= METAFOR questionnary = == METAFOR CMIP5 web site == You can find METAFOR Questionnary as defined on page [http://q.cmip5.ceda.ac.uk/cmip5] (need authentication) in the ORCHIDEE DODS with following links : 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_ORCHIDEE.html ORCHIDEE] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Albedo.html Land Surface Albedo] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Carbon%20Cycle.html Land Surface Carbon Cycle] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Energy%20Balance.html Land Surface Energy Balance] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Key%20Properties.html Land Surface Key Properties] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Lakes.html Land Surface Lakes] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Snow.html Land Surface Snow] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Soil.html Land Surface Soil] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Vegetation.html Land Surface Vegetation] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surf%20Soil%20Heat%20Treatment.html Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surf%20Soil%20Hydrology.html Land Surf Soil Hydrology] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_River%20Routing.html River Routing] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Vegetation%20Carbon%20Cycle.html Vegetation Carbon Cycle] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/HTML/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Files.html Files] But we can't modify them without authentication. You can find original text export from METAFOR CMIP5 web site there : 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_ORCHIDEE_txt.html ORCHIDEE] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Albedo_txt.html Land Surface Albedo] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Carbon%20Cycle_txt.html Land Surface Carbon Cycle] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Energy%20Balance_txt.html Land Surface Energy Balance] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Key%20Properties_txt.html Land Surface Key Properties] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Lakes_txt.html Land Surface Lakes] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Snow_txt.html Land Surface Snow] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Soil_txt.html Land Surface Soil] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surface%20Vegetation_txt.html Land Surface Vegetation] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surf%20Soil%20Heat%20Treatment_txt.html Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Land%20Surf%20Soil%20Hydrology_txt.html Land Surf Soil Hydrology] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_River%20Routing_txt.html River Routing] 1. [http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/METAFOR/TEXTES/CMIP5%20Model%20Metadata%20Questionnaire_Vegetation%20Carbon%20Cycle_txt.html Vegetation Carbon Cycle] == Wiki traduction == === ORCHIDEE surface model === ==== Component details ==== Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR Short Name : Land Surface Long Name : ORCHIDEE surface model Description : ==== References [0] ==== ==== Properties ==== || Property|| Definition|| Type|| Options|| Value === Land Surface Albedo === ==== Component details ==== Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface Short Name : Land Surface Albedo Long Name : Description : ==== References ==== ==== Properties ==== || Property|| Definition|| Type|| Options|| Value || General Attributes:SpecificTiling|| Is tiling used in the surface albedo calcualtions?|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || || SnowFreeAlbedo:Type|| Describe the treatment of snow-free land albedo|| One value from list|| N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic|| || || SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]FunctionOf|| Describe the dependancies on snow free albedo calculations|| One or more values from list|| other, soil humidity, vegetation state, vegetation type|| || || SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]Direct-Diffuse|| Is there a distinction between direct and diffuse albedo?|| One value from list|| distinction between direct and diffuse albedo, no distinction between direct and diffuse albedo, other|| || || SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]NumberOfWavelenghBands|| Enter the number of wavelength bands used|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")|| n/a|| || || SnowAlbedo:Type|| Describe the treatment of snow-covered land albedo|| One value from list|| N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic|| || || SnowAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]FunctionOf|| Describe dependancies on snow albedo calculations|| One or more values from list|| aerosol deposition, other, Snow age, Snow density, Snow grain type, vegetation type|| || === Land Surface Carbon Cycle === ==== Component details ==== Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface Short Name : Land Surface Carbon Cycle Long Name : Description : ==== References [0] ==== ==== Properties ==== || Property|| Definition|| Type|| Options|| Value || Soil:Method|| Describe the methods used within the soil carbon cycle scheme|| One or more values from list|| heterotrophic respiration, N/A, other|| heterotrophic respiration || Soil:NumberOfCarbonPools|| How many soil carbon cycle pools are used?|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")|| n/a|| || || Soil:ListOfCarbonPools|| List the names of the soil carbon pools used|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")|| n/a|| || || Permafrost:ListOfGases|| Which gases are included in permafrost?|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")|| n/a|| || === Land Surface Energy Balance === ==== Component details ==== Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface Short Name : Land Surface Energy Balance Long Name : Description : ==== References [0] ==== ==== Properties ==== || Property|| Definition|| Type|| Options|| Value || General Attributes:SpecificTiling|| Is tiling used in the surface energy balance scheme?|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || || General Attributes:NumberOfSurfaceTemperatures|| Enter the number of surface temperatures used|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")|| n/a|| || || General Attributes:[if SpecificTiling is "yes"]SubsurfaceTiling|| Is sub-surface tiling employed?