
Version 2 (modified by jgipsl, 8 years ago) (diff)


13/06/2016 Change to use XIOS2 by default in libIGCM configurations

13/06/2016, J. Ghattas

XIOS 2 is now used by default instead of XIOS 1.0 in the libIGCM configurations ORCHIDEE_trunk, LMDZOR_v6 and IPSLCM6.0.4. Modifications related to XIOS 2 :

  • change source code from XIOS/branchs/xios-1.0 to XIOS/trunk revision 858
  • change compile option for makeorchidee_fcm to -xios2 (this option will activate the cpp key XIOS and XIOS2.
  • change iodef.xml file. Now use src_xml/iodef_xios2.xml, before use rename it to iodef.xml
  • note: no change in the other xml files
  • note: ORCHIDEE do not yet use any new features available with XIOS2 (to come later: interpolations with XIOS, output of variables with more than 3 dimensions,..)
  • note: it is still possible to use IOIPSL. Change to compile using gmake without_xios and set XIOS=n in orchidee_ol.card

If you make a new installation of the trunk ORCHIDEE with the libIGCM configurations ORCHIDEE_trunk and/or LMDZOR_v6 you will probably not notice any difference.

See here the related changes :

Please contact orchidee-help if you need help to adapt a branch or personal version.

How to install without XIOS

Install as default with XIOS but compile in modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL by typing gmake without_xios. Before running, set XIOS=n in COMP/orchidee_ol.card

How to proceed if your branch is not prepared to run with XIOS2 and you want to use XIOS1

If you want to reinstall your branch but your version of ORCHIDEE is to old to work with XIOS2, do the following :

  • 1) Install modipsl : svn co modipsl
  • 2) Modify to install XIOS1 instead of XIOS2 by changing the following in modipsl/util/mod.def :
    change : 
    #-C- ORCHIDEE_trunk  XIOS/trunk                                858    12 XIOS               modeles 
    into : 
    #-C- ORCHIDEE_trunk  XIOS/branchs/xios-1.0                     703    12 XIOS               modeles
  • 3) Extract the model as usually (including the modifications you need to extract your version of ORCHIDEE)
  • 4) Before compilation, change in modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/AA_make "-xios2" into "-xios" on line 48, to have the following:
     driver_xios :
            (cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE ; ./makeorchidee_fcm -xios -j 8 -parallel mpi -prod -arch ${FCM_ARCH} -driver ; )
  • compile as usually from config/ORCHIDEE_OL by gmake
  • before running, change the link in PARAM for iodef.xml so it points to iodef_xios2.xml