Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Documentation/MetaforOrc

2011-07-28T22:17:14+02:00 (13 years ago)



  • Documentation/MetaforOrc

    v2 v3  
    219219||  SchemeMethod:SnowCoverFractions||  Specify cover fractions used in the surface snow scheme||  One or more values from list||  ground snow fraction, N/A, other, vegetation snow fraction||  || 
    220220||  SchemeMethod:Processes||  Implemented snow-related processes||  One or more values from list||  blowing snow, N/A, other, snow interception, snow melting, snow refreezing||  || 
     222=== Land Surface Soil === 
     223 ==== Component details ====  
     225Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface 
     227Short Name : Land Surface Soil 
     229Long Name :  
     231Description :  
     233 ==== References [0] ====  
     235 ==== Properties ====  
     239||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
     240||  SoilMap:Texture||  Description of the relative clay, sand and silt proportions of the soil||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
     241||  SoilMap:Structure||  Description of the aggregate characteristics of the soil particles||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
     242||  SoilMap:Albedo||  Ratio of reflected to incoming solar radiation on a land surface||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
     243||  SoilMap:WaterTable||  Description of the level of water saturation within the soil layer||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
     246=== Land Surface Vegetation === 
     247 ==== Component details ====  
     249Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface 
     251Short Name : Land Surface Vegetation 
     253Long Name :  
     255Description :  
     257 ==== References [0] ====  
     259 ==== Properties ====  
     263||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
     264||  General Attributes:SpecificTiling||  Is tiling used in the surface vegetation scheme?||  One value from list||  no, yes||  || 
     265||  General Attributes:VegetationRepresentation||  Vegetation classification used.||  One value from list||  biome types, N/A, other, vegetation types||  || 
     266||  General Attributes:VegetationTimeVariation||  How the vegetation fractions in each tile are varying with time.||  One value from list||  dynamical (varying from simulation), fixed (not varying), N/A, other, prescribed (varying from files)||  || 
     267||  General Attributes:Interception||  Vegetation interception of rainwater represented?||  One value from list||  no, yes||  || 
     268||  General Attributes:[if VegetationRepresentation is "biome types"]BiomeTypes||  List of biome types in the classification.||  One or more values from list||  closed shrubland, cropland, deciduous broadleaf forest, deciduous needleleaf forest, evergreen broadleaf forest, evergreen needleleaf forest, grassland, mixed forest, open shrubland, other, wetlands, wooded grassland, woodland||  || 
     269||  General Attributes:[if VegetationRepresentation is "vegetation types"]VegetationTypes||  List of vegetation types in the classification.||  One or more values from list||  broadleaf tree, C3 grass, C4 grass, needleleaf tree, other, vegetated||  || 
     270||  General Attributes:[if VegetationTimeVariation is "fixed" or "prescribed"]VegetationMap||  Characteristics of the vegetation map used (common name and reference, if possible).||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
     271||  SchemeMethod:Phenology||  Description of the treatment of vegetation phenology||  One value from list||  diagnostic (vegetation map), N/A, other, prognostic||  || 
     272||  SchemeMethod:LAI||  Describe the treatment of the leaf area index||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic||  || 
     273||  SchemeMethod:Biomass||  Describe the treatment of vegetation biomass||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic||  || 
     274||  SchemeMethod:BioGeography||  describe the treatment of vegetation biogeography||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic||  || 
     275||  SchemeMethod:StomatalResistanceFunctionOf||  Specify the dependancies on vegetation stomatal resistance||  One or more values from list||  CO2, light, N/A, O3, other, temperature, water availability||  || 
     278=== Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment === 
     279 ==== Component details ====  
     281Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface/Land Surface Soil 
     283Short Name : Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment 
     285Long Name :  
     287Description :  
     289 ==== References [0] ====  
     291 ==== Properties ====  
     295||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
     296||  SoilHeatTreatmentAttributes:SpecificTiling||  Is tiling used in the treatment of soil heat? ||  One value from list||  no, yes||  || 
     297||  SoilHeatTreatmentAttributes:NumberOfGroundHeatLayers||  How many layers are used in ground heat treatment?||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")||  n/a||  || 
     298||  Method:HeatStorage||  Specify the method of heat storage||  One value from list||  Explicit diffusion, Force-Restore, N/A, other||  || 
     299||  Method:Processes||  Describe processes included in the treatment of soil heat||  One or more values from list||  N/A, other, soil moisture freeze-thaw||  || 
     302=== Land Surf Soil Hydrology === 
     303 ==== Component details ====  
     305Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface/Land Surface Soil 
     307Short Name : Land Surf Soil Hydrology 
     309Long Name :  
     311Description :  
     313 ==== References [0] ====  
     315 ==== Properties ====  
     319||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