|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || || SchemeMethod:TypeOfEvaporationFormulation|| Specify the formulation method for land surface evaporation|| One value from list|| alpha, beta, combined, Monteith potential evaporation, N/A, other|| || || SchemeMethod:Processes|| Describe whih processes are included in the energy balance scheme|| One or more values from list|| N/A, other, transpiration|| || === Land Surface Key Properties === ==== Component details ==== Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface Short Name : Land Surface Key Properties Long Name : Description : ==== References [0] ==== ==== Properties ==== || Property|| Definition|| Type|| Options|| Value || General Attributes:BasicApproximations|| Decription of the basic approximations made in the LandSurface model.|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")|| n/a|| || || General Attributes:Genealogy|| History of parent models.|| One value from list|| BATS, Bucket, Deardorff, N/A, other, SiB|| || || General Attributes:CouplingWithAtmosphere|| Specify the treatment of land surface coupling with the Atmosphere model component.|| One value from list|| explicit, implicit, N/A, other, semi-implicit|| || || General Attributes:LandCoverTypes|| Types of land cover defined in the land surface model.|| One or more values from list|| bare soil, ice, lake, N/A, other, urban, vegetated|| || || General Attributes:ListOfPrognosticVariables|| Specify which prognostic variables are included in the land surface scheme.|| One or more values from list|| canopy heat content, canopy skin temperature, canopy snow content, canopy water content, N/A, other, river water storage, snow albedo, snow density, snow layer thickness, snow mass, snow water content, soil heat content, soil ice content, soil moisture, soil temperature, surface skin temperature|| || || General Attributes:Tiling|| Is land surface tiling common to all land surface subcomponents?|| One value from list|| common to all LS subcomponents, N/A, other, specific to each LS subomponents|| || || General Attributes:[if Tiling is "common to all LS subcomponents"]TilingMethod|| Describe the method of tiling used|| One value from list|| dynamic, fixed number of types, other|| || || ConservationOfProperties:WaterTreatment|| Specify the treatment of water to ocean|| One value from list|| All water sent to ocean (Instantly), All water sent to ocean (with a lag), N/A, other, Storage|| || || ConservationOfProperties:[if WaterTreatment is "All water sent to ocean (with a lag)"]LagOfWaterDischarge|| Value of the lag duration of the water discharge into ocean.|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")|| n/a|| || || ConservationOfProperties:[if WaterTreatment is "Storage"]WaterStorageMethod|| Give further details of the water storage method|| One or more values from list|| endorheic lakes storage, other, snow as infinite reservoir|| || || TimeSteppingFramework:Method|| Is the time stepping framework used the same as that used in the atmosphere model component?|| One value from list|| N/A, other, specific time step, use Atmosphere time step|| || || TimeSteppingFramework:[if Method is "specific time step"]TimeStep|| Enter the length of timestep in seconds|| Unrestricted (units="seconds") (type="numeric")|| n/a|| || === Land Surface Lakes === ==== Component details ==== Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface Short Name : Land Surface Lakes Long Name : Description : ==== References [0] ==== ==== Properties ==== || Property|| Definition|| Type|| Options|| Value || General Attributes:CouplingWithRivers|| Are lakes coupled to the river routing model component?|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || || General Attributes:[if CouplingWithRivers is "yes"]QuantitiesExchangedWithRivers|| Which quantities are exchanged between the lakes and rivers|| One or more values from list|| heat, other, tracers, water|| || || SchemeMethod:IceTreatment|| Is lake ice included?|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || || SchemeMethod:LakesAlbedo|| Describe the treatment of lake albedo|| One value from list|| diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| || || SchemeMethod:LakesDynamics|| Which dynamics of lakes are treated? horizontal, vertical, etc. || One value from list|| horizontal, N/A, none, other, vertical, vertical + horizontal|| || || SchemeMethod:DynamicLakesExtent|| ||Is a dynamic lake extent scheme included?|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || || SchemeMethod:EndorheicBasins|| basins not flowing to ocean.|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || === Land Surface Snow === ==== Component details ==== Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface Short Name : Land Surface Snow Long Name : Description : ==== References [0] ==== ==== Properties ==== || Property|| Definition|| Type|| Options|| Value || General Attributes:SpecificTiling|| Is tiling used in the land surface snow scheme?|| One value from list|| no, yes|| || || General Attributes:NumberOfSnowLayers|| How many snow layers are included in the model?|| Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")|| n/a|| || || SchemeMethod:SnowAlbedo|| List of biome types of the classification used.|| One value from list|| constant, diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| || || SchemeMethod:SnowDensity|| Description of the treatment of snow density|| One value from list|| constant, N/A, other, prognostic|| || || SchemeMethod:SnowWaterEquivalent|| Description of the treatment of the 'snow water equivalent'|| One value from list|| diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| || || SchemeMethod:SnowHeatContent|| Description of the treatment of the heat content of snow|| One value from list|| diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| || || SchemeMethod:SnowTemperature|| Description of the treatment of snow temperature|| One value from list|| diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| || || SchemeMethod:SnowLiquidWaterContent|| Description of the treatment of the snow liquid water treatment|| One value from list|| diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| || || SchemeMethod:SnowCoverFractions|| Specify cover fractions used in the surface snow scheme|| One or more values from list|| ground snow fraction, N/A, other, vegetation snow fraction|| || || SchemeMethod:Processes|| Implemented snow-related processes|| One or more values from list|| blowing snow, N/A, other, snow interception, snow melting, snow refreezing|| ||