Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of Documentation/UserGuide/FutureTime

2016-11-27T10:49:03+01:00 (8 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/FutureTime

    v17 v18  
    267 We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_preind or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the present day settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card. In case you want to regrid your own aerosol files the relevant scripts and instructions (in French) can be found at []. Interesting to know but NOT part of this set-up: it is also possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containing aerosols_ from the List section and change lmdz.card to the following : flag_aerosol=0, ok_ade=n, ok_aie=n, aerosol_couple=n, read_climoz=0, ok_cdnc=n. Note that read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ (as are some other boundary conditions such as SST, sea ice, ...) so this is not necessary to deactivate.     
     267We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_future or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the future day settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card. In case you want to regrid your own aerosol files the relevant scripts and instructions (in French) can be found at []. Interesting to know but NOT part of this set-up: it is also possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containing aerosols_ from the List section and change lmdz.card to the following : flag_aerosol=0, ok_ade=n, ok_aie=n, aerosol_couple=n, read_climoz=0, ok_cdnc=n. Note that read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ (as are some other boundary conditions such as SST, sea ice, ...) so this is not necessary to deactivate.     
    269269Activate nudging by setting ok_guide=y and add the path to the nudging files in Boundary Files section List in lmdz.card. (the French for 'nudging' is 'guider') 
    315315    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CFC11_RCP45.txt, CFC11.txt),\ 
    316316    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CFC12_RCP45.txt, CFC12.txt),\ 
    317     (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/, 
     317    (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/, 