     320||  SoilHydrologyAttributes:SpecificTiling||  Does the model use a tiling scheme within soil hydrology?||  One value from list||  no, yes||  || 
     321||  SoilHydrologyAttributes:NumberOfGroundWaterLayers||  Enter the number of ground water levels used in the land surface scheme/model||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")||  n/a||  || 
     322||  SoilHydrologyAttributes:WaterStorageMethod||  Describe the method by which water is stored in the land surface scheme/model||  One value from list||  Bucket, Choisnel, Explicit diffusion, Force-Restore, N/A, other||  || 
     323||  SoilMoistureFreezing:NumberOfGroundIceLayers||  How many ground ice layers are included in the land surface scheme||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")||  n/a||  || 
     324||  SoilMoistureFreezing:IceStorageMethod||  Describe the method of ice storage||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
     325||  SoilMoistureFreezing:Permafrost||  Describe the treatment of permafrost within the land surface scheme||  One or more values from list||  N/A, other, specific tiling, specific treatment||  || 
     326||  Runoff-Drainage:Method||  Specify the treatment of runoff||  One value from list||  bulk (undifferentiated drainage and runoff), differentiated drainage and runoff, N/A, other||  || 
     327||  Runoff-Drainage:[if Method is "differentiated drainage and runoff"]Processes||  Specify processes treated within the runoff and drainage scheme||  One or more values from list||  deep drainage, infiltration excess runoff, other, saturated surface runoff, subgrid, subgrid drainage, water table recharge||  || 
     329=== River Routing === 
     330 ==== Component details ====  
     332Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface 
     334Short Name : River Routing 
     336Long Name :  
     338Description :  
     340 ==== References [0] ====  
     342 ==== Properties ====  
     346||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
     347||  General Attributes:SpecificTiling||  Tiling of basins.||  One value from list||  no, yes||  || 
     348||  General Attributes:Resolution||  Is the resolution independant of the land surface resolution?||  One value from list||  independent, inherited from Land Surface, N/A, other||  || 
     349||  General Attributes:NumberOfReservoirs||  Enter the number of reservoirs||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")||  n/a||  || 
     350||  General Attributes:ListOfPrognosticVariables||  Specify the prognostic variables within the river routing scheme||  One or more values from list||  heat, N/A, other, tracers, water||  || 
     351||  General Attributes:WaterRe-evaporation||  Definition of property name WaterRe-evaporation required||  One or more values from list||  flood plains, irrigation, N/A, other||  || 
     352||  General Attributes:CouplingWithAtmosphere||  Is river routing coupled to the atmosphere model component?||  One value from list||  no, yes||  || 
     353||  General Attributes:DrainageMap||  What type of drainage map is being used?||  One value from list||  adapted for other periods, N/A, other, present-day||  || 
     354||  General Attributes:[if CouplingWithAtmosphere is "yes"]QuantitiesExchangedWithAtmosphere||  Which quantities are exchanged between river routing and the atmosphere model components?||  One or more values from list||  heat, other, tracers, water||  || 
     355||  OceanicDischarge:Type||  Specify how rivers are discharged to the ocean||  One value from list||  diffuse, direct (large rivers), N/A, other||  || 
     356||  OceanicDischarge:QuantitiesTransported||  Which quantities are exchanged from river-routing to the ocean model component?||  One or more values from list||  heat, N/A, other, tracers, water||  || 
     358=== Vegetation Carbon Cycle === 
     359 ==== Component details ====  
     361Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface/Land Surface Carbon Cycle 
     363Short Name : Vegetation Carbon Cycle 
     365Long Name :  
     367Description :  
     369 ==== References [0] ====  
     371 ==== Properties ====  
     375||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
     376||  General Attributes:NumberOfCarbonPools||  Enter the number of carbon pools used||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")||  n/a||  || 
     377||  General Attributes:ListOfCarbonPools||  List the carbon pools used within the model carbon cycle||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
     378||  Photosynthesis:Method||  Describe the method used for photosynthesis||  One value from list||  biochemical approach, carbon assimilation approach, light use efficiency approach (LUE), N/A, other||  || 
     379||  AutotrophicRespiration:Method||  Describe the treatment of autotrophic respiration||  One value from list||  implicit, N/A, other, parametrized||  || 
     380||  AutotrophicRespiration:[if Method is "parametrized"]MaintenanceRespiration||  Definition of property name MaintenanceRespiration required||  One value from list||  leaves + fine roots + stems and roots, leaves + stems and roots (leafy + woody), leaves + stems + roots, other, whole plant (no distinction)||  || 
     381||  Allocation:AllocationBins||  Specify the allocation of vegetation carbon bins||  One value from list||  leaves + fine roots + coarse roots + stems, leaves + stems and roots (leafy + woody), leaves + stems + roots, N/A, other, whole plant (no distinction)||  || 
     382||  Allocation:AllocationFractions||  Describe how the fractions of allocation are calculated||  One value from list||  explicitly calculated, fixed, function of plant allometry, function of vegetation type, N/A, other||  || 
     383||  Phenology:Method||  Describe the treatment of vegetation carbon cycle phenology||  One value from list||  implicit (seasonal evolution of LAI), implicit (spectral vegetation indices NDVI or SR), N/A, other, parametrized||  ||