Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Documentation/UserGuide/PreIndSim

2014-10-25T14:32:31+02:00 (10 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/PreIndSim

    v30 v31  
     169=== PARAM/config.def_preind === 
     170Double check whether in PARAM/config.def_preind the aerosol setting is as follows: 
     174All other settings are set to _AUTO_ and should thus be automatically taken into account. For the pre-industrial run only the natural aerosols are used and the regridded data can be found at /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZOR/LMD128118/AR5/HISTORIQUE/ In COMP/lmdz.card some of the aerosol settings can be manually set (see below). 
    169176==== COMP/lmdz.card ==== 
    170177More details on the settings of COMP/lmdz.card are given on [] section 5. For the new physics, set in COMP/lmdz.card 
    179 We can choose from 9 aerosol groups which aerosols we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 9 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. 
    180 To regrid your own aerosol files instructions (in French) are at []   
    181 {{{ 
    182 flag_aerosol=6 
    183 ok_ade=y 
    184 ok_aie=y 
    185 aerosol_couple=n 
    186 read_climoz=2 
    187 ok_cdnc=y 
    188 }}} 
     186The aerosols that are being used are set in PARAM/config.def_preind (see above). In COMP/lmdz.card we have some additional manual control but it is better not to touch it. 
     195We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_preind or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the pre-industrial settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card.  
    190198Activate nudging by setting ok_guide=y and add the path to the nudging files in BoundaryFiles section List in lmdz.card. (the French for 'nudging' is 'guider')