= Commit on the trunk = Here are some general guidelines for commiting into the trunk ORCHIDEE. Before commit: * the code must be conform to the ORCHIDEE coding guidlines * the modifications must be tested on at least one platform using MPI parallelism (except if only comments are changed) Some cases must be discussed in advance: * if the behavior of the model change. For example: change in parameter name in getin function, change in default value for some parameters, etc.. * if the interface towards the atmosphere is changed * big modifications During commit: * write a useful log message in english * use '''#X''' to refer to the ticket number X (the # will make a link directly to the ticket when visualizing the log message on the web) After commit: * for important changes, make a note here: [wiki:trunk] * tell the project group if the results changed even for tiny changes. A new reference must then be done in the [http://webservices.ipsl.fr/trusting/ trunsting]. * if related to a ticket, add a link to the commit in the ticket using '''[Y]''', where Y is the revision number on the commit. Close the ticket if all questions are treated.