Changes between Version 113 and Version 114 of Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

2021-11-22T09:27:06+01:00 (3 years ago)



  • Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

    v113 v114  
    432432|| PARAMETER|| LEAF_M_c (LAI) || ROOT_M_c || SUGAR_LOAD || PLANT_N_UPTAKE || 
    433433|| K_LATOSA || K_LATOSA is used in the calculation of the leaf mass, tuning K_LATOSA will thus directly affect LAI. Increasing K_LATOSA will increase LAI up to the point where sugar_load becomes limiting || Root mass will follow the leaf mass as a fixed function of KF and c0_alloc || Increasing LAI requires more N to sustain the higher NPP, sugar_load kicks in when N-limitations occurs and will decrease GPP and thus also NPP || Uptake increases proportional to the root mass but the N-demand will increase proportional to the leaf mass || 
    434 || K_BELOWGROUND || Lai decreases because more C is now allocated to the roots so there is less C for the leaves. GPP will decrease but not as fast as LAI because there is more plant available N and leaf_m_n may increase || K_BELOWGROUND is used in the calculation of c0_alloc, tuning K_BELOWGROUND alters the ratio between leaf and root allocation. Increasing K_BELOWGROUND increases the root mass relative to the leaf mass but the absolute root mass may decrease due to the decrease in leaf mass. || N-stress will most likely decrease (the value of sugar_load will therefore increase) because the root mass and increase relative to the leaf mass. Hence, the supply of nitrogen increases whereas the demand is decreasing. || PLANT_N_UPTAKE increases because of an increase in root mass. || 
     434|| K_BELOWGROUND || Lai increases because less C is now allocated to the roots so there is more C for the leaves. GPP will increase but not as fast as LAI because there might be not enough plant available N || K_BELOWGROUND is used in the calculation of c0_alloc, tuning K_BELOWGROUND alters the ratio between leaf and root allocation. Increasing K_BELOWGROUND decreases the root mass relative to the leaf mass but the absolute root mass may increase due to the increase in leaf mass. || N-stress will most likely increase (the value of sugar_load will therefore decrease) because the root mass and decrease relative to the leaf mass. Hence, the supply of nitrogen decreases whereas the demand is increasing. || PLANT_N_UPTAKE decreases because of a decrease in root mass. || 
    435435|| VMAX_UPTAKE || Increasing the N supply will allow growing larger canopies even if plant growth before parameter tuning was not N-limited. Interestingly these large canopies may generate lots of gpp resulting in N-limitation which will be reflected in a decreasing value of sugar loading. || Root mass will follow LAI. The absolute value of root mass will increase jointly with the increase in LAI. || N-stress will decrease (so sugar_load will increase). Nevertheless, the effect of increasing VMAX_UPTAKE was observed to level off. || PLANT_N_UPTAKE will increase up to the point that soil_n_min becomes the limiting factor. If this point is reached there will be consequences for litter and soil carbon decomposition and thus heterotrophic respiration. ||    
    436436|| COEFF_MAINT_RESP || More respiration leaves less carbon to be allocated to leaves and roots for a given LAI. Note that the absolute value of LAI will decrease. || More respiration leaves less carbon to be allocated to leaves and roots for a given LAI. Note that the absolute value of LAI will decrease. || For a given LAI the N-demand will decrease (as a smaller fraction of the GPP will be allocated towards biomass growth which requires N) resulting in less N-stress (thus a higher value for sugar_load) || Following the decrease in the allocatable C, root mass will decrease resulting in less nitrogen uptake ||