Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of Documentation/MetaforOrc

2011-11-21T14:41:31+01:00 (13 years ago)



  • Documentation/MetaforOrc

    v9 v10  
    111111||  Litter:NumberOfCarbonPools||  How many litter carbon cycle pools are used?||     ||     || '''4''' || 
    112112||  Litter:ListOfCarbonPools|| List the names of the soil carbon pools used   ||     ||     || '''structural and metabolic litter, above and below the surface''' || 
    113 ||  Permafrost:ListOfGases||  Which gases are included in permafrost?         || n/a || n/a || || 
     113||  Permafrost:ListOfGases||  Which gases are included in permafrost?         || n/a || n/a || n/a || 
    278278||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
    279279||  General Attributes:SpecificTiling||  Is tiling used in the surface vegetation scheme?||  One value from list||  no, yes||  || 
    280 ||  General Attributes:VegetationRepresentation||  Vegetation classification used.||  One value from list||  biome types, N/A, other, vegetation types|| || 
    281 ||  General Attributes:VegetationTimeVariation||  How the vegetation fractions in each tile are varying with time.||  One value from list||  dynamical (varying from simulation), fixed (not varying), N/A, other, prescribed (varying from files)|| || 
    282 ||  General Attributes:Interception||  Vegetation interception of rainwater represented?||  One value from list||  no, yes|| || 
     280||  General Attributes:VegetationRepresentation||  Vegetation classification used.||  One value from list||  biome types, N/A, other, vegetation types|| vegetation types || 
     281||  General Attributes:VegetationTimeVariation||  How the vegetation fractions in each tile are varying with time.||  One value from list||  dynamical (varying from simulation), fixed (not varying), N/A, other, prescribed (varying from files)|| prescribed || 
     282||  General Attributes:Interception||  Vegetation interception of rainwater represented?||  One value from list||  no, yes|| yes || 
    283283||  General Attributes:[if VegetationRepresentation is "biome types"]BiomeTypes||  List of biome types in the classification.||  One or more values from list||  closed shrubland, cropland, deciduous broadleaf forest, deciduous needleleaf forest, evergreen broadleaf forest, evergreen needleleaf forest, grassland, mixed forest, open shrubland, other, wetlands, wooded grassland, woodland||  || 
    284 ||  General Attributes:[if VegetationRepresentation is "vegetation types"]VegetationTypes||  List of vegetation types in the classification.||  One or more values from list||  broadleaf tree, C3 grass, C4 grass, needleleaf tree, other, vegetated||  || 
     284||  General Attributes:[if VegetationRepresentation is "vegetation types"]VegetationTypes||  List of vegetation types in the classification.||  One or more values from list||  broadleaf tree, C3 grass, C4 grass, needleleaf tree, other, vegetated||  broadleaf tree, C3 grass, C4 grass, needleleaf tree, other || 
    285285||  General Attributes:[if VegetationTimeVariation is "fixed" or "prescribed"]VegetationMap||  Characteristics of the vegetation map used (common name and reference, if possible).||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="string")||  n/a||  || 
    286 ||  SchemeMethod:Phenology||  Description of the treatment of vegetation phenology||  One value from list||  diagnostic (vegetation map), N/A, other, prognostic|| || 
    287 ||  SchemeMethod:LAI||  Describe the treatment of the leaf area index||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic|| || 
    288 ||  SchemeMethod:Biomass||  Describe the treatment of vegetation biomass||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| || 
     286||  SchemeMethod:Phenology||  Description of the treatment of vegetation phenology||  One value from list||  diagnostic (vegetation map), N/A, other, prognostic|| prognostic || 
     287||  SchemeMethod:LAI||  Describe the treatment of the leaf area index||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic|| prognostic || 
     288||  SchemeMethod:Biomass||  Describe the treatment of vegetation biomass||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| prognostic || 
    289289||  SchemeMethod:BioGeography||  describe the treatment of vegetation biogeography||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic||  || 
    290290||  SchemeMethod:StomatalResistanceFunctionOf||  Specify the dependancies on vegetation stomatal resistance||  One or more values from list||  CO2, light, N/A, O3, other, temperature, water availability||  ||