Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of Documentation/UserGuide/FutureTime

2016-11-26T20:48:31+01:00 (8 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/FutureTime

    v11 v12  
    79 == The present day experiment == 
     79== The future experiment == 
    8080Where for the BC run, an LMD experiment was copied, we now have to copy a LMDZOR experiment. We haven't tried whether LMDZ/clim BC files can be combined with LMDZOR/amip experiments but to keep it simple we propose to be consistent and thus combine LMDZ/amip BC files with an LMDZOR/amip experiment 
    8585Edit the config card by changing the JOBNAME and setting the dates so that all dates of the experiment fall within the dates for which the BC were made. 
    87 ../../util/ins_job  
    8989This will create a new directory with the JOBNAME and copies the COMP, DRIVER and PARAM into that folder. Following the settings can be adjusted to the needs of the experiments 
    9393=== config.card === 
    94 Use the same begin and end date of the ELI experiment. For the ELI experiment we have to make use observed BC so all BC will be from prior to 2010. A 30-year experiment does requires that we run the ELI from 1981 to 2010. We don't want to use the 1981 conditions so we will compensate for this by adjusting the dates of files in the COMP settings or by preparing cyclic or even static files. 
    96 Given we want to simulate the equilibrium climate with the surface we should provide an initial condition of the vegetation. As an initial condition we use the restarts of an off-line simulation. Remember to use a restart for both the SRF and SBG component!  
     94Make sure to use a begin and an end date that falls within the ELI experiment. Given we want to simulate the equilibrium climate with the surface we should provide an initial condition of the vegetation. As an initial condition we use the restarts of an off-line simulation. Remember to use a restart for both the SRF and SBG component!  
    9896# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
    10098#-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    101 RestartDate=2010-12-31 
    102100# Define restart simulation name for this component 
    103 RestartJobName=ACLF 
    104 RestartPath=/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/cheny/IGCM_OUT/OL2/PROD/SECSTO 
    189187IF you are using ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO to its full potential, 13 PFTs - which is the default - is low. The two tested DOFOCO set-ups have either 28 PFTs (without age classes) or 64 PFTs (with four age classes for each of the European tree species. This implies that you have to add all the PFT specific parameters as well. These parameters can be found in a table stored on /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/PARAMETERS/PARAMETER_VALUES/. The script at /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/SCRIPTS/rundef_from_table/ can be used to convert the table in run.def. The script allows a more or less flexible way of defining which PFTs need age classes. Have a look at the readme.txt file in the same folder. 
    191 Given that off-line ORCHIDEE runs were used to forward the land surface in time, the off-line runs may account for land cover change, forest management and litter raking. To increase the chances that an equilibrium climate is reached in under 20 years it is advised to switch off as many of these changes as possible. 
     189Given that off-line ORCHIDEE runs were used to forward the land surface in time, the off-line runs may account for land cover change and forest management. Litter raking is no longer accounted for as it practically none-existent by the year 2010 and it was assumed that it would revive between 2010 and 2100. To increase the chances that an equilibrium climate is reached in under 20 years it is advised to switch off as many of these changes as possible. 
    217 Within the 20-year coupled run the land surface will stay constant to that described by the restart file that will be used, i.e., 2010. Forest management and litter raking are still activated (else we will affect the C-pools). We will keep these settings constant to their values for the year 2010. We simply hard code the years for these maps as detailed below. Note that because we start from a restart file the [!InitialStateFiles] are not used. We have to define the litter and FM maps as [!BoundaryFiles] which are read only once during the year. Note that 1:12: means that the file will be copied to the working directory at the first integration step and then every 12 iterations until the simulation is finished. More information on the difference between !InitialStateFiles, !BoundaryFilesn and !SmoothFiles can be found at  
    218 CAREFUL: the example here is for BCLF, when BC, BCF or BCL are to be set different fm_start maps need to be used.   
     215Within the 20-year coupled run the land surface will stay constant to that described by the restart file that will be used, i.e., 2100. Forest management is still activated (else we will affect the C-pools). We will keep these settings constant to their values for the year 2100. We simply hard code the years for these maps as detailed below. Note that because we start from a restart file the [!InitialStateFiles] are not used. We have to define the FM maps as [!BoundaryFiles] which are read only once during the year. Note that 1:12: means that the file will be copied to the working directory at the first integration step and then every 12 iterations until the simulation is finished. More information on the difference between !InitialStateFiles, !BoundaryFilesn and !SmoothFiles can be found at  
     216CAREFUL: for the optimized runs different fm_start maps need to be used. These have to be created from the history files.    
    233 === PARAM/config.def_actuel === 
    234 Double check whether in PARAM/config.def_preind the pmagic setting matches the setting of the actual ELI experiment and in turn the setting of Pmagic of the pre-industrial run. In this set-up pmagic was 0.000 thus 
     231=== PARAM/config.def_future === 
     232Go to the PARAM folder and copy config.def_actuel.  
     234cp config.def_actuel config.def_future 
     236Renaming this file is not essential but it makes the set-up more consistent. Double check whether in PARAM/config.def_preind the pmagic setting matches the setting of the actual ELI experiment and in turn the setting of Pmagic of the pre-industrial run. In this set-up pmagic was 0.000 thus 