Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation

2019-12-20T17:41:40+01:00 (5 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation

    v19 v20  
    1919* STOI (a fast spinup, length controlled by duree_inistomate) 
    2020* ORC-1 (a longer spinup, length controlled by duree_sechiba) 
    21 * CLEARCUT (added for CAN...aboveground biomass is removed before the run, to ensure forests have a specific age at the end...length controlled by the fifth field in the site description in fluxnet.card) 
    22 * FIN (the final fast production run, length controlled by duree_final) 
     21* CLEARCUT (added for CAN...aboveground biomass is removed before the run, to ensure forests have a specific age at the end..just a single year) 
     22* FIN (in the TRUNK, this is the final fast production run, length controlled by CAN, this is the length of time after the CLEARCUT to allow the forest to regrow, length controlled by the fifth field in the site description in fluxnet.card) 
     23* HIST (in CAN, this is the final fast production run, length controlled by duree_final) 
    2425The length of these phases can be modified, and additional longer spinups can be added (by changing n_iter, creating ORC-2, ORC-3, etc.), but they are typically not necessary.  The final production data (from FIN) is always saved, and output from the other stages can be saved as well, but it's not recommended.  In particular, the data for the ORC run can get pretty large when half-hourly output is used. 
    422423BE SURE TO CHECK THE USED RUN.DEFs.  These can be found by changing to the RUN_DIR when the job is running.  The scripts will add flags to the end of the run.def, and sometimes these may conflict with what you want to run. 
     425Notice that the files are all moved after the complete run ends (after HIST is done for CAN, after FIN for the trunk).  It's not easy to find where, but something like 
    424433== General steps  == 
    425434If you are more interested in understanding what is going on, if you are using a version of ORCHIDEE not used in the "Practical steps" section, or if the steps in the "Practical steps" section didn't work for you, this section provides general guidance on how to get things up and running.  It is completmented by the "Debugging" section below.