Changes between Version 132 and Version 133 of Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

2022-12-20T16:58:44+01:00 (21 months ago)



  • Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

    v132 v133  
    269269=== Hydraulic architecture === 
    271 Describes r7829. A new numerical solution for hydraulic architecture has been implemented in the hydrol.f90 module of ORCHIDEE trunk. This hydraulic architecture is controlled thanks to a set of flags. The flag '''ok_hydrol_arch''' imposes the model to solve a hydraulic architecture. By default, the hydraulic architecture developed in ORCHIDEE-CAN is solved (in hydraulic_arch.f90 module). To use the hydraulic architecture developed following Tuzet et al. (2017) model, another flag needs to be set : '''is_tuzet_hydrol_arch'''. When this hydrualic architecture is set up, several options can be added.  
     271Describes r7829. A new numerical solution for hydraulic architecture has been implemented in the hydrol.f90 module of ORCHIDEE trunk. This hydraulic architecture is controlled thanks to a set of flags. The flag '''ok_hydrol_arch''' imposes the model to solve a hydraulic architecture (note that '''energy_control''' should be set to 1 to control this). By default, the hydraulic architecture developed in ORCHIDEE-CAN is solved (in hydraulic_arch.f90 module). To use the hydraulic architecture developed following Tuzet et al. (2017) model, another flag needs to be set : '''is_tuzet_hydrol_arch'''. When this hydrualic architecture is set up, several options can be added.  
    273273Two different ways of solving root absorption are implemented. One with low calculation time using a dynamic resistance or another one solving radially Richards' diffusion equation around the roots. The flag '''ok_tuzet_hydrol_arch_muff''' permits to activate the radial resolution around the roots (by default, it is set to False and the dynamic resistance is used).