
Version 11 (modified by jotto, 10 years ago) (diff)


Set up for Zoom over Europe in coupled mode LMDZOR

  • Configuration LMDZOR_v5.2(for trunk ORCHIDEE or branche DOFOCO or MICT or SOM) or LMDZOR_v5 (tag 1.9.5 or 1.9.6)
  • Resoultion 128x118x39
  • Compile in modipsl/config/LMDZOR_v5.2 using gmake 128x118x39
  • This grid has to be run with nudging, see below.

Install and compiling

svn co modipsl
cd modipsl/util; ./model LMDZOR_v5.2
cd ../config/LMDZOR_v5.2
gmake LMD128118-L39

Compile problem at ADA

With the default revision of LMDZ5 (rev 1729) there is a probleme with compiling medium resolutions. Error message is the following :

relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `comprint_' defined in COMMON section in

Solve this by updating arch files in LMDZ and recompile (rev 1906 in LMDZ/arch is ok)

cd ../../modeles/LMDZ/arch
svn update


Activate nudging by setting ok_guide=y and add nuding files in BoundaryFiles section List in lmdz.card.

ERAI nudging files for wind (u and v) has been interpolated to the zoomed grid using the method described here : The years 1980 to 2011 have been done. They are stored at TGCC here :


Following parameters for nudging are proposed to have a strong nudging outside the zoom and a small nudging inside the zoom. Change the PARAM/guide.def to the following :

# ok_guide=y : guidage active
ok_guide=_AUTO_ : DEFFAULT = n
guide_u= y
guide_v= y
guide_T= n
guide_P= n
guide_Q= n


The aersols have to be interpolated to the zoomed model grid. The years 1980-2000 for HISTORIQUE run version _v5 have been done. They are found at default place : /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZ/LMD128118/AR5/HISTORIQUE . You need to change _v3 into _v5 in lmdz.card to use these files.

It is alos possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containg aerosols_ from List section and change in lmdz.card to the following :

# manage radiative aerosol effect and ozone 

NB : read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ so this is not necessary to deactivate.

Exemple for running

  • First do EXPERIMENTS/LMDZ/CREATE_clim/config.card to create start and boundary conditions
  • Then test EXPERIMENTS/LMDZOR/clim/config.card : NB!! It bugs in ORCHIDEE for interpolation : nbvmax to small for Land Use Vegetation map and get_reftemp
    • Activate nudging, in lmdz.card :
      List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year}/u_${year}${month},,\
    • Change to use aerosols forcing file with suffix _v5 instead of _v3 : change in lmdz.card
    • Modify the file PARAM/guide.def to the one above.
  • Test without ORCHIDEE, same set up as above with LMDZOR but remove lines with SRF and SBG in section ListOfComponents in config.card. Test for one year stop during the 6'th month with instablility in atmosphere (hgardfou s arrete debutphy)