Changes between Version 134 and Version 135 of Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

2023-03-08T18:48:33+01:00 (16 months ago)



  • Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

    v134 v135  
    255255=== Forcing files by ORCHIDEE === 
    256 Describes rXXXX. ORCHIDEE can now write an output file that can be used as as a forcing file. This functionality is intended to be used in the coupled mode where ORCHIDEE would then output the simulated climate variables in a format that the ORCHIDEE offline driver can read. This functionality is disabled by default. To activate it go to src_xml/file_orchidee.def and search for '''Forcing_by_ORCHIDEE''', set "enabled" to ".TRUE.". Add this file to one of the cards in the COMP folder (it should be orchidee.card when using the coupled model). Note that this functionality uses several implicit assumptions on the data format expected by the ORCHIDEE driver. Also, correct reading of the forcing files relies on the netcdf attributes coordinates and cell_method, the values of these attributes are set by XIOS. So, changes in XIOS could break this functionality. 
     256Describes r7912. ORCHIDEE can now write an output file that can be used as as a forcing file. This functionality is intended to be used in the coupled mode where ORCHIDEE would then output the simulated climate variables in a format that the ORCHIDEE offline driver can read. This functionality is disabled by default. To activate it go to src_xml/file_orchidee.def and search for '''Forcing_by_ORCHIDEE''', set "enabled" to ".TRUE.". Add this file to one of the cards in the COMP folder (it should be orchidee.card when using the coupled model). Note that this functionality uses several implicit assumptions on the data format expected by the ORCHIDEE driver. Also, correct reading of the forcing files relies on the netcdf attributes coordinates and cell_method, the values of these attributes are set by XIOS. So, changes in XIOS could break this functionality. 