
Version 3 (modified by lgcalix, 4 weeks ago) (diff)


Get change from one specific commit or from another working directory

Author: LG Calix Last revision: 2024/12/18, LG Calix

Pull the change from one commit

Let’s say you have a local folder folder1, with revision 2345. If for some reason you want to import just the fix brought by revision 3456 - without all the intermediary change - you can do “cherry-picking” with the option -c of svn merge :

cd [folder1]
svn merge -c 3456 .

However it is to handle carefully ; during the next svn update, it will compare the HEAD with revision 2345, and thus create a conflict.

Copy the change done on one local folder to other local folders

Second case scenario : you have two working directories WORKDIR1 and 2 with different ORCHIDEE revisions, and did some change to WORKDIR1 that you want to replicate on WORKDIR2 (for example a new model output). Instead of doing it manually, you can use the following commands (eventually it will create .rej and .orig files to resolve conflicts manually) :

cd [WORKDIR1]/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE
svn diff > mychange.patch
cp mychange.patch ../../../[WORKDIR2]/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE
cd ../../../../[WORKDIR2]/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE
patch -p0 < my_changes.patch