL). If it happened that you stored a wrong password or that your passwords have changed, you may want to delete the files in which these passwords have been stored.

Go to your home folder.

ls -a
rm -rf .subversion/auth/svn*

Now use svn co to check out the model again. Or use the script modipsl/util/model as usual. Prepare to give passwords and usernames.

Another option if you only want to change the password on one server, for example ORCHIDEE, extract in a temporary folder by forcing the command svn with the corresponding username. Do as follow in a temporary folder on the same computer, change “yoursvnlogin” to your personal one:

svn co --username yoursvnlogin svn:// .
-> If it is the first time with this login in, you'll be asked for your passwd.
-> You can answer yes to store the